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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Can someone please explain to a flex ignoramus what happened here & what batten tips are? What was he trying to do digging at his tummy, was that a parachute?
  2. In places like North Korea and Communist China the government don't need to demonstrate just cause to shut any business down or 'disappear' someone. In countries where the rule of law applies this is not the case yet you feel comfortable that rogue government departments can act on a whim. This raises many possibilities in my mind such as are you a recent immigrant from a socialist state or 3rd world, young & naive, green / communist party voter etc? Or just trolling for kicks? Not intending to be rude at all, your reasoning here seems so left field I can't grasp it (assuming you are not just goofing of course).
  3. Yes, I was in a large aircraft in Asia recently (can't remember Airbus or Boeing) and the aircraft had air-bags built into the all of the lap seatbelts. Clearly it must be an option for RPT aircraft and not outrageously expensive.
  4. This is very sad, my sympathies to the pilots family and friends also. Life is short, none of us know which day will be our last... I am reminded of Psalm 103:15 "As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children"
  5. This invention might be helpful, head injuries are way too common in light aircraft - still need some face protection though - maybe the sealtbelt airbag would be better: Hope Dwayne is doing OK Tim?
  6. There are a few of these about, the tele lens tends to produce a shallow depth of view which accentuates the scenario somewhat:
  7. Spent a week in the Ha Long bay area a few months back & a powered parachute would have been a hoot around there! Probably get locked up but even with the cost of bribes to get out would probably be totally worth it. Forty years on US dollars are in demand and China is the bad guy; somewhat surreal. The grinding poverty and constraint that is always the fruit of communism is giving way to some freedoms. So in the end the US won; liberty is beginning to flourish.
  8. One the other hand one can trust a Gnu! Oh yeah, we sure are in agreement here. Radial up front. Welcome Brendan! Just get one of them ^
  9. The motors are neat the batteries are garbage. Actually worse than garbage - according to Dr John Torode from Dynon general household garbage has a higher energy density than lithium ion batteries have. Personally I want a micro nuclear reactor to power mine.
  10. Yes, also Bunnings have a special on tradies long extension leads at the moment.
  11. Interesting licensing system in India pretty sure this works for drivers licenses also: Pilots in India certified after only 35 MINUTES of fly time
  12. Some funky camera work....
  13. Sorry Nobody the confusion may have been caused by the thread title I posted, I simply based it on the linked article which states "Since peaking at 357,000 in 1980, the number of pilots with private certificates has plunged to 188,000." So about half (apparently despite the increase in US population since 1980 from 227m to 319m). But yes these figures maybe wildly inaccurate, they seem very low at best. Appeared to me when I was there to be a significant percentage of Alaskan residents that fly for a start. Hey it's just the media so I would instead suggest SrPilots quoted numbers would be more credible. However as a percentage of the population yes it is about half when taken from his numbers - 3.6% in 1980 to 1.9% in 2013.
  14. By 'our fellas' you mean the Australian Armed forces? Do you seriously believe the Australian Armed forces have systematically raped hundreds of women like this? I can't get my head around your thought train here Old Koreelah. If this was say a Catholic Church operation would you respond the same? "It's disappointing but we are just as bad" Yeah, probably not I'd say.
  15. "Small-town airports close as higher plane costs, falling interest lead to pilot decline". Given the increase in population this is a drastic fall. I imagine a similar percentage over here? Seems to me the 70's were the high point of much in aviation, I'd be interested in comments from those that were flying then. I was reading passed-along copies of US GA type aviation magazines about then and watching them fly overhead, just amazing to a young kid. Probably there won't even be actual aviation magazines to pass along before long.
  16. This sort of thing has been happening all over the third world wherever the UN are active, pretty sure it counts as another 'fail' situation: UN peacekeepers forced hundreds of Haitian women to have sex with them in return for food and medicine according to report that found exploitation is widespread, with a third of victims under 18 Members of peacekeeping mission engaged in 'transactional sex' with more than 225 Haitian women Shocking findings in UN Office of Internal Oversight Services draft report Report says for rural women, 'hunger, lack of shelter' and need for 'baby care items, medication and household items' were exploited 'In cases of non-payment, some women withheld badges of peacekeepers and threatened to reveal their infidelity via social media', report says
  17. Folks it's a media article. they are professional fabulists - only lawyers can outdo them for straight out lies, fabrication and sensationalism. And of course ignorance. As a rule when following the media is always allow for the exact opposite being potentially the truth. The best we can hope to believe at this point is an incident did happen in the area which involved one person who is OK.
  18. Here is the news.com page it's the same as The Advertiser page but not subscription. Tim thanks for your info, glad you were able to help. A sad time for you all, will pray for your friend & his family.
  19. Waiting on more info, I hope he is OK: "A PILOT has suffered facial injuries after he crashed a light plane in a paddock near Tailem Bend in the Murraylands. The 46-year-old man was treated by paramedics after the plane crashed just after 8am. He will be flown by helicopter to hospital for further treatment." Also at ABC
  20. Oh they've already been taken over. Despots and autocrats run much of the show with lower level workers including a good number of rapists and kiddie fiddlers.
  21. "Despite United Nations screams to stop from the sidelines..." Ah, the Useless Nations. Living on welfare, never worked or achieved anything in decades.
  22. Pretty cool Eric. Just a suggestion you could perhaps include the Portuguese translation in your posts?
  23. It seems to happen late afternoon or evening. Possibly once a certain level of anti-freeze in the blood occurs?
  24. Do you mean it runs a head-up display? I've been waiting for this.
  25. On a similar note:
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