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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. seen a c130j hercules the other day fly over Canelands (our local shopping center) at i would estimate no higher then 500ft. Again, its hard to estimate, but it was impressive. And i spose they can get away with it
  2. haha that is neat
  3. yep, like em as is mate, although i dont use them anymore, since i got my Quiet Technologies Halo. But the better half has to wear something right?
  4. another one i could mention, just a handy one... obviously take a pencil for recording when you arrive at your waypoint and turning points. I use a old style pencil (not a clutch pencil, although i do have one as a backup), and i've roughly marked out a scale on it, to measure against the wac without getting out the proper ruler. Also, i have taped a string to it, bright pink builders line, and tyed it to my kneeboard.. saves it falling on the floor.
  5. took me 32 hours for my certificate. slow learner i spose :P my biggest hold up was getting sick every time i strapped an aircraft on
  6. totally offtopic but..... what line of work are you in?
  7. Reckon it does if it's more then 15 years old I think it said ? Or the control cables are known to be more then 15 years old... Or not known to be LESS then 15 years old
  8. Apple are nazi.s dazza.. You can buy the camera connection kit which plugs into the dock connector, and if you happen to have jail broken it, you can plug near anything into it then.
  9. haha yeah so i hear.. i met him the other day... he and matt fly it up today
  10. me mal? or the OP?
  11. by saying american efbs (electronic flight bag) i was referring to WingX Pro and the like...having played with them, albeit on the ground, i think OZrunways is just as good if not better, backed up by the fact teh bas and neil are grassroots pilots like us (well, most of us anyways :D)
  12. Absolutely awesome! I love it, easily as good as the American iPad efbs
  13. epirb/beacon (required by law anyways) water food phone/portable radio. gps (phone?) not for navigating, but handy if you get lost or come to grief im sure some of the more experiance people will chime in with other good ideas too. enjoy your navs... and remember... ITS FOR FUN :)
  14. awesome... tell us how you are going about importing and getting on teh australian register
  15. lol you'se need to get out more
  16. Well done mate :) good feeling innit :)
  17. Wow. That is b e a u tiful!! Love old machines like that. Aircraft or otherwise
  18. Its awesome to see some YOUNG people getting involved in aviation... and i mean no disrespect whatsoever to the older generation, because without them there would be no aviation! But someone has to carry it on, and most of the young people these days are dead beats (geez this makes ME sound old) and i wouldnt trust them to drive a lawn mower, let alone an aircraft! Any way, that was my round about way of saying, Well done, and keep it up.
  19. ah biggles... many a late night reading by torchlight, and mum coming in... 'what are you doing, go to sleep sweety!!' along with hardy boys, three investigators, and whatever else i could get my hands on! Is there a grown ups version on Biggles? I've read a couple of WWII novels, but are there any good aviation series around?
  20. @ yenn, thanks for the info mate.. i easily meet the dimesional reqs. lol. i'm about 5'6-7 and 66kgs. As for the TW wheel endo, that is the thing that is holding me back, as there are no tw aircraft online anywhere around here, and i've never flown one, as much as i want to. The one that i seen in teh add is a VW engine, is your? @peter. Thanks peter i was not aware of the yahoo group, i've just sent an application off to join it
  21. yeah i think so too don :) nice cruise speed and all
  22. Someone has to say it.... This thread is useless without pics... :p
  23. Does anyone know this particular aircraft or type, its owner, or anything about it? Its advertised on the pacific Flyer website in classifieds. Any info appreciated, i dont want to waste my time or the owners before i know a bit more about it
  24. I would consider android if and when bas and crew port ozrunways over :) until then I find it too useful to switch off my iPad
  25. G'day and welcome.. Whereabouts do you fly from?
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