Not wanting to drift off topic but I'll answer this as there seems to be a few Malthusians about (plus those wishing the government to take away even more of their personal freedoms. Serfers?).
No, 7.5 billion is not even close to exhausting the resources and space; the earth can easily handle many, many times this number. Don't accept the rubbish Dick Smith and the media spout Dazza, just grab a calculator for a start. As an experiment let's put the entire 7.5 billion people into the state of Queensland only - 1,852,642 sq km. One square km is 1,000,000 m2. This gives us 247 square meters available space for every single person. Sure not all of the QLD land mass is easily habitable but the exercise proves that space is not an issue by any stretch as we know that cities like Hong Kong are operating with population densities down to as little as 18m2 per person and Manhattan works fine at 38m2 per person for example. This of course leaves the rest of Australia and every other continent of the world plus the oceans for wildlife and to provide food and resources. With modern farming techniques food is absolutely not an issue, in fact using techniques like aquaponics very likely you could also produce all the necessary food for everybody within the space of just QLD, not that this would be necessary though.
So the problem certainly is not a lack of space, food or resources - the problem lies with people and specifically sin which is within each of us. Leads to wars, strife, greed all sorts of nasty things. So some space to keep different tribes, cultures (prior to the lefts failed multi-culture experiment) and nations apart somewhat is actually quite helpful towards keeping peace. Anyway we will know the Malthusians are serious when they lead by example; apparently the world is overpopulated but not with them.