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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Nah, not really (below) unless it was some insane calibre - or in a movie. But the fact there was no slo-mo or close up of the impact damage makes it seem a bit sus. Risk of ricochet due to the convex shape, risk of a dud round.... quite close to some major blood vessels there so it might be faked but I still thought it was funny. There are plenty of test clips about, it's a pretty common demo method but not in the groin from a distance shooting at a curved plate.
  2. Gotta love Americans.... this is quite nuts!
  3. Turn the speakers up for this one...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAFnhIIK7s4 Short takeoff around 2min, vertical landings around 3 and 6. When they say 'stealth' I'm thinking they are not referring to the sound it makes. Hope your speakers are OK!
  4. Not wanting to drift off topic but I'll answer this as there seems to be a few Malthusians about (plus those wishing the government to take away even more of their personal freedoms. Serfers?). No, 7.5 billion is not even close to exhausting the resources and space; the earth can easily handle many, many times this number. Don't accept the rubbish Dick Smith and the media spout Dazza, just grab a calculator for a start. As an experiment let's put the entire 7.5 billion people into the state of Queensland only - 1,852,642 sq km. One square km is 1,000,000 m2. This gives us 247 square meters available space for every single person. Sure not all of the QLD land mass is easily habitable but the exercise proves that space is not an issue by any stretch as we know that cities like Hong Kong are operating with population densities down to as little as 18m2 per person and Manhattan works fine at 38m2 per person for example. This of course leaves the rest of Australia and every other continent of the world plus the oceans for wildlife and to provide food and resources. With modern farming techniques food is absolutely not an issue, in fact using techniques like aquaponics very likely you could also produce all the necessary food for everybody within the space of just QLD, not that this would be necessary though. So the problem certainly is not a lack of space, food or resources - the problem lies with people and specifically sin which is within each of us. Leads to wars, strife, greed all sorts of nasty things. So some space to keep different tribes, cultures (prior to the lefts failed multi-culture experiment) and nations apart somewhat is actually quite helpful towards keeping peace. Anyway we will know the Malthusians are serious when they lead by example; apparently the world is overpopulated but not with them.
  5. Seems silly to call this doofus CASA pronouncement an 'instrument'. At best it is an edict.
  6. He does bang on about global overpopulation (silly idea if you do the math but few seem to) so if this is the case he may top himself soon to show by example so this discussion is unnecessary. Be fun to have a party to the left of the Greens though.
  7. You both go and start a dedicated troll thread please.
  8. CASA don't care about paying fines as the taxpayer does it for them. The answer is to sue the individual persons responsible for this wild blunder, when a few of the incompetents lose their house and super they might start to wake up to how life works in the real world. Responsibility is an alien concept to them right now.
  9. The OP is a joke about IS fighters and their welfare thieving enablers. Can't see why anyone would in any way want to stick up for them.
  10. Interesting to see who strongly defends ISIS. Also interesting to note the original post didn't mention 'Muslims' or 'Islam' but the ISIS defender apparently knows they are one and the same. Hmm... maybe he's right?
  11. Fabulous! Let's hope the dolts are capable of reading english. Imagine an engine designed by a government bureau...
  12. Can you please tell us which clip the comments were in (there are two lengthy clips at the link)... is is the Q and A session? Thanks Camel.
  13. Search 'Kitplanes' magazine, they had a detailed flight review about 2 or 3 years ago.... suggested a few tweaks etc.
  14. "Elon Musk's rocket company released new footage on Friday of its Crew Dragon capsule taking flight for the first time during a test earlier in May. The un-crewed test was designed to help engineers gather more information about the effectiveness of the capsule's abort system — a key component used to quickly propel astronauts away from a failing rocket should something bad happen during flight."
  15. Some music while y'all wait....
  16. This is quite true, national stereotypes tend to trump facts. When I went to school we were taught that many / most? of the PNG tribes were extremely primitive - head hunters and cannibals. Whilst this was not untrue however the intention appears to have been to perhaps draw attention away from the fact that many Australian Aboriginal tribes were equally much engaged in cannibalism (not trying to offend it's documented fact) and in many ways less advanced than the PNG folk also. Our mob is always better than their mob....
  17. Well the dog was clearly unhappy so he made it rest in peace, can't see much of a problem. If you live next to me and have a constantly yapping dog it will also find peace Phil. He perhaps could have sold the remains to the local halal butcher or Chinese place instead of wasting it though. Bex will understand.
  18. Good to know, so the RaAus decision to grant the first 1000 subscribers a 33% discount is apparently illegal then. Thus all members are eligible to receive the proper magazine for $5 delivered if they apply.
  19. Petrol powered pacemaker eh? Seems a valid reason for exhausting hot gasses and fumes. Gnu's have a powerful microbiome. There was talk about powering stuff with micro-turbines a couple of years back, seems similar.
  20. Terrific JG, enjoyed that article. Fabulous scenery in country USA, must've been a lot of fun.
  21. $7.50 per issue to print and post ($90 p.a.) seems high when magazines from the US can print and post over here to Australia for less than $3 per issue. Anyway, I'm done with it. Perhaps you folk can let us non-readers know if there are any interesting or controversial articles.
  22. Related: The long, weird history of the flying car.
  23. I must say the system actually looked quite elegantly engineered to me, more so than how you imply. Whilst perhaps a somewhat minor feature the level of detail and neatness of design in this alone impressed me and suggested the same effort was likely being applied across the whole engine. I wonder if you have gotten info direct from CAMit yet or are you just relying on comments here Joe? If you are not in such a rush then perhaps Osh Kosh would be a good place to inspect all these engines in detail.
  24. Oh yes, indeed! Terrible.
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