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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. also, I think he has a handheld radio on him, as you can see that his headset is attached still and flapping around when he bails out. 121.5 would have put him in contact with an overflying aircraft easy enough ( I saw at least one contrail high overhead when he was on the ground )
  2. The youtuber, as far as i can tell, has simply made it up, in an effort to garner views... there is no adsb data available for todays flight from what I can tell. The last adsb data available for WMM (that i can find) is from the 17/10. In saying that, its possible, although i'm not sure if it is the done thing, that the ATSB has contacted the many adsb sites and requested the data to be purged after the fact. Regardless, it's very poor form of the youtuber to put out a simulation on the day of this happening!
  3. how often do you cruise at 5000'?
  4. yes, actually, not sure about RG now that you mention it
  5. Yep, RPL, class 2 medical (or greater) and Controlled Airspace, controlled aerodrome and navigation endorsements, you can fly day VFR with a full plane up to 1500kgs mtow. You can also obtain flight activity endorsements such as formation. Aero's I have not looked into for RPL, but design features such as MPPC and RG are also available. RATINGS (NVFR, IFR etc) are not available to RPL holders
  6. Yep, RPL, class 2 medical (or greater) and Controlled Airspace, controlled aerodrome and navigation endorsements, you can fly day VFR with a full plane up to 1500kgs mtow. You can also obtain flight activity endorsements such as formation. Aero's I have not looked into for RPL, but design features such as MPPC and RG are also available. RATINGS (NVFR, IFR etc) are not available to RPL holders
  7. Neil deGrasse Tyson would not lightly put his name to something.
  8. Live and Learn 👌
  9. afaik, rotax don't have a magneto to generate the power to create a spark (like a traditional aircraft engine al la Lyc/conti etc), they have a coil. The coil needs power from battery/alternator/generator to send to plug to make said spark.
  10. I'm confused at the QNH call outs of 120.9 and 127.05?
  11. Its not “ageism” is just the facts. Most any police/atsb/ntsb or any other acronym organisation reports in this standard way ”An (insert age) (insert place of residence) (insert gender/s) died/was injured as a result of a (insert vehicle type) crash, at (insert place and time)”
  12. I had heard that all new Tx have to be Mode-S, havent heard mandating ADSB for any VFR aircraft... source please?
  13. Yep they're still here mate
  14. Why? because I called someone out for being a rude inconsiderate idiot?
  15. deleted...mod @ the OP, Mate, just find another school. Yep, may not be as convenient, but carry on regardless, and you will be the better for it. Perhaps, as I think some others have said, ask for your records, and some reasonings. When you get your RPC, go rub their collective faces in it.
  16. ArcherFalls is fun, one way strip. Heathrow (the one near Proserpine QLD, not the one in the UK) is fun as well, especially as a young inexperienced pilot 🙋🏻‍♂️
  17. I have a skyview touch and a skyview (non touch) both 10in versions. Absolutely love them, and depending on the type of flying you do, can drive dynon AP servos. Flight plans can be sent directly from avplan/ozrwys to the dynon. I personally dont use the touch functions all that much, but it can be on a occasion handy. when paired with an engine sensor package, can display (and importantly, log) everything you engine and aircraft is doing at whatever interval you set. EGT/CHT fuel flow, airspeeds ias and tas, g's, etc etc. very useful for analysis after the fact.
  18. oh yes, of course he is underbrained... silly me *facepalm* far be it from anyone to innovate and try to improve/alter or dare I say it Experiment on Experimental aircraft! and, this is a kitfox 7 SS (design gross 1550 lbs, 700ish kg Link), and as I'm sure you are aware the Skyfox Gazelle (CA-25 variant 1150 lbs, 520kg Link (according to wikipedia, i'm sure i'm be soundly reprimanded if i've got it wrong)) is a similar but quite different.
  19. want to climb faster, cruise faster and takeoff shorter perhaps? just a wild stab in the dark.... 🙄
  20. improvements are welcome. but.. I'm a member (and have been for 20 years) of some forums, that have had the same name the whole time. Aside from a few changes of software, usually functionality and names stay the same. Continuity is what most of us users want. my 2c. Leave the name as it is, leave the forum to act as a forum, the "feed" style front page is not as useful as discrete forum categories.
  21. correct, as am I
  22. 190 knots in the RV. on 2 wheels and 4, i'd rather not incriminate myself. I have done a 11.2 1/4 mile on the bike though
  23. There is a Trent Pascoe who is a LAME at toowoomba. Aviation Specialists Toowoomba. He might be of help.
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