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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. @ FrankM. Mate, i know you own a jab... Please be assured I am not attacking YOU because you own a jab. And I picked up your thinly veiled comment about people with no experiance commenting. We've all gotta start somewhere. edit: The rest deleted... not gunna waste my breath
  2. i must add too, well done to the instructor/student. I too am a low hour newly minted 'pilot' and seriously, as much as i love flying and aircraft, if someone offered me a ride in a jab powered aircraft, i think i would give it a miss! I know a failure can happen to any powerplant, not just jabs. I'm a diesel fitter/motor mechanic, and i've seen some catastropic engine failures in industrial motors like cat 3126's that are supposedly bulletproof, but jabs now have such a bad record, i dont think its worth tempting fate honestly. Give me Rotax or lycoming. Hell, give me a greatplains vw, or a subie ea81! I had a subaru brumby with an unopened ea81 with 400k k's on it! My 2c worth
  3. Wish they would address the issue! Seems a few jabs going down... Pity, being an otherwise good Aussie product
  4. what do you want farri? just farri, or something else? lol sorry for the thread hijack jen :P
  5. want me to make you one farri?
  6. hello and welcome :)
  7. While at some stage we all need to do rh circuits for whatever reason, I don't know why you would ever choose to do one when one doesn't have to? At palmyra we do rh circuits on 18, because or the close proximity of ybmk airspace immediately east of us, and I know, wind permitting, I would rather use 36 and do a lh circuit
  8. Thanks all for the welcome. Mackay is ok I suppose, just expensive. Hey win, how was the barbie mate?
  9. Hi all. Recently got my raaus ticket, I'm 27 and live in the grand city of mackay ( sarcasm intended). I've come here from another site, and see a few familiar names already, should be good to meet some new peoples as well
  10. Hongie

    Imported Item

    She wears converse shoes, must be cool... I'm a fan :)
  11. would love to be able to hear the motor, not the music lol. but yeah, nice vid, nice scenery
  12. Will do seb. Thanks. Must say I do watch master chef and my kitchen rules though :) I like cooking, just not real good at doing it myself... Bit like flying I suppose now I think of it
  13. Haven't heard of that one emu... I don't have foxtel, I just download them if I like them... Bonus being, NO ADS!!
  14. Yeah Ariel is a laugh... Easy on the optic nerve too... I'll have a look at those other shows too kyliefil
  15. Hi all.. Anyone else interested in aviation tv shows? The three I watch as soon as they are out are"Alaska wingmen", "flying wild Alaska" and "ice pilots NWT" (northwest territories). All pretty good, with some good pilots, although you do have to take some of the sensationalism with a grain or 3 of salt at times. As you can probably tell they are all north America/Alaska centric, but good viewing none the less. If you know of any others, let me know!
  16. I understand hydro/aqua planing is fairly common place in Alaska and Canada with the bush pilots landing on little gravel bars and such... I don't believe they do it for the thrill, rather they need to, to achieve their goals, whatever they may be
  17. Prison officer?
  18. Can't register twin engines raaus? Could be wrong
  19. all depends on the situation mate... i usually shoot in Tv or Av, which is shutter or exposure priority. focus is a personal preference, but aerial shots it would be most likely auto, as most lenses will be at maximum focus anyways. Nice lense by the way, L series lenses are very nice... might want something a little wider angle though if you are going the landscape pics, say a 50mm lense, and step it right out to about f16, unless you are doing some close in stuff and you want to create some depth of field
  20. this thread is an epic failure wityhout pictures of aforementioned 'young delectable piece' :P
  21. Yeah I was wondering about it... I sent a message to the vendor asking a few questions, but alas I still have no where to put an aircraft at this stage.. :( otherwise, it coulda been me!!
  22. @ shags.... Never heard a rotax without prop, but I've seen videos of electric planes, and when flying esp on takeoff, sound much the same as a piston a/c. So yes, I believe it's tip noise. No basis excepting my own observation
  23. What brand are rec flying ones Ian? I have one and it seems pretty good to me
  24. Not sure if they can be made to fit a sportstar, but http://www.airflow-systems.com/ do systems for rv's which I think are popular in the US
  25. Working :(
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