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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. That's rediculous... Does that include BFRs? Does anyone know if vh experimentals are allowed to be used for training? I know they are allowed in the US, and our regs sometimes mirror theirs.
  2. why not train on your highlander mate?
  3. All you have to do s google maps 'orlampa' Ross :)
  4. How did I not know about this
  5. Do patents 'expire' after a certain time period? For an aviation example.. Piper Cub/supercub There are numerous examples produced by an equal amount of companies. And also, say for software, and again to use aviation as an example.. An ipad app for navigation, with georeferenced charts. Common in the US of A for a while, and we have only just gotten them (thanks to God and Bas Scheffers) in the form of OzRunways. Soooo.... its not the general idea that is patented/copyright, but rather the execution, and the way it is done?
  6. camera phone mate :)
  7. "can't" is very subjective... i've seen a lot of 'unstealable' cars get stolen.
  8. like a charm mate..
  9. if you want mate, send it to me, and i'll put it on a rapidgator or similar account
  10. Just go to https://www.dropbox.com/ and create an account, and then share the link on here. That way we can all download it without putting our email addresses up on here.
  11. Put it in a dropbox and post the address... easier and safer for all
  12. We have a member from Dongara, where the pilot was from... I selfishly hope it was not him.
  13. yes exactly what I was wondering
  14. next email you get there is an unsubscribe link down the bottom
  15. Goodo.. hopefully this petition will have some effect if we can get a few hundred or even thousand signatures
  16. If you simply delete the #share part it should still take you to the same page
  17. Hmm dont know why that is... what browser are you using mate?
  18. http://www.change.org/petitions/australian-federal-government-remove-asic-cards-entirely#share Sign it if you agree.
  19. say what now?
  20. where abouts are you DCM? I'm in walkerston.. we need to get a few more pilots up here
  21. I try to stay out of these threads, I read them quite a bit though. The above statement I dont believe to be true. What are you basing this on mate?
  22. Welcome to the site mate. where do you fly from?
  23. G'day mate.i fly out of palmyra, renting the schools sav where I did my cert. unfortunate there is no hangarage available there, all full of big shiny GA typed that get little use. there is an rv9 and hangar for sale if you have 140k though.
  24. Yep they are clever so and so's. I watched "Parker" last night. Jewel thievery and what not.the unbelievable part is 'hotwiring' brand new transponder equipped cars in less then 2 seconds. Not. Possible. Other then that pretty good movie.
  25. woulda been good for the aviators around if they knew... especially if it was sold at american mogas prices
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