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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Please don't compare RaAus to Australian universities, they are mostly full of dolts. The only surprise is that you were surprised to find they are retarded and more interested in parking than serious issues.
  2. Nah, don't like motorbikes at all. I used to ride a unicycle though, but I'm not sure that would be so relevant to your poll....
  3. Darn, wanted to see her led away in handcuffs. May still happen, the police investigation continues.
  4. Not in the petroleum industry but used to add some toluene to petrol as an octane booster, it's a fairly common solvent used in coatings etc - probably why some coatings aren't going to like it.... worked OK in my old Ford.
  5. Unlicensed lunatics like Orville and Wilbur would be gaoled today for our safety. And Louis Bleriot, mad Frenchman flying international without even a compass.
  6. Support Drive Aid - greedy people in Africa want to eat our fuel! "hungry petrol tanks make me angry"
  7. Gnu's, of course, are a cheery lot...
      • 3
      • Winner
      • Haha
  8. More photos and details in this article.
  9. Welcome Lior! Be fun to combine your two hobbies no?
  10. I thought there was a recreational H license in NZ? But perhaps they won't recognise that here....
  11. Just more stupid now I suspect, led by Odumbo and all. Back then they could even identify the enemy and figure out a precise strategy to deal with them.
  12. Amazing period, they made all sorts of machines back then that they can't match the performance of today.
  13. Haha, very good!
  14. Cut a small hole in the top and fill them with concrete, never have a flat again.
  15. Nev25. There are others out there...
  16. He insisted to me it would remain PPL(H). I don't think CASA care much about what works in other countries, they have their own little fiefdom here to regulate. But I'm interested if Nev has something very different? Meanwhile best to get a H licence in NZ or USA I would suggest, never going to be cost effective here at least in the foreseeable future.
  17. Asked a CASA guy about this last year, he vowed it would absolutely not happen on safety grounds. Guess it wouldn't help the RaAus fatality record any....
  18. Clowns are evil, as are Panda's...
  19. They may be harvesting the information?
  20. All the high-tech sensors and gear, I wonder why they relied on a hobby plane controller with a stock antenna?
  21. Wouldn't mind so much if it landed in my yard provided I got to keep it....
  22. The problem here lies with socialised healthcare we have in Australia. I agree you should be free to ride without a helmet if you wish but only on condition you agree to pay for all your medical costs in the event of an accident that resulted in any head trauma. I believe head trauma is a significant problem in light aircraft accidents, there have been many instances of folk dying in lightly damaged aircraft due to head impact. Maybe one day airbags will become common.
  23. Howdy Tom! There are some Skyranger and Zenith owners here, you've probably seen the threads.
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