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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. CASA.... C^&*S Against Sensible Aviation
  2. Damn Straight. When I was young(er), I ate dirt, skinned my knee, learnt to be careful with belt sanders after it got caught in my shirt, etc. Fell from trees, learnt to shoot when I was 4, never shot anyone, and got kissed by the dog and as a result, my immune system kicked in, I learnt real world lessons, and it didnt kill me! Makes me feel and sound old, but... BRING BACK THE OLD DAYS!
  3. With jeep view or ozrw mate? I know with oz you used to be able to load two, providing one was a ipad one was an iPhone
  4. Also check out flightgear. Apparently pretty good, I personally haven't tried it.
  5. The worldeditor and such is open source I find xplane 9 to be great for procedure practice and things like that.. Ifr, ils approaches..playing with certified avionics. Haven't tried 10 yet but I think I will get it and buy a yoke and pedals. I have a full hotas setup, but it doesn't really work for GA type flying. Was good for falcon 4, lomac, and all the other dcs hardcore sims back in the day. If anyone is interested, have a look at trackir. It's a head tracking system that allows you to look around your virtual cockpit by just moving your head.
  6. wow.. love to have a look at that some time
  7. Sounds good mate..where is the -10? In mackay?!
  8. Your right about ozrunways jake, I add info to nearly every strip I come into.
  9. I think the list of airstrips is still available up top under pilot tools too mate.
  10. -21.160931, 148.940147 marian. Google maps tells me that the N/S strip is 699m long and E/W is 620. -21.210879, 149.076650 Palmyra. about 680m usable
  11. Hey mate, i fly out of palmyra what do you want to know? As Maj said, very close to mackay control zone. 36/18. circuits on 18 all rh. Dont extend your downwind for 18, if you go to far north, once you turn base you will encroach airspace. Fly Neighborly, offset track on takeoff from 18 to avoid whingers at the end of the strip. 'Strip' is the return road for the dragstrip, watch out for cars, bikes etc that may be there doing driver/rider training, they usually stay on the dragstrip proper. Anything else just ask mate.
  12. Keep Ross away from women and alcohol :p
  13. :poke_tongue_out:At what point will that be powerin? I'm still waiting for it
  14. You'll get the hang of it :)
  15. I personally have never used an ANC aviation headset, but I do have boss qc15 hifi 'phones and they are awesome. They can be adapted to aviation by buying a ugly mike addon, much to Bose' disappointment. My aviation headset of choice is a quiet technologies halo. If you hate the feeling of the vase grip that some headsets put on your head, or you like to wear a hat, check em out. Most aircraft that are available GA or Raaus will use what's called a GA plug, although there are other that have a ships power type plug for use with ANC headsets. One can also get military plugs I think, but I know nothing about them. Hope I got all that right..just finished nightshift
  16. Good stuff mate, where at and what in?
  17. 515 is good stuff, I can attest to that.
  18. Here's to hoping he makes a speedy and complete recovery. Thanks for the update JabSP6. If you talk to him or his family, let them know that the community is pulling for them.
  19. Not sure if this is the section, as it applies to RaAus as much as Zenith. I'm sure the mods will move it if they need to. My question is this. Zenith lists the stall speed (dual) of a 601HDS at 54mph which is 47 knots. over the 45 knot raaus stall speed limit. In saying that, there a few HDS's on the RaAus register. Is it possible to register them if it can be demonstrated that the stall speed is lower, ie with the addition of VG's etc. Would be interested in talking to any HDS owners. thanks in advance. Hongie
  20. I recieved my Magazine yesterday sans voting forms. So, I sincerely hope that they do indeed put it off a month, so that i have a chance to vote.
  21. Gday Buzz... errr roger.. IMHO, continue on with your RaAus Cert, and if and when the time comes that you want to fly heavier or in CTA, do the RPL. Whereabouts are you flying from mate?
  22. Also mate, if you come up with anything from CASA, link me to it if you could. Interested in this myself
  23. ozi explorer mate, will probably be your best bet
  24. I read on backcountry pilot awhile ago about some legislation passed in a few US states about this exact situation. The gist of it was that all liability rests on the shoulders of the PIC, as should be the case with a unlicensed aerodrome, or off field landing IMHO. Perhaps some of our legal eagles should draft some legislation and we can lobby for it to be adopted?
  25. I've wondered, and surmised that they are usually departing the pattern for places beyond. Good day, see ya etc.
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