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Everything posted by keith.b

  1. Add a few booster rockets ........
  2. Thanks for the feed back... Good point, specially as these are spars... Will check before I get any bends done.. Regards Keith
  3. Thanks for that, that was my first thought too, but none of the sheet metal fab places near me are open on weekends ... Not able to get time during the week.. But I'm still looking... From last time we spoke, I've scratch built the rudder, and am now starting on the horizontal stabilizer.. Regards Keith.
  4. Does anyone in Adelaide have a bending brake, I need to fabricate a front and rear spar for a horizontal stabilizer. they are 2200mm 0.032" & 2200mm 0.040" Regards. Keith
  5. Out of the 2 new designs (as per samples shown above), red is better..... but original was o.k. too... keith...
  6. So had another go at the vertical spar, this time gradually bent up the sides little at a time... Once again it looked good, crossed my fingers, , removed the clamps, And....... Turned out perfect... So made a few more pieces, the rudder skeleton is all ready to rivet, just waiting for the cortec to arrive.. Next Job, cut out the skin.. Regards Keith
  7. I haven't got to the curve one's yet.. but thanks for the info.. regards keith
  8. Thanks, this is the sort of feed back I need, cause i wasn't sure whether to keep working it or start again, now i understand where it's gone wrong. I'll try again, a little more control and take it slowly.... Thanks Regards Keith
  9. Thanks for the feed back, I do have the dvd's and have found them to been very helpful. Watching the dvd's has given me the confidence to tackle a scratch build project. I just need a bit of guidance to get me started... Just so you know, the first piece i attempted was the vertical tail spar. made a template from mdf, cut a piece of 6061 to size, clamped done to bench used rubber mallet bent up the sides 90o all look good, nice clean bend no ripples it the sides, i was very happy.... Thought to my self this is too easy.... Then i removed the clamps. it curled up like a banana... about 3" gap under the middle when flat. So thanks for the offer guys i send some PM after...
  10. That would be great.... I'll keep them private.. I have tried making a piece or two but they haven't come out as expected...
  11. Is there, or does anybody know of, anyone scratch building an all metal plane in or around Adelaide? Would really like to look at a project in progress. Regards Keith.
  12. Frank, Go on, do tell.
  13. AVOCET, So if someone was building either from a kit or scratch an aircraft that is to be RAAust reg. as experimental and RAAust no longer exists could it be transfered / or registered GA experimental. Regards Keith
  14. Me Too ....... :-)
  15. I received my in the first week of July....
  16. Looking Good! Can't wait to see it painted.. Wheel spats graphics look awesome..
  17. keith.b

    160 or 170 jab

    Hi, I'll start this off for you, I only have about 80 hours total time, all in Jabs. I prefer the 170 over the 160, to me seems to fly better with the bigger wing. Landing can be more challenging with the 170, it can float along way if you round out too high..... Regards keith
  18. AWESOME !! Well done....
  19. yeah, I haven't ventured too from Murray Bridge, Now I have finally done me nav's I be planning to get out and visit more strips.....
  20. Welcome Tafisama, I am also in SA and Hire/Fly a J170c @ YMBD (Murray Bridge) Regards Keith....
  21. Yeah, Just got May's copy of Sport Pilot....
  22. Sitting parked it just looks wrong....... Looks bent like a banana....
  23. Instead of the floating "top of page" button, (which I do like). What about just have the header fixed (which includes the menus) and the rest of the page scrolls, that way you have access to the menus all the time. No need to scroll back up. Regards Keith.
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