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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. Yeah, I have been scouring the atc recordings trying to find the mayday call and such but no luck.
  2. congrats sloper! another milestone
  3. Win news said a beacon had been activated.. Hopefully all get out ok
  4. Aerodynamically sound... Can't see a reason why this would not work
  5. And now to think of a way of intergrating that into a savannah
  6. drift 170 Contour roam. about 299 i think pretty sure you can get a gopro2 from kogan for 269 aswell, just something to keep in mind
  7. An emergency with 30 mins prior notice... I know what they are getting at, but if there is an emergency, you will not be getting notice of it, unless you are psycic (sp?)
  8. lol no worries mate. whats your intended use? Are you a proffessional 'tog?
  9. I personally have always used canon, 7d is a nice body. Do you need a full frame body, or just want to try it out? I know you said budget is no problem, but a cheaper alternative to a d4 is the d800. Greater resolution, effectively the same size sensor (thats the bit that counts, contrary to popular opinion). Downside being not as good low light performance, dynamic range, and noise at high iso. Shameless of me i know.... but... How much do you want for your 7d and lenses if you decide to sell?
  10. ah righto... maybe its just me then. I only ever rev the one i fly to about 5k. 85 to 87 knots is what i see in cruise aswell
  11. haha love icp's quoted cruise of 97knots. Maybe in a dive? i've never seen a airspeed of 97 knots in straight and level flight. maybe if you had it redlined! But the Vision is an attractive looking proposition, design gross of 750 is nice, low stall speed, good glide ratio. Sounds like my kind of aircraft.
  12. @ nunans http://www.mp3licensing.com/mp3/history.html Read that mate... Unfortunately, I don't think apple can lay claim to mp3 much as they have contributed to its popularity @ rest of the posters. I too am a "pc" man, and I don't mean politically correct. But I love the ease of use of iPhone and iPad. And as much ask would love to see ozrunways on a android, the variety of hardware and os Variations I'm sure make it hard. Having said that I think my next handset will be a Samsung galaxy s3 4g when it comes out, simply because I want to be able to record calls natively, which is not possible on apple I understand as a result of the way audio is handled ( or something lol )
  13. Has everything in one corner a couple of times there.. He looked pretty wired when they showed him early on too lol
  14. Bugger
  15. didnt find anyone to fly your sav over hey kyle?
  16. yep i do have a cigarette socket charger, i will bring that. I might still investigate a solar charger or a portable nuclear fission system/hydrogen generator or similar. :P all jokes aside, portable hydrogen fuel cells are already available, albeit at considerable expense and weight. Its only a matter of time until they are viable. I also wonder who will be the 1st manufacturer to make a phone or tablet (more likely due to size) with a PV cell on the back? Cases for ipads are already available with them, but they are around $200.
  17. Nup, your wife is overruled you ARE coming
  18. so yep looks like im going to monto, maj millard and weather (and otherwise) gods willing! For those that have been, what suggestions do you have for a young technologically connected fella such as myself for keeping my iBits (phone and pad) charged? I'm going to go tomorrow and look for a solar charger or similar?
  19. Apparently Gundy has one? I sent him a message asking what sort of benefits he seems from it
  20. i was aware of the ersa entry. I was not aware of the < 100 grams stipulation, which most of the models flown there are well above anyways.
  21. The Bowen (model) aero club has model rc flyers ON the airfield right next to the cross strip.. Don't know if they have an exemption. They are also quite protective of THEIR airfield, and asked us not to fly there on Saturdays because that's when they fly their models.
  22. Hopefully! I've been generously offered a lift by some kind soul, just remains for me to see if annual leave got approved, should find out tonight at work! Would be good to meet some folks. And Tomo I'm sure you can find an aircraft to come up in... You seem to have access to a stable of them
  23. Feel free to post up for all to see nik... I know that I for one am very interested in seeing how you go about it, costs involved and so on.
  24. @majmillard Is that you with bob hoover maj?!?! @FT where you there when it all when pearshaped mate? It would be quite a shakeup
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