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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Just as well it wasn't Cecil the lion, have to shut the airline down due to outrage.
  2. Maybe they'll treat it like guns - clamp down real hard on licensed PPC folk because of the danger from the unregistered / unlicensed ones. You know it makes sense.
  3. It says 'amazing sound', to me it just sounds like a screaming rice burner or an Aerochute being maxed out on revs. Beauty is in the eye (or ear) of the beholder I guess.
  4. Apparently the straight-six is making a comeback.
  5. "Police handed control of the investigation over to CASA and Recreational Aviation Australia, the body responsible for smaller aircraft." Why? It would seem to be a police matter in the first instance to identify then CASA. I don't see why RaAus should waste time and money on it. BTW I like PPC's but the things sound horrid at any revs. Decent 4 stroke & muffler would do wonders.
  6. Interesting adverts, toned it back a bit today but they still have a few fag ads etc. PM have always been very pro-aviation and there is a 'learning to fly' series running currently. Pretty bad no? But recall that our government uses our taxes to hand out free fags to illegal immigrants in detention, so must be OK apparently.
  7. I see CAMit now have a US distributor. Hope they do well, good to see stuff still being made in this country. Also hope the CASA mafioso don't decide to crush them..
  8. Pretty hard to get hold of a proper halon fire extinguisher these days - unless you are a major airline.
  9. Busy trying to find their ASIC's before they entered?
  10. British folk desperately cling to memories of a time when the country was great, successful, built things, had sensible laws and a backbone. Before the PC lefty Moslem illegal immigrant invasion. BTW probably illegal for you to reply to this comment Phil.
  11. Thanks for the clarification - article says ww2. It did look different around the nose (aircooled) but then I figured there were several variants & I'm no aviation history buff etc.
  12. Sad for the aircraft but glad the pilot is fine. Not sure why the engine wasn't cut? Video here. "A pilot was flying the spitfire plane above Sibson Airfield in Cambridgeshire recently when he radioed the airfield to tell them he couldn’t release his landing gear. The runways were cleared and emergency services called as the pilot circled around for 20 minutes to burn up all his fuel to reduce to plane’s speed."
  13. I would like to see the individuals that illegally initiated this action against Jabiru based on no data or definable criteria personally sued. It's simply not acceptable that public servants be free of all consequences and responsibility.
  14. It's part of our western culture. Even if you don't personally believe any of it this is still the book that made your world Harbourtrade. Feel free to quote relevant bits you like from Marx or the Atheist manifesto.
  15. Beautiful! Brings to mind King David's words in Psalm 8: "When I see thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and stars, which thou hast established; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and splendour. Thou hast made him to rule over the works of thy hands; thou hast put everything under his feet"
  16. Well I'd never heard of these aircraft before seeing this clip, fascinating....
  17. Well clearly being CASA they can't test for stupid.
  18. So you feel things improved only once he left? Sorry, couldn't resist. Just looking at your comment like a woman would You may be right of course! "You've lost so much weight you're looking great!" "WHAT? So you used to think I was fat and ugly???"
  19. Yes a couple of years ago a USAF pilot I met was telling me about just missing a base jumper (!) off the wing while he was doing a terrain following exercise at a good rate of knots in a C-130.
  20. "A Canadian man attached his lawn chair to more than 100 large helium balloons and took off. But the stunt is costing him more than just the $12,000 of helium gas he needed for liftoff. According to Calgary police, 26-year-old Daniel Boria was arrested and charged with one count of mischief causing danger to life after he parachute landed from his joy ride Sunday." Imagine if those Wright brothers lunatics were about today? More details here.
  21. Welcome Steve, I'm sure you will enjoy your training! This is good to know, apparently quite a few on here suffer with ED.
  22. ^ yep, time to take your camel to bed.
  23. California - legalizes marijuana.... and bans e-cigarettes 'for health reasons'. "The state public-health department says that this is justified by the presence of certain carcinogens — benzene, formaldehyde, nickel, and lead—in e-cigarette vapor. But by California’s own account, all of those chemicals are present in marijuana smoke, too, along with 29 other carcinogens."
  24. OK, this is very close to suicidal:
  25. If true (media = big IF) this doesn't sound so good: Test pilot admits the F-35 can’t dogfight
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