Couldn't comment on numbers as I don't have much to compare to but although not so busy I enjoyed it much more than the previous one I was at two years ago I think it was. There weren't as many workshops but seemed to be many more locals and definitely more families with youngsters about which I think was nice. The aero displays and Spitfire demo were top class, only wish the latter did some ground straffing or dropped a couple of bombs.
Some of the display companies didn't show for whatever reason but that happened last time also. Maybe they sold enough already this year, who knows. Didn't see much on instruments / electronics but I may have missed it. Not much rag & tube but they hardly showed last time I was there despite a special emphasis to feature them at that time. The CAMit engines looked terrific and it was really interesting to chat to Ian, I hope he keeps progressing this engine as I think it has a promising future if he does. Needs EFI in my opinion but on that topic Mr Stiff is having none of that on the Jab version, I agree engine control electronics were unreliable - but that was 30 years ago. He is apparently keen on a mechanical version. Hey, it may work.... after all got to respect what the man has pulled off. But I noticed much of the opposition seems to have successfully adopted some form of EFI.