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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Please let use know, I've had both views insisted on by two different CFI's. If it is - or could become - busy I personally stay at circuit height for most of downwind at least to avoid the potential danger of over-flyers. In most aircraft it's only a couple of minutes folks and in a high wing the view above is quite limited.
  2. Either comprehension isn't such a strong point or you didn't read his posts. Like a drink to go with your big serve of intolerance Mr blog owner?
  3. You talking to Dutch? He brought this us. Or you feel only fundy atheists like him and you should be allowed to? Free speech for only those you choose.
  4. Haha, I've one of them too. In his case it's the plane that is the pitts.
  5. Indeed; praise be to Him for your safety! Psalm 44...
  6. You might, but it seems to have been probably just a plastic bag, not a drone.
  7. Surely not you old skeptic!
  8. My apologies for confusing the two accidents.
  9. Hey Sr I think it was Dutch that posted a link just the other day to this incident being caused by the case of night vision goggles inadvertently being left to block elevator movement. Or am I confusing with another accident?
  10. Wow he is fortunate to be alive Phil. Also fortunate to be in England with the ground is always wet and spongy....
  11. That hangar looks like a Masters hardware store.
  12. Sure it might. You go first....
  13. They were Moslems? In the Hadith drinking Camel urine is recommended by Mohammad for its medicinal properties (not joking). In some ME countries you can buy bottles of it for this purpose. As with many things fresh may be better: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qzdmSk3cnw
  14. I'll also do that for treats.
  15. This is just heartbreaking, I pray for that poor lady and her child. Awful situation, and mystifying.
  16. Might've been the Gnu on the side of the aircraft that scared him off. Edit: or Billy Goat, distant relative.
  17. First sharks with lasers, now drones with chainsaws. At 0:45 even the creators fear it! Ideal for greenie logging protests. The end of the clip is somewhat deflating though...
  18. We allow foreign tourists to drive here. These are just long-term tourists, doesn't seem to cause a lot of trouble that I'm aware of.
  19. This is practically the norm for Asian students. I know one who has been here for about 6 years & still on a Chinese license including doing commercial interstate deliveries. Others are driving taxis & only have an Indian license. And you know what? I tend to agree with Bruce here it doesn't seem to matter much. Not seen a big spate of accidents. Bureaucrats made our system so difficult to legitimately get a drivers license (75 hours on L's etc) I don't blame them at all.
  20. Terrific, glad to hear you are always happy Bex. These are just some factors to look at for those that suffer from depression or similar. I would still encourage even happy folk to look at these factors though, as you age health becomes ever more important. You'd need to search Pearo as I don't have this on hand but the info is certainly out there. On the first one if you suffer significant stress you can feel physically ill; researchers were surprised to discover recently it works the other way too. Much still to learn about this connection.
  21. Some factors: recently discovered significant connection to poor quality diet (gut / brain connection found to work both ways). Also (somewhat lesser) lack of sunlight exposure - which not cured by merely taking D3 pills. Lack of exercise, preferably do high intensity. Lack of faith - no aim or purpose in life.
  22. Like going to the US and paying half the hourly rate?
  23. Welcome Brian! That's a bonnie wee lass....
  24. Yes Andrew would be good. No reason he shouldn't talk about marriage or anything else if he wishes to, years ago people were free to have their own opinions. Seems like a radical idea now.
  25. Terrific Troy, great to see more from WA!
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