Hey all. I play flight sim, alot. Probably too much. Even when my missus asks me what I do on the computer until late at night and I answer "looking at porn" she says "bull, your playing flight sim again".
So lately ive been getting into IFR stuff, downloading departure procedures and approach procedures and whatnot and trying to do things as good as I can with what little I know about IFR flight.
My question is lets say your at a smallish airport with no published departure procedure. Lets take Narromine for instance;
So, my questions are to the people in the know...
1. How bad does the weather have to be before your not allowed to take off, not when you think its unsafe but when the particular air law requires you to stay on the ground. Visibility and cloud base for instance.
2. If you do take off into cloud, what is the common procedure once you leave the runway? Climb to 500ft and then turn to the heading of your first leg? In the game you would usually switch to the area freq and ATC just tells you turn to x deg or continue your own navigation.
3. If you take off from an airport thats NOT on an intersection for low altitude airways (temora for exampe) whats the method to get on track quick?
4. Not so much a departure question, but if your flying along using the enroute charts is it normal to just tune into a nearby navaid thats as close to perpendicular to the flightpath as possible, measure the bearing from said navaid to your current airway and plot that into the map to get a fix? Obviously if your heading to or from a navaid that has DME then you can just measure the distance to/from that the dme is telling you. Or you could just cheat and use the gps but where is the fun in that.
I know this thread should probably be in the Flight Sim threads but im unsure of just how many people read it. It may also seem confusing but thats because im going on what little I have read about IFR flight on the net and no actual bum in seat training in an aircraft with someone who is crazy enough to trust little mechanical dials with their lives. Im just trying to make my Flight simming as close to real as possible.