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Everything posted by justinm001

  1. what do you folks mean by wet or dry ? thanks :)
  2. Not to go offtopic..... Cam if your saving that much money after 4 years you should put the money on a house :) Assuming housing prices keep going up heaps in a few more years you could sell the house, buy a smaller house + have money left over for a plane. *edit* plus if your living at home you could rent out the house for more $$.
  3. *edit* never mind... didnt relise how old the thread was.
  4. I get the subtle message in your post and partially agree.. however the problem is with people coming on Work Visa's and swiping the work... If your an Australian Citizen (regardless of nationality) you have every right to work and try get the best pay/job you can in Australia. Its the groups of people that get mass-imported via Work Visa's for temporary job that are causing the problem. Well not them, but the AUS companies hiring them. *edit* - you should be anoyed aswell Tomo. Didnt Qantas or someone move alot of there repair work overseas... Your a mechanic yeah ? (diff issue, but similar underlying problem)
  5. Very true Dazza. People dont relise its going to be effecting EVERY industry soon. Interesting little fact which not many people know. The Gov plans to use an international company to carry out the testing and part of the rollout for NBN. The company in question has no experience doing this, Its not a company from US/EUROPE/ASIA where similar networks have been succesfully setup, the company just quoted 1/3 cheaper than everyone else. (and no im not trying to sway peoples votes, voting is over :) )
  6. dont you have a handbag ? =)
  7. Vote greens if you are indeed a fan of boat people & heroin addicts. The policies pretty much stop short on saying "we will have banners welcoming the boat people" Its actually quite concerning reading some of the policies they have on the website..........
  8. Not to mention some are very similar looking between the 2 industries. I have to stop and think if i mean VRF or VFR now :(
  9. Hey Kaz Thanks for clearing that up and posting provisions :)
  10. you have to travel 300km to get to the airport each time ???
  11. isnt the upto 3 hour thing only if you refuse the breath test/out run police or do a u-turn quickly when you see the police ? If not, im fairly confident a year 9 legal studies student would be able to get you off once it got to court...
  12. Yip its the same in all of the rural parts in AUS. Optus/Vodafone share quite a few of the same towers/equip which is why they magicaly provide the same crap level of service. They have the option of using som Telstra towers but choose not to as the backhaul connection (back into there own networks) is to expensive in alot of parts.
  13. Congrads :) Where does the queue start to go for rides ??
  14. i wish nokia started selling 5110's again. Twas the unbreakable/never fail phone :(
  15. Cool thanks for that Everyone :) The POH mentioned doing the normal checks and then IF the engine restarts blah blah blah. I was curious how the engine would magically start back up, but its starting to make sense now.
  16. aaah ok that explains it, Thanks heaps for your info :) I assumed it was like a car engine and you could restart at any stage (wheels moving etc). Hmm allthough I guess that only works in some cars =) thanks again.
  17. Ive got a question about the emergancy stuff... I was pretty much taught the same emergancy procedures, best glide then CFMS... One thing im not quite 100% sure on is when your supposed to turn the key and try start the engine again ? I would assume after the CFMS checks ? Ive got the Piper POH infront of me and its got the exact same procedures but never makes any referance to trying to restart the engine ? I'll obviously triple check with instructor next time (next lesson is a while away) but was abit concerned as I thought the POH would clear it up for me..
  18. Did Telstra specificaly say PPTP/IPSEC wont work ? Optus cable has been doing NAT/priv ip's forever.. and Ive never had any issues with either ipsec or pptp. Same with a number of ISP's i've worked at it in the past. Infact... even on my mobile phone using GRPS (which definetly has a private IP) I can still PPTP and IPSEC..
  19. Yeah its good fun :) I work in one of the net/sec eng groups Let me know if you want to buy some clean urine for ya test.... :P Oh yeah the docters you called, were they in the city ? Wonder if City is more expensive (like it usually is). I was just gonna goto some random up the road in exh st. , but perhaps I'll look around if there diff $$
  20. *cough* Telstra *cough* in Exhibition st.
  21. yeah might speak to someone this week. Heaps of docters in the city near work which is conveniant.
  22. Do your medical asap!!! and then tell me everything about it pls :P Need lots of helpful tips :-) I made the great decision of not getting medical yet, nearly ready to solo... so now to scared to go medical incase i fail... thus wasting quite abit of $$ so far (if i do fail) :(
  23. Just out of curiosity... do they test you before or after you fly ? If they test you before you fly and your positive... how can that be used against you ? you havnt commited any offence....... ? I goto one of the schools at Moorabbin and I dont believe your on the airfield until you walk outside the building and through the gate ??? (im assuming the law applies to just being on the airfield, aswell as being to in a plane). Wouldnt the testing be done inside the school ? With drink driving... your either in the car (with key in ignition) or your not... Also I was reading someones post in here a few days ago about how they landed and they like 30 mins later were called back to the airport to get tested ? How the hell does that work ? Who's to say you didnt have a few beers/bongs/lines on the drive home. (comment removed - Mod)
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