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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. That's why I said if there was no damage (meaning injury). But it's also true that most doctors know diddly squat about squats and deadlifts so the default advice tends to be the safest - do nothing / live with the pain. Or have a Panadol.
  2. Bex will sort it for you with FiberFix.
  3. Short article about Joel Haski. I hope he pulls it off! Joel Haski plans to fly upside down from Perth to Sydney next year, which will mean hanging from the straps of his harness for 15 hours. He’ll have wheels fitted to the top of his wings, too, so he can even take off and land inverted.
  4. Glad you are OK now OzBirdy! In most cases (assuming no damage) the best thing is to strengthen your back muscles as these are what holds your spine upright and in place and the best way to do this is with the deadlift! You can do this at any age, takes only minutes and done properly it is safe and can have amazing benefits.
  5. Welcome Raptorcat! I reckon that's a very beautiful part of the USA you live in...
  6. This is pretty unique.... "On July 31st, new media artist Kazuhiko Hachiya tested [/url]a small glider jet he created to mimic the Moewe , a fictional plane from Hayao Miyazaki's classic animated film Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Hachiya's little plane glided up into the sky over Takikawa Skypark in Takikawa, on the Japanese island Hokkaido, as hundreds of spectators watched. In the video below, the artist explains how he can steer the plane with the movement of his body weight." Check the video, I like this guys creativity. But those things gobble fuel at a rate...
  7. "...The huge plane is also a firefighter— [/url]the colossal Global SuperTanker just scored FAA aerial firefighting approval a few weeks ago. And now you can step inside a 3D recreation of the firefighting 747 and experience the tech required to blast nearly 20,000 gallons of fire retardant onto a wildfire at 800 feet." Visit the PM site for more.
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  8. Everything government does is below par; always expensive and frequently a total mess. Yet people still want more government programs...
  9. Question 7: In which country were you born? • Syria. • Iraq. • Afghanistan. • Other.
  10. Well the ones that took their overhead luggage will be laughing now at those that didn't. A bit toasty there.
  11. Well the Mudjahadeen did try to conscript a Kangaroo to Isis, haha hopefully that turkey is locked away for a long time. On the other hand perhaps an original thought is to be celebrated with this mob, even a really bad one.
  12. Oh they are too stingy to give up their accent! Story goes there are so many Scots in the Brisbane area because it was the last stop.
  13. Well done Marty, one of your minions agrees with you and also disagrees just four posts up. Well Nev was looking for a definition, there you have it.
  14. And another one..... So vote for honest Hillary instead onetrack
  15. Like I said, they fear him! You can see that above. Hahaha, I don't trust him that much either but I love the fact that the all the anti-US pro-Moslem baby killers heads will explode if he wins.
  16. Though they mock underneath leftoids fear him, especially the illegals and their enablers. This girl better hope her little routine works in the Tijuana bars next January because Trump is just as vindictive as Choom boy.
  17. Wow Oscar, intolerant much? That reads like the Communist manifesto.....
  18. Yes, a nations culture is molded by and virtually inseparable from faith. So when lefties preach 'multi-cultural' they mean anything but Christian. Fundamental atheists like Col may be intensely irritated about Australia's Christian heritage but an honest look at history will show the west has been very much shaped by the Holy Bible. Many of the laws we rely on to protect our individual and property rights come directly from the Old testament for example. Hey Col benefits from what he despises. Principals like jihad and jizya and core tenets of Islamic culture, it's what you get when you invite them in. So the joke is on us with our limp-wristed 'multi-culture' nonsense that would never be tolerated for a moment in any Moslem country.
  19. This is sad... "THE pilot of a gyrocopter mustering stock on an Outback station has been killed in a crash in the state’s Far North. Emergency services were notified of the accident on New Crown Station, about 200km north east of Marla, about 1pm. The pilot — who was the sole occupant of the gyrocopter — died at the scene. Major Crash investigators have been notified of the incident Northern Territory and South Australia police have been dispatched to the scene."
  20. How fast you pick it up depends a bit upon your age. You should ask your school the average hours to certificate for their students; some will try to milk you out for 40+ hours (yes some students will require this but I'm talking average hours here). If possible talk to current and past students first to see if they are happy. All the best Stick, enjoy!
  21. Terrific advice (for men and women), it's all about relationships. I would include our spiritual relationship also as this is what brings true peace. Brings to mind these words from King Solomon: Ecclesiastes 12 "And remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth, before the evil days come, and the years draw nigh, of which thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; before the sun, and the light, and the moon, and the stars, be darkened, and the clouds return after the rain; in the day when the keepers of the house tremble, and the strong men bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows are darkened, and the doors are shut toward the street; when the sound of the grinding is subdued, and they rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of song are brought low; they are also afraid of what is high, and terrors are in the way, and the almond is despised, and the grasshopper is a burden, and the caper-berry is without effect; (for man goeth to his age-long home, and the mourners go about the streets; before the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be shattered at the fountain, or the wheel be broken at the cistern; and the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit return unto God who gave it."
  22. You really are an amazingly gullible person. The way you unthinkingly lap up media drivel, it's almost child-like. And the more kooky the the claims it seems to become proportionally more credible to you. Unless you were joking, in which case I apologise for missing your sarc each time you post this stuff.
  23. I found this comment somewhat sad. Some aspects of Australian culture have completely reversed in my lifetime, we seems to have become a nation of dobbers with a willingly servile attitude. It used to puzzle me how organisations like the Communist Stasi could find so many sycophants, not so much anymore.
  24. We can only speculate about this stuff until someone posts a photo of the girl.
  25. They fined the stoner $3300, haha good luck with retrieving that. Three bucks might be OK. Wonder if he got to see her on the video in court. BTW crazy how these waste of oxygen lawyers will argue over minutiae for hours about a trivial event that barely needed to go to court in the first place. Charging by time no doubt.
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