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Everything posted by keith.b

  1. There is an add in this months mag, for an unfinished project (70% complete, add # 3284) How will this ac fit into raa aust rego? With an empty weight of over 1000 lbs. I Yahoo'd it and the specs are: Regards Keith Storm 400 Special, specifications empty weight 1055 lbs gross weight 1870 lbs Lycoming O320 160HP
  2. Looking good.... 155 lbs with all that hp....... it's going to be a rocket .... regards Keith
  3. Certificate time frame solo @ 12 hours certificate @ 20 hours Total hours to date 70
  4. Creating avatars isn't me strong point..... I'll keep trying. Regards Keith
  5. Yep, I operate a small LPO.. They where in todays mail sort . I got mine this morning....:-)
  6. So there has been riot's in the streets over this??? Protest Rallies? I must have missed the news that night... These people should be held accountable, for the false information for the purpose of provoking fear and mob mentality.. It's almost a form or terrorism.... What a tosser!! This really creams my corn.... Keith
  7. Tacked onto the bottom of the news article on the 7 news Adelaide web site about plane crash @ Parafield.. WAS: Meanwhile two 65-year-old men have been injured in a light plane crash near the southern end of Queensland's Fraser Island. Was that today also? EDIT:- found rest of article: Meanwhile two 65-year-old men have been injured in a light plane crash near the southern end of Queensland's Fraser Island. Authorities say the aircraft crashed just after takeoff from Rainbow Beach airport at noon (AEST). One man sustained head and leg injuries and was flown by helicopter to Nambour Hospital on the Sunshine Coast. The other had minor injuries and was treated at the scene by ambulance. The cause of the crash is being investigated. Sad day..... Keith
  8. Cheers Thanks, regards Keith...
  9. Any further updates? Regards keith
  10. Any further update? Regards Keith
  11. FB page has Only been up for 11 hours and already 80 Likes.... V's 20 .......
  12. Hi, Bernoulli90 Welcome.... Regards Keith...
  13. Thanks for the warm welcome feedback and guidance, proxy form filled out and in the todays mail.. Regards Keith
  14. Rolling the dice taking a chance (making an educated guess) with a proxy vote, has to be better than note voting at all. May even get the out come you want. regards Keith
  15. Thanks Turboplanner for the information & feedback. As long as the result is a plan to move us forward with transparency.... Then we might be ok. Regards Keith
  16. I'll check it out Thanks
  17. It's sad.. No one seems to be held responsible for their performance.. or lack of... regards keith
  18. Firstly, Hello everyone first time posting, have been reading a lot and really disappointed on what has unfolded over the past several months...(and if I didn't read it here I would still be in the dark). Just received my letter from RAAust regarding General meeting. I'm looking for a member that will be attending the meeting to vote on my behalf. Even reading the letter from the board sign by Paul Middleton, still blaming everyone else for the situation we are faced.... .. It's not our fault, we weren't here then, you didn't send in photos blah blah.... Things need to change! Regards Keith
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