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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Wow, never realized it would be economically viable to transport sheep in this way. But then we used to hear stories about farmers back in the day putting their sheep into the back seat of the Rolls.... maybe they still do this in Saudi Arabia.
  2. "Every year, F/A-18C Hornet and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet squadrons across the West Coast get together. It's called the Strike Fighter Ball Pacific, and an important part of the event is the Hornet Ball, the annual video chronicling F-18 exploits throughout the year. In the course of the video, a Hornet fires unguided Hydra 70 rockets at a towed barge, another live-fires an AGM-88 HARM anti-radar missile, and another fires an AIM-9 Sidewinder. Near the end of the video, one F-18 launches a Joint Stand Off Weapon and another tracks it. The video also appears to show air-to-ground operations against ISIS."
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  3. Hmmm, these Irish! "A pilot was forced to make an emergency landing after a drunk Irishman reportedly took off his clothes, swung his penis around and demanded sex with a flight attendant." Commercial passenger air travel has changed somewhat over the decades since it became a thing.
  4. Hello Fspears and Fluxflyer! Kentucky is a fantastic spot - northern California is very beautiful also. Whilst the flying weather is better here I am jealous of your lovely scenery!
  5. "Last weekend, the 164th Airlift Squadron performed a heavy drop test. They flew over Mansfield,Ohio and chucked some stuff out the back of a C-130H."
  6. They appear to be winglets.
  7. ^ blasphemers and God haters. I fear for you. A teenage girl who was on a ferris wheel when a light plane crashed into it is suing the festival, the council and the pilot.... She is also suing Greater Taree Council, for approving the event, and Mr. Cox..... Meanwhile, Mr. Cox is suing the council, the festival and the Old Bar Heritage Airport Management Committee, while Mr. Rowan is suing his father-in-law and the festival. Sound like a merry go round. Now if one of these parties could counter-sue the girl perhaps for being on a wrongly positioned ferris wheel or something it might eventually get to the point where all these crazy law suits are dropped. All these people should instead be rejoicing with gratitude that this situation turned out with such minimal loss.
  8. OK, somewhat aviation related! A serious illness for many.
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  9. A 12v electric fuel pump off an EFI car could be the go, although I'm not sure if the flow rate would be sufficient? These submerse in the fuel so sparking isn't the issue. The fuel acts as as a lubricant so don't run them dry. Turning a handle is so 19th century, only a greenie would want to do that.
  10. Nature. Refused to warm when told to do so. There are many other 'scientific' correlations like this:
  11. ^ Fake. Nice thought though.
  12. Well the chart could have 80+ and 90+.... would help to balance the scale against FT at the pre-teen end, a more proportional look if you will.
  13. "Today a team of material scientists at Pohang University of Science and Technology in South Korea announced what they're calling one of the biggest steel breakthroughs of the last few decades: an altogether new type of flexible, ultra-strong, lightweight steel. This new metal has a strength-to-weight ratio that matches even our best titanium alloys, but at one tenth the cost, and can be created on a small scale with machinery already used to make automotive-grade steel." Sounds like 'Rearden Metal'. Again we currently appear to be living in some hybrid combination of Atlas Shrugged and The Camp of the Saints.
  14. Sure, send a couple of missiles over to CASA for certification.
  15. 75% of a Beaver is a Murphy Moose, way past an ultralight in size. This thing must be bigger than a cri-cri.
  16. Ideal if you are building a Komet jet in your shed or just want to give the Jabiru a bit of a kick along: "As part of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory's (AFRL) supersonic turbine engine for long-range (STELR) program, both are working on compact jet engines that would propel cruise missiles at speeds of up to Mach 3.2, or 2,435 miles an hour."
  17. Terrific, I hope they work well for you. Apparently there is an issue that the bees don't like to build on the plastic hive base so much but this would be a good challenge for a material scientist to tweak. I could cnc machine you some timber ones perhaps.... BTW I thought they were from NZ?
  18. Oh there's still a bit of room for the odd original invention Pylon! I reckon not everything that can be invented has been invented yet. But I get your point, the bulk of our efforts go into tweaking prior art. Even something simple like completely different commercial beehive:
  19. "In 1892, Hugo Junkers began experimental development of two-stroke, opposed-piston, gas engines. By 1910, Junkers had combined the opposed-piston principal with the diesel combustion cycle (compression ignition)." Looks like a Bexengine no?
  20. Well don't splurge too much if you jumped off a burning Jetstar flight, you might only end up with a voucher for a free coke.
  21. Thank you for your post Gay, may God bless and comfort you. Riley - excellent advice to keep a watch on PSA levels & checkups. This is an insidious predominately western disease; personally I also like to keep up the veg, fruit, sunshine and exercise intake and eliminate dairy to lower risk.
  22. ....on air currents. "A glider designed to float to the edge of space on air currents will attempt its first flight on Wednesday. Next year, the Perlan Mission II will launch to soaring altitudes of 90,000 feet, where it’ll harvest invaluable data on Earth’s atmosphere and climate."
  23. That would be a wise thing to do but apparently they aren't. Yep, both Russian and US military (albeit at a limited level) are fighting in Syria but neither is communicating with the other. Not much that could go wrong there, seems a great idea for Australia to join in....
  24. Lock your dog in a room and your wife in another room. After three hours release them both. Observe which one is most happy to see you. See which one bites you.
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