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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. yeah mate not having a go at ya.. just giving you my opinion in the light of my somewhat (read; extremely) limited opinion
  2. Jealous that you get to work in such beautiful surrounds!!!
  3. i found out 1st hand why this is a seperate endorsement yesterday, on my 1st navex with my cfi. coastal route from palmyra-homebush-avoid island-stlawrence-middlemount-capella-emerald-middlemount-nebo-palmyra. The first half from palmyra to stlawrence was EASY! coastal navs is easy imho.. heaps of inlets that are easily matched from map to ground. peculiarly shaped islands, distinctive mountains etc. Once your inland, its a whole different ballgame! i'm glad i had a instructer with me. He let me make a few mistakes, and only intervened when i was in a bit of poo. It was then ground to map, and not so easy at all. lots of mines around this area which is a two edged sword.. what you may think is mine 'x' is actually mine 'y'. And not all are on the charts! But the fact remains, i believe it is a good idea to make it a seperate endorsment. my 2c
  4. The one I've heard of being very popular is the bad-elf gps... Apparently very accurate and speedy
  5. gdya mal, not sure if i met you out at the field or not.. welcome to the board
  6. too true... and i spose thats where america is bad as well... very litigatious (sp?). get sued for looking at someone sideways
  7. yup.. I own 2 dirt bikes that rarely get used because everywhere we go to ride, we get chased out becuase it is a 'ecologicly sensitive area'. Meanwhile, they are logging it. Whether its aviation, bikes, guns, geez, even PAINTBALL guns in Australia you need a license for. Slingshots, laser pointers. The list goes on. ANyways, thats my rant
  8. yeah daz... i've spent some time in teh states as a kid, and loved it. And i'm serioulsy contemplating moving over there.. the personel freedom allowed is awesome. And not just in respect to aviation. Lot of nutjobs in the big city, but you wouldnt catch me there anyways! Deep south or Far north for me :) Of course there are downsides... wages do not compare to Australia for the average guy, and the medical system is ludicrous. All a matter of choices isnt it
  9. Looks nice :) so does the plane.... Muhahaha *evil laugh*
  10. looks good tomo! How long does it take to Rig/Derig?
  11. thanks kaz, i knew someone would have a definative answer for me cheers
  12. So there are lots of videos on YouTube et cetera, of aircraft landing on beaches, gravel bars in rivers and such... What is the legality in Australia? Looks fun would love to do the same.
  13. let me know if your ever in nth qld aussie
  14. thanks for the info aussie... I was under the impression that its the actual composite construction that is at risk if left exposed to UV for extended periods? Not just the paint? Can anyone comment on that?
  15. yeah i know geoff, would prefer in a hanger, but would settle for tied down as well.. but no more aircraft allowed at the airfield i fly from :(
  16. If only there was hangar age available!!!! I'd sell what remaining relatives I have, mortgage the house (some more) and buy one
  17. very nice mate! what sort of build time and cost is involved?
  18. was unaware there was another thread already... so sue me
  19. http://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/article/2012/05/10/480661_latest-news.html hope it turns out ok
  20. Palmyra is 18/36 bitumen, about 700m length(not all useable do to a fence on the northern end, and some vegetation on the southern end.) , ctaf 126.7. RH circuits to 18 due to the close proximity of mackay airspace. And dont leave your base turn to late either as if you are too far north, you will bust airspace. look on your chart you will see what I mean. i cant seem to insert a link do to some unknown cause, but copy/paste http://www.nearmap.com/[email protected],149.076651&ll=-21.21114,149.076651&z=17&t=h&nmd=20100716 into your browser. the strip generally used is the eastern one, in front of the hangers, wind generally from the east, producing mechanical turb. from the hangers. Some of the GA aircraft use the dragstrip, which has powerlines on both sides of it.
  21. detonation/pinging is 2 (or possibly more) flame fronts meeting within the combustion chamber. one ignited by the plug, the other from hot carbon deposits, or compression in an excessivly lean mixture, to low an OCTANE rating, or other such as advanced timing
  22. anyone know what the rod ratio is on this motor? Ie. if its a real short rod, this produces more sideloading on a piston. longer rods = equal less angle = less sideloading forces. Downside is a longer rod does put a bit more strain on the valve train. just a thought
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