no mate, i dont own a jabiru, and no, i wont be buying one, 'to make up my mind'. Seems a rather expensive exercise to me. My mind is made up (for now, see end of post), and i dont see why because you own a jabiru, you have taken my comments as a personal attack on you, because that is not how it is intended. But i stand by what i said. Especially with my luck, I wouldnt want to tempt fate (if something is ever going to go wrong with any product, it will be the one I get). I Appreciate your offer of a flight, but i must decline. I'm only dissapointed that I cant place my trust in Jabiru motors, becuase i would love to be able to support an Australian company. If you are happy to fly them, go for it, more power to you. Its like the old Ford vs. Holden, Nissan vs Toyota. Everyone is entitled to an opinion about a product... but ones opinion about a product means jack all about people who use it.
And, you could be well right about problems being attributed to how the engines are being treated, but I cannot draw conclusions from that, not having 1st hand knowledge, or knowing the owners/operators of them. I can only go on statistics. I only wish I could actaully get some solid figures, and have the time to go through a pile of accident investigations. Im happy to be proven wrong, but until then, i will be staying out of jab powered aircraft.
edit: to anyone who has access to figures, it would be great if you could compile a list, and populate a time/failure graph.
also, does anyone know the failure rate of the 3300? I personally havent heard of many of them failing?