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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. RIP Ross old mate, we had many a good chat, i'll miss you and your wisdom. You where always available when i wanted advice or a chat, even if I did spew in your plane going to Monto. I'm getting to the point of wondering if this is worth it.... we've lost so many good people in the last few years, which has contributed to my no longer flying. What a senseless waste of human life.
  2. righto no worries mate, send me a msg then
  3. Hey Nick did you make it down to Palmyra today? I was out there for a couple of hours but I didnt spot you
  4. mackay aero club holds a SAR drop and landing comp tomorrow at Palmyra if you are interested. I'm not sure if i'll be making it this month, but i'm sure you would be welcome.
  5. where are you staying mate?
  6. that second strip is the Just Aircraft factory.
  7. what are the CASA issues with the 210 mark?
  8. 24 registered aircraft can be owner maintained, but will need l2 maintainance before and during any online use
  9. As usual I'm at work haha.. Have fun and take pictures!
  10. Is experimental ifr available? Vh exp that is?
  11. There is an easment missing...look at the flyer (green one) and youll see it
  12. well done mate. Where abouts did you do it?
  13. How did you do an raa cta endo? How many hours instruction did they want?
  14. sorry to hear this mate
  15. Gday mate, i'll tell you what I have.. I have no experiance with sennheiser or lightspeed, but I have a quiet Technologies Halo, and its great. Comfortable, quiet, and you can wear whatever glasses or hat you want with no problems. Only downside that I can see is that its slightly fiddly to put on. https://www.quiettechnologies.com/
  16. i've got the quiet technologies halo one mentioned above and i love it... the only downside i can find is it is a little bit slower getting on. A bit fiddlier then a headset
  17. Wow he had busy feet
  18. If there are any flight simmers, just an interesting sidenote, this is Austin meyers that has made this app, of X-Plane fame.
  19. Youre writing a book?
  20. Hahah I've been told that... Champagne taste on a beer budget is the reality mate
  21. Love it looks good. http://www.motoart.com/ this mob or someone like them put a dc3 prop on a half a hp motor as a fan... Looked awesome
  22. I want to see one of the Cessna hovercrafts
  23. If this is the eight six/brz motor, I would think it would. I've followed this motor a bit in cars, and its a lot stronger then the old fj series of motors, which are stronger again the the ea motors. Obviously would need to have a few redundancy systems designed.
  24. http://www.lightsportaircraftblog.com/just-aircraft-super-stol-flight-report/Just-Aircraft-Super-STOL-experimental-aircraft-pilot-report-page-2.htm This is not the original place I seem 1500 lbs referenced, but I can't seem to find the interview. Will keep looking
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