Darky, I can sympathize, I get airsickness at times, and those that say it's psychological are largely right I think. An example of this is the second last solo I did before I get signed off.
Myself and the cfi did some efato drills, landed, he got out, told me to go off for an hour. So off i went... Was a pretty rough day, plenty of pot holes in the sky. I could feel myself starting to feel sick (straight after I though "geez hope I don't get sick"). Flew for another 5 mins or, thinking about whether I could tough it out. Decided to err on the side of caution and had back to the aerodrome. As soon as I made that decision and started preparing to enter he circuit, and actually actively started using my brain, I felt better... By the time I had landed and taxied back, I felt right as rain.
As for nausea pills, I sometimes take blackmores travel calm ginger pills. They seem to work, or the placebo affect does. Either way, gets the desired effect.
As for nausea pills, sometimes take blackmores