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Everything posted by Hongie

  1. The only way afaik for an owner of a VH experimental to do the maintenance, if he is not the builder, is if the owner is a LAME.
  2. I'm a fitter/mechanic, so my interest in it will be largely unaffected.
  3. happy to help.. and if i ever have need to do it, I'll be printing that out and taking it with me :)
  4. Sorry for the thread revival. I emailed CASA about the original question by the OP. Here is the response by Miles Harris Brad I draw your attention to CAR 1988, Part 1, Para 2 Interpretation, para 7 as follows: I agree that you are able to carry tools of your trade on board a CASA GA acft for the purposes of conducting a job at your destination. The reward you are receiving is for your professional services required only at the other end of the trip, not for the use of the acft to get yourself there. Sections (v) and (viii) highlighted is, in my opinion, a hybrid of where you are at wrt your case scenario below and is deemed to be a private operation. Concerning RA-Aus acft, you would have to approach them, and get there technical advice on this matter. If you wish to present this email to them, I don’t have any issues with this. Rgds
  5. Try and do that shot again Ian with the smoke above the horizon... I reckon that would look even more interesting... ie from a lower altitude.
  6. Wish I coulda made it guys... Working is the curse of the flying class. Looks like a good day... Oshkosh ain't got nuttin
  7. Would love to go but I'm out at work still :(
  8. Mr mals hangar spot is MINE! Hands off lol !
  9. Hey mate. I live in walkerston, I feel your pain on the hangarage front, not much to be had in mackay. The pup looks good mate, what motor is it?
  10. Not all of us :) I happen to find buses quite invigorating anyway. But seriously, while I love flying, there are not many people my age (29) who are. A lot of work friends express an interest, but none bar a couple have ever taken me up on the offer of a flight.... Maybe that says something about their perception of me? Dunno.
  11. yeah, i meant an ag plane in general... i wiki'd it, otherwise I wouldnt have known it
  12. Not an expert, but i didnt realise that an 0540 would need a redrive? Prop size a factor? edit: ad to that i know nothing about ag trucks
  13. not sure i'm a wally... just wouldnt particularly like it done on my aircraft.. The mechanic in me knows that the main bearings etc are not made for that force vector if thats the way to term it. My guess, and its just that, a guess, is that the worst time for the bearing in this operation is the 1st compression stroke when they 1st start pulling.. after that the motor is rotating I'm supposing that it would ok.
  14. not sure how kind it would be to the crank though... no doubt that it works though
  15. VH-POO is a cessna 185 i think? I'm sure ive seen a picture of it on here somewhere
  16. yep thats "big rocks and long props"
  17. Ok then. I'll tell him to ring pathfinder.. That's close to where he is I think anyway. Thanks all
  18. Hi guys, Got a mate in brisbane with a son who he is wanting to get a TIF for. Who has a good reputation and any cost details appreciated. The kid is 13 if that makes a difference. Cheers
  19. Yeah mate, as Mark said above, so long as you have a 3G/4GLTE capable ipad, it has a proper Hardware GPS inbuilt, and you dont even need a SIM card installed, unless you want to access BOM WX and such in flight.
  20. Indeed. I have my hardcopy, spreadsheet online, and spreadsheet saved locally.
  21. I nearly purchased an amateur built taildragger a couple of weeks ago, thinking, and so was my instructor, that I could be instructed in it.. glad I didnt, as there are none online that I know of anywhere around here.
  22. Rpl/ppl here I come... I'm over this lol
  23. Do ou regs supersede casa? Advisory circular 21.4 (2) says 17 FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS 17.1 Since experimental amateur-built aircraft are not required to conform with an ICAO Annex 8 design standard, there is no formal requirement for a flight manual. However, useful information should be available to the pilot. Design standards such as FAR 23 indicate the sort of information. The General Aviation Manufacturer's Association (GAMA) format flight manual is recommended. 17.2 Flight training will be permitted under certain circumstances, ie type endorsement training and training given in the aircraft to its owner The next section goes onto talk about Maintainence and only then differentiates between an owner and an owner/builder. Where is our resident lawyer?
  24. http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/consol_reg/car1988263/s262ap.html Section 2g Obviously raaus are different, but why?
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