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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. Im a nerd haha
  2. And worth every cent imho
  3. So, After posting my last cost estimate, I got all nerdy, and did a spreadsheet. Picture of the results linked below, as I apparently dont have permission to upload pictures ? Click Me!
  4. I have an Rv7a Latest annual cost me $2900 due to being the 1st one with this LAME and also had to pull the mags off and replace the sprockets (AD). the one before that cost me $1700 Hangarage at Caboolture is $330 ish per month insurance is around $1400 / half year with a no claims bonus, $95000 insured hull value Fuel, anywhere from 27 to 40 litres / hour, depending on what I'm doing. Tooling around or actually going somewhere at a great rate of knots. at whatever the going rate is (I dont even look at the bowser ?) its definitely the cheapest part of flying
  5. Slightly obscured, but you get the idea. 1x dynon skyview touch and a trig tx and radio. Simple.
  6. None of this applies to Australia
  7. I use either a mobile (gs10) 3040x1440 or at my pc 2560x1440. What percentage of user is using 1024x768?
  8. I know this is a thread revival but... Yes, "Affirm" is a transient verb or some such... but we take it to mean "Yes" Along the same vein, "Quebec" is a place, and "Romeo" is a Proper Noun, as well as an erstwhile character in a Shakespearean play, but we all know the "code", so I'm not sure where the confusion and the ensueing arguments are arising from.
  9. Ah i see.... cotton wool / bubble wrap and all that :) Cheers mate, awesome trip and awesome write up
  10. whats the story with those airstrips that are in the middle of the highway mate? what did you find out about them?
  11. imgur is free. but yeah anyway, just giving you some feedback
  12. a jpeg will lose detail each time it is saved inside a editor that is compressing it ie photoshop. If you are simply copying and pasting the file to another place, it will not degrade the quality. Each file has a CRC or a checksum. a digital DNA if you will, and any change to a single pixel of that file would result in a change of that checksum hash, and rather than lose quality, you would be simply unable to open it (by ordinary means) I would have to check to be sure, but I think that opening a jpeg in simple editor, such as MS paint for instance, would not result in such as loss. From memory, MS paint does not do any JPEG compression. A simple way around such limitations as we are talking about (dimensions, file size etc) that are enforced by most forums, is to use other hosting (such as IMGUR, Imgur ) and link to them on the forum by wrapping tags%20around%20them.%20Most%20of%20these%20image%20hosters%20do%20some%20dynamic%20resizing%20to%20suit%20the%20size%20of%20whatever%20client%20is%20viewing%20it.
  13. I agree... but. If you are hiring a machine out, I doubt you can run any sort of maintenance, except that which the OEM and the regulator sets
  14. why not leave full size? maybe up the jpeg compression if you are worried about bandwidth
  15. I dont know if it is still the case, but the maintenance manual I had for my Rotax said that hours are counted according to when the engine was running. Not air switch. So, if they have to maintain according to hours, it stands to reason that they would charge according to hours,
  16. Oh.. Crap. Sorry mate, haha I was genuinely confused... Now I see the innuendo... Hey, I'm on night-shift! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it
  17. The Dog Stars. - Once you get past the somewhat odd prose, its a great read. Not about aviation per se, but featured heavily in it. I wont give away the story line. Forever Flying - RA Bob Hoover. No explanation needed Stick and Rudder - Wolfgang Langewiesche The Bush and mountain flying handbook - CC pocock Mountain Flying - Sparky Imeson Winging it - Jack Jefford
  18. yep. I've not trained in a 19-, but my instructor was willing provided it "wasn't a shitbox", and I have trained in a VH experimental that I own.
  19. I thought you could train in a 19- so long as you did own it?
  20. what a bunch of whingers we are in Australia. Tall poppy syndrome is in full effect. Heaven forbid someone works within the rules and guidelines and tries to make some money. Instead of talking about how this aircraft is all too expensive and a load of <mod censored> (someone said it earlier in the thread, not verbatim, that was the gist though) we should be celebrating the fact that we are able to have access to such aircraft under the RaAus umbrella. FFS. I go on a couple of other non-australian aviation forums, and yes, there are arguments and disagreements, but they are the exception, not the rule. Its trip reports, discussions on the merits of this brand of engine vs that, construction logs. All us aussie's ever seem to do is want things to "go back to the way they were", whilst we look down from 5000ft, with our ipad on our lap, with an engine that doesnt require a rebuild every 300 hours, whilst still fighting against any progress that we are not going to directly use. Proposal. If you are against the advancements, dont use any. If you still want to live in 70's or 80's, off ya go. not above 300ft (or whatever it was), no GPS!! no ipad. No spot trackers. No electronic trickery-buggery. My point is, there are some amongst us who are happy to take the little bits i've mentioned above (ipads and the like) and embrace them for their actual and/or perceived safety benefits, but anyone who takes such technology to the next (and the next, ad nauseum) step, draws their ire and resentment. I'm sure it will be the same till the end of time. "It wasnt like this in my day" well, of course it bloody wasn't! Technology changes, things advance! rant over. I'm going flying, with my ipad and my Dynon Mate, good luck with the franchise/dealership
  21. personally, I would toss the pads, and clean the discs and calipers with some aerosol brake cleaner. You could try cracking the bleeder, and pushing the cylinders in a little to get an air gap and then spray the brake cleaner in, and see how it works out. Depends how much a set of pads is worth I spose.
  22. We drove and it was no drama... There is heaps of parking, sometimes a bit of a walk, but no difference to walking the runway once, which one probably does 4 times a day. Traffic on the road is also fine, police direct eaa traffic right through a lot of red lights etc
  23. Yep, I went in '15, and fully intend to go again probably next year, along with sun n fun. We stayed for the whole week, there is simply too much to take in. After a few days of watching the constant air show, one becomes immune, and then you can start going to seminars and tutorials on whatever subject your heart desires. Make sure that you go to the seaplane base, its a nice spot just to relax and have a feed if nothing else. The ultralight field at the southern end is definitly worth a look, usually the back country guys like kevin quinn steve henry and trent palmer put on a show. There are (or where when i was there) phone charger points in the EAA tent near the tower from memory. There is a large factory outlet mall accross highway 41 that runs a free shuttle to airventure, if you fancy a spot of shopping. Dont forget the EAA museum as well, which is on the grounds, but accessed from off highway 41 on poberezny rd. some awesome history in there. Take comfortable, well worn in shoes, or you WILL know about it. We stayed in a little cottage on the shore of lake Poygan Here. It was a half an hour or so drive in to the eaa grounds, which was not ideal, but it was quite nice. I would probably consider camping or something next time.
  24. *in the voice of little red ridding hood* and who's been parking outside *MY* hangar!?!!!? awesome pics mike, looks like a good flight. I was looking skyward all day wishing I could fly
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