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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. Hell yeah!!! That is all
  2. Glint, your definitly not alone... I had quite a bit oftrouble with this.. and my instructor always tells me to put my bum on the center line... practice it when you are taxiing.. should be the same "sight picture"
  3. Reading "tales of the south pacific" at the moment... Seems pretty good. Just finished "ghost in the wires" by Kevin mitnick... A name any old nerd like myself should be familiar with. Both are non fiction though
  4. Ok thanks mate :)
  5. Does the tailwheel in the p51 retract with the mains? In the photo purported to be just before impact the tailwheel is out... Could mean he had dumped the gear in attempt to wash speed? I'm sure someone can prob explain better
  6. Looks good mate... And if I can pose a rude question? What is the going rate to hire a r22 or r44? A friend of mine at work is dead keen to learn to fly the real thing after getting into rc copters
  7. To paraphrase biggles... "Don't cross the line under ten thousand feet, and always look for the pole in the sun"
  8. Darky, I can sympathize, I get airsickness at times, and those that say it's psychological are largely right I think. An example of this is the second last solo I did before I get signed off. Myself and the cfi did some efato drills, landed, he got out, told me to go off for an hour. So off i went... Was a pretty rough day, plenty of pot holes in the sky. I could feel myself starting to feel sick (straight after I though "geez hope I don't get sick"). Flew for another 5 mins or, thinking about whether I could tough it out. Decided to err on the side of caution and had back to the aerodrome. As soon as I made that decision and started preparing to enter he circuit, and actually actively started using my brain, I felt better... By the time I had landed and taxied back, I felt right as rain. As for nausea pills, I sometimes take blackmores travel calm ginger pills. They seem to work, or the placebo affect does. Either way, gets the desired effect. As for nausea pills, sometimes take blackmores
  9. I'm a proud member of the eaa. If only they had a presence in Australia! Imagine what we could accomplish mazda?!
  10. holy crap... i knew it would be bad if a rotor struck something faily solid... must say i didnt think it would be that bad!
  11. absolutely... love the look of the pipersport but its a bit pricier
  12. Hmm ok thanks blackrod... As long as I can reach the rudder pedals is my biggest drama, being rather vertically challenged at about 166 or so
  13. Kraut on the left looks like Schultz!! "I know nussing!!!"
  14. ah so it is... their other offering is a quite nice looking aircraft aswell... very similar, sleeker looking tail section
  15. Where did you get the price list mate?
  16. yeah still waiting on a reply
  17. hehe i wouldnt rule it out.. i'm assuming its factory built and eligible for 24- rego?
  18. -23.652386,149.332446 that's the coordinates of google maps for what i think is the roadhouse and the strip immediately south of it
  19. just left a comment on the outbackaircraft site looking for more info... unfortunatly i still havent recieved my raa mag for this month, although the newsagent has had it for a week :(
  20. And 90k? 115kt cruise?! Rotax?!! Sounds like a bargain and perfectly suited to what I want!!!
  21. Geez very nice looking ac don... Rotax? Lsa-able?
  22. Just confirming Ian... Screen is capacitive?
  23. I believe some schools can get an exemption allowing them to operate within cta
  24. Suitably compensated I hope?
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