what a bunch of whingers we are in Australia. Tall poppy syndrome is in full effect. Heaven forbid someone works within the rules and guidelines and tries to make some money. Instead of talking about how this aircraft is all too expensive and a load of <mod censored> (someone said it earlier in the thread, not verbatim, that was the gist though) we should be celebrating the fact that we are able to have access to such aircraft under the RaAus umbrella. FFS. I go on a couple of other non-australian aviation forums, and yes, there are arguments and disagreements, but they are the exception, not the rule. Its trip reports, discussions on the merits of this brand of engine vs that, construction logs.
All us aussie's ever seem to do is want things to "go back to the way they were", whilst we look down from 5000ft, with our ipad on our lap, with an engine that doesnt require a rebuild every 300 hours, whilst still fighting against any progress that we are not going to directly use.
Proposal. If you are against the advancements, dont use any. If you still want to live in 70's or 80's, off ya go. not above 300ft (or whatever it was), no GPS!! no ipad. No spot trackers. No electronic trickery-buggery.
My point is, there are some amongst us who are happy to take the little bits i've mentioned above (ipads and the like) and embrace them for their actual and/or perceived safety benefits, but anyone who takes such technology to the next (and the next, ad nauseum) step, draws their ire and resentment. I'm sure it will be the same till the end of time. "It wasnt like this in my day" well, of course it bloody wasn't! Technology changes, things advance!
rant over. I'm going flying, with my ipad and my Dynon
Mate, good luck with the franchise/dealership