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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. If security isn't an issue a tensioned fabric structure with a floor of compacted fill and artificial turf (or exterior carpet) would be about the cheapest, generally no need for council approval of a fabric structure here but I'm not sure about the situation where you are of course.
  2. Just fantastic, thanks Phil!
  3. I heard it's an Airbus thing. Can't get my head around that.
  4. Hey Eric my last passenger fell asleep after the first 5 minutes despite some rough thermals and somewhat dodgy landings. Take a five year old!
  5. Welcome Samuel & congrats on your new drifter. What an interesting background also! Whilst not a drifter flyer I like Florida very much, have some good friends in Central Florida.
  6. This is a real interesting US Navy development, works just like a glider but underwater:
  7. Very good read Ayavner & nice photos... a beautiful part of the country too.
  8. Santa Claus is a cross-dressing transgender fairy* so he just floats along. * Santa = female saint. San = male saint
  9. Except that it didn't work, the only success of the current DSM has been to reduce the entire psychiatric profession to a laughing stock. It really is a stupid book, just read some of the new 'disorders' such as excessive caffeine addiction - or yes its opposite (lack of caffeine). Regarding the possible weight limit increase how would this pan out for existing aircraft in reality? If a factory built aircraft has been certified as 600kg MTOW at the time it was sold it would have to remain as this weight right?
  10. Can't understand anyone not wanting to socialise with you? Perhaps as you say it's having too much money, deters them.
  11. Hey Ian, a little OT but how do you like the MS Surface Pro? I was going to buy one but decided it's a bit too pricey given it doesn't include a couple of important items like a keyboard for example.
  12. Interesting title quote from Cain (Genesis 4v9 - after he had murdered his own brother).
  13. Welcome Skee, fabulous use of a living room! Mothra you can actually buy these tables, check out Motoart.
  14. Terrific! Anyone know what the engine is? Doesn't look like it is running on castor oil at any rate.
  15. Merry Christmas Ian, all the best for the new year and your new job....
  16. Thanks Oscar, sound impressive. I wonder if they will go further in the future and adopt features like EFI and cast heads or are they sold on machining everything from billet? I reckon that would really make a nice unit. Interesting to see they use solid lifters also simple, reliable and effective. I hope they do well and develop a nice export market with this.
  17. Funny I always pictured you as much older, I have a mental picture of an ageing marxist hippy sitting on a busted couch in a loincloth having a toke. But I'm switching off that mental image now before we get to the bit about identifying Viagra.
  18. Ah, this picture comes from another website that has an article explaining some of the detail behind the earth wind map. On the http://earth.nullschool.net website if you click the 'earth' at the bottom corner of the page you can alter many parameters, for example the wind at different elevations above the surface of the earth. And on a different note if you are interested in ocean currents this article is a good.
  19. Visualise wind in real time.... fascinating. "Cameron Beccario, a software engineer, created an interactive map that shows near real-time currents of Earth’s wind using data from the U.S. National Weather Service."
  20. Warning signs are extreme eh? In my area signs like 'beware of the dog' etc are pretty common, generally seen as a cheap and moderately effective trespassing deterrent.
  21. Did you put signs up warning them about the low level tensioned cables?
  22. When you consider they are our servants this all seems ass-about.
  23. Unfortunately the adhesive isn't much chop. There are at least three other brands available & the adhesive seems a common problem across them all from what I have seen. You could try putting a 3M double sided VHB tape under. Mechanical fixing e.g. slotting into a groove seems to work much better for flexible rubber seals. I also wish the Jab doors were a bit better fit, not expecting Mercedes precision but hoping for better than a 1970's Trabant.
  24. OK, there is not really an ideal forum for this - not really a glide or a soar but then I like how they use the 'Sail' soundtrack.... [media=vimeo]80704110[/media] "Compression Fracture of the T12 Vertebra, 5 stitches to the eye, 6 stitches to the chin, severely sprained Back, wrist and hand. multiple bruised areas." Well, the scenery is very nice anyway.
  25. A GPS would be very cheap to buy in the USA when you arrive.
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