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Guy s

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Everything posted by Guy s

  1. I'm looking to use masking tape, I see that it has done a neat job for you. Is this the small roller referred to on other blogs, no longer available, or a general purpose small roller cut down to 20mm? Is it foam? I couldn't find a small roller so just made do with a bigger foam roller and cut it down to roughly 20mm, a little mucking around but works a treat. The paint I got from Rextel was a little on the expensive side and knowing what I know now I would've still got the Chromate undercoat to help prevent unwanted corrosion etc but I would then just use a good 2 pack car paint for the final coat.
  2. I use a small roller about 20 mm wide to applied the black stuff which i kept in a jar of water ready to go. I mask everything off with masking tape so keeping everything tidy and not painting unwanted areas. Also you'll need a small brush to get at area's the roller can't reach. I use a Chromate undercoat and 2 pack for the topcoat from Rextel Aerospace coatings.
  3. I didn't bother keeping a track of the hours Bob but it has taken about 14 months to get this stage. I was luckily enough to start the build out the backroom of the house so guess where i was spending my nights and so got plenty done though winter in my quiet time before I got busy again with work. Also when I hit a snag and got a little frustrated I would walk away, and quiet often I would see the light of my problem while working or I would wake up in bed a day or 2 later.
  4. A good kit to build Bob as the quality and how everything matches up is exceptional. Occasionally I got stumped and its good to be able to ring someone up to help you through the problem, thanks to (Mark Kyle,Steve-Rankamateur and Reg Brost) for helping me out and those that replied on this thread-Rick etc. Cheers. The Savannah weight in at 307 kgs so with 2 85kgs blokes and 20kgs of luggage it can carry full fuel 146 ltrs which is not bad. I'm sure you'll have a blast Bob like I did and watching it take shape as you go along, make sure you post the progress.
  5. Well you better get cracking Steve so we can go flying together. the Dynamic Duo
  6. Just a quick update, the Sav is basically finish with a few minor things to finish off before I get it inspected and signed off, which will hopefully happen in a few weeks.
  7. Thanks for posting a piece of interesting history that was kept hidden at first I guess and now just lost in time.
  8. Welcome to the forum Phil and I also learnt to fly in a Jab 230 and found it a great plane to fly and do cross country in.
  9. Hi Rick, The added instruments are a Xcom VHF dual watch Trig transponder ADS-b PAI-700 Vertical magnetic compass as never like chasing the round ball around. Trutrak Gemini A/H with the usual speed,height for a little piece of mind and a neat compact lightweight unit. And a elevator trim gauge. Cheers Guy.
  10. Here my transmit set-up, sliding the button inside the rubber grommet which fits nicely into the hand grip
  11. Think I might have gone along the same lines as you Steve, but me cutting the top of one of the grips and making a real balls up of it. Ringing the Guru for a new grip only to be told no such thing is carry in stock so mmm Anyway found a simple solution involving a long rubber Grommet which are supply in the kit but not intended for this task. The press to talk button can be fitted quite easy and then inserted into the grip, rubber mounted in a sense. Will try and post photo's tomorrow.
  12. With a few wet days hindering work I was able to make time for the Sav again and Dash installed with all the wiring and fuel lines completed. YAHOO
  13. That sucks big time John and definitely a serious kick in the guts. Hope you somehow bounce back flying. It's a sad country with this sort of behavior and no real accountability if they are caught.
  14. Welcome to the forum Onetrack and it's enjoyable reading fellow pilots and people who have interest in flying and their ramblings and at times a little excited banter.
  15. Yes I have the labels Steve but haven't install the taps yet. Will make sure my hands are clean when I got to that task.
  16. I got these manifold taps off Reg Brost and think it's will be a similar set-up but with one tap being on either side and not together.
  17. A quick update, The Sav has left home as I was running out of things I could do till the wings were fitted or maybe I wasn't looking hard enough, anyway into the Hanger we went. Wings are now on and a surprising easy task to fit them. Wiring all done and next on the list is to sort out the fuel lines but on saying that I keep finding lots of small jobs to finish and some turning into bigger jobs. What was it again that someone said, when you think your nearly finish you have 90% to go and I can understand that now but am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel I think
  18. Thanks Rick, Have the Cowl fitted on the outside and can see what needs to be done to make it fit properly, will try it on the inside and go from there. Getting pretty excited at seeing it take shape and getting closer to the finishing stage. I wish I had more time to really get into it and get it finish so I can go flying
  19. Just wondering on Savannah builders whether they put the Cowl on in the inside front fuselage or on the outside. Started he process of fitting the cowl on the outside only to find it tight against the muffler and also touching the water radiator which will require modifying and fiber-glassing of the cowl. Fitting the cowl on the inside will not require any extra work so wondering if it's worth the effort ? as trying to stretch fiberglass is not easy.
  20. I wondered what it's purpose was. I've install mine and guessing that's still ok.
  21. Thanks for the info Bob, I did get roof tinted which apparently cuts out 95% of the UV The newer Savannah's come out with a formed metal sheet that goes on the inside under the roof which will shield the sun rays to a certain extend.
  22. Already on Steve and don't plan on crawling inside. Well I hope not or is that wishful thinking ?
  23. Tail feathers are on
  24. Sounds like a epic project for you in a sense but has been interesting watching the progress and guessing you don't know how many worms in the can till you open can, but thanks for sharing your passion and ingenuity Mark.
  25. Beautiful looking Plane and can see why your enthusiastic.
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