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    Jabiru J200A
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  1. I had to replace my Tacho sensor, Couldn't get one anywhere.. I purchased this one with freight about AU$120 This one was just a couple of threads too short for my application, 3300A solid lifter engine. But as the threat in the mounting bracket was damaged, I drilled it out and used the locking nuts to secure it in place. I had to counter sink the top nut so to get enough depth. So all in all worked out well and Tacho is now working.
  2. Tried one of these in my J200 recently(after reading your post) as the odyssey battery couldn't cope with the winter cold starts... So far so good, with temps below 0 deg The Mottobatt starts it first go no problems.. Cost me $175 delivered. The two way terminals is a good feature too.
  3. Isn't it Funny how the so called main stream media only started "Fact Checking" Once they had lost control of the narrative.
  4. until

    Looking forward to the trip over! Any one else going?
  5. Hi, Anyone know where I can get either a replacement, or parts for these.. Glass/Plastic is not very transparent, very hard to check fuel level in flight. Thanks..
  6. Last year when I was there we visited the international visitors tent, Free dinner. Catch up we people from around the world.. Great night! Wish I was going again this year, but needed a new car... Next Year! Also sea planes a must do!, a short bus ride from the front gate. Keith.
  7. Yeah, Sound advice.. The extra speed with of the CruZer over the 750 STOL, I would have to agree 3 point latch is the only way to go, with bubble doors.
  8. I did think about that but I would need to set it up for 3 point latch, as I been told the aft side of the bubble doors suck open about an 1" in flight. But will give it more thought. Regards Keith
  9. I see, very handy tool, I assume it sits in the top of the leg then hook under bungee pull up? good idea. Regards Keith
  10. Well, I don't. Not that I know what a JG bungee tool looks like... Regards Keith
  11. Next time I have the leg out, I'll trim it then. I can't easily go back to a bungee as I didn't recess the rivet around the bungee pin & I also pulled the rivets the opposite way in the channel. When I was @ Oshkosh this year, I noticed the Zeniths demo CruZer sitting low in the nose, it had taxied in over rough ground and it's bungee failed. I would hate to try and fit one with the engine in the way. The steel spring adds a bit of weight but a small price for a much better setup. (my opinion) Regards Keith
  12. I hope he can get it to market soon, The market needs it! But I have been planning this for the last 5+ years. Regards Keith
  13. I'd rather not say just yet. It's a little left field. It will be turbo charged producing 160hp. The only issue is weight, might not be able to squeeze it into RA-Aus, might have to go VH RPL Regards Keith
  14. Put a deposit on an engine and reduction box, hopefully take delivery next month.... My opinion is that a lot of the engines are relatively new to the market and don't have a lot of runs on the board so to speak, So if I'm going to be a research and development and a test pilot might as well be for myself.
  15. Thanks rankamateur, I'll go check them out. Regards keith
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