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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Concur with Bex on this, the Comp Air 8 is hardly an 8 seater.... more a six seater.
  2. Apparently it's supposed to be more corrosion resistant than some other grades but just looking at a fuselage with 6061 skins yeah seems to me it corrodes (or at least oxidizes significantly). Dryer climate here than TAS too I'd imagine. Maybe ask the SAAA guys....
  3. New CAMit 3300 advertised as $19,525 incl GST
  4. ^ Ah yes I forgot - that's terrific, all the best....!
  5. Are you an engineer on an oil rig perchance?
  6. Couldn't comment on numbers as I don't have much to compare to but although not so busy I enjoyed it much more than the previous one I was at two years ago I think it was. There weren't as many workshops but seemed to be many more locals and definitely more families with youngsters about which I think was nice. The aero displays and Spitfire demo were top class, only wish the latter did some ground straffing or dropped a couple of bombs. Some of the display companies didn't show for whatever reason but that happened last time also. Maybe they sold enough already this year, who knows. Didn't see much on instruments / electronics but I may have missed it. Not much rag & tube but they hardly showed last time I was there despite a special emphasis to feature them at that time. The CAMit engines looked terrific and it was really interesting to chat to Ian, I hope he keeps progressing this engine as I think it has a promising future if he does. Needs EFI in my opinion but on that topic Mr Stiff is having none of that on the Jab version, I agree engine control electronics were unreliable - but that was 30 years ago. He is apparently keen on a mechanical version. Hey, it may work.... after all got to respect what the man has pulled off. But I noticed much of the opposition seems to have successfully adopted some form of EFI.
  7. Not quite following Keith but seems you disagree that Temora is close to Goulburn? It's all relative I guess, if you are walking it would be a fair stretch.
  8. Well Goulburn is real close, why not just pop over?
  9. CASA needs to get us off their back and show they are responsible and careful without interfering with us or we will sink them and take over, after all they are our servants.
  10. Hobart in Tas...? Weren't perhaps gay then?
  11. Why? Personally can't stand the habit but hey each to their own and I'm thankful for all the taxes they pay. Recall also that our govt uses our taxes to give free fags to illegals each day, that irritates me much more.
  12. Old Koreelah joking aside I know what you mean. Many decades ago - or perhaps a century - being a lawyer was indeed a noble profession; standing for justice and the truth, trying to protect the rights of the innocent individual etc. Indeed it is possible that there may be a very small number of this type left somewhere today but they have to be close to extinction. As a whole the profession has plummeted to the depths of becoming parasitical to society.... and a host is always going to do better without its leeches. I drive past one of their offices on the way to work, they have different 'A frame' signs out the front. "Victim of crime? We can help" stuff like that. Probably should put a second sign behind the first: "Benefiting from crime but got caught? We can help also".
  13. The 99% of loathsome creatures give the rest a bad name eh. Unquestionably of course.
  14. Haha, that's not tough to figure out = these bottom feeders are destroying our society and represent the lowest form of human civilization.
  15. Sweet photo! Any aero's happening today at YMBD?
  16. Wonderful! I hope you have a gay marriage!
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjaBpVzOohs. PC = cultural Marxism. PC is loved by lefties for this reason.
  18. Yeah Richo I also found no schools around here seem to have tail dragger trainers (unless you have a fair bit of time and cash on hand for those at Aldinga). Was planning to do this interstate some stage. Or of course just buy one....
  19. "Australia is leading the world in many facets of aviation regulations..." Oh yeah, sure it is. Is this guy totally ??
  20. That's sad to hear you are having such strife at 400 hours Comp. I had to look up Corny Point on the map - did you cross part of the gulf to get there?
  21. Ya's soundin like a crazy redneck now, get some gun racks in ya ute bro.... - or (in keeping with this site) take the Sopwith to town with its twin Vickers!
  22. I agree planedriver, it can be quite expensive to use a LCC (low cost carrier). I avoid Virgin out of Adelaide as they employ nasty weight nazis (could be just a local thing) but they do have consistent timing. BTW please forgive but it's been nagging me so have to ask, when you're in the left seat would that make you a DIC....?
  23. Aussie cop definitely wouldn't shoot him if there was a chance they could issue a fine instead.
  24. Haha - did the same website list a cow as the first astronaut? Jumping over the moon was a giant leap for cowkind.
  25. Good. Entirely self inflicted.
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