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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Interesting but perhaps not so applicable to the Jabbi...
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  2. Only tards on twitter. My sympathies with the pilots family.
  3. Sorry Phil I don't quite get how this would work. So it goes from being a claimable business expense to a taxable income in that you then get to pay income tax on the hourly rate you paid yourself? Presumably you would charge yourself GST also? I might be missing something here, not big on accountancy at all.
  4. Maybe some big springs on your feet?
  5. From Jetpack Aviation: " [/url]A real jetpack needs to be small and light enough that you can put it on and walk around. It needs to be safe enough and reliable enough (in principle if not in practice) for regular use. And most importantly, it needs to be able to take off vertically, fly for a useful distance and time, and land vertically without turning its passenger into goo. Jetpack Aviation's JB-9 does all of these things." Very nice, apart from limited fuel capacity and not many options on engine out. Might wait for the nuclear version.
  6. Yo dog...!
  7. Well it is a low cost carrier so you need to walk part of the way.
  8. And over Toronto. From the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton, ON.... fabulous video clip.
  9. I can't see a post #64 - means it must be a troll, am I right?
  10. Obama is more white than black (not that it is relevant at all but everything is about skin colour to lefties) and he ate dog. Read his book. Listen to his words. As do many Chinese (it is a delicacy) so it makes sense to have an Obama Chinese eatery as in #2. Got it now?
  11. You probably should avoid the laughter section petal.
  12. Well you missed the connection.
  13. Is this the same?
  14. This is a very valid point. Exactly how many times has the system been effective and how many times has it failed? As with ASIC we should have years of data by now showing it's effectiveness or otherwise - which should determine the schemes continuation or not.
  15. They'll be so excited, tripping over themselves to claim it as a potential problem on all current models.
  16. If you get into a tussle with the Chinese they can remotely switch off your aircraft? Nor the A10's apparently.
  17. Doesn't sound too good, I pray he lives and recovers from this: " [/url]A MAN in his 30s was airlifted to hospital in a serious condition after his glider crash landed in the Riverland on Saturday afternoon. Authorities were called to the Waikerie Airfield at 3.45pm amid reports a glider had “crash landed”. Witnesses reported to police how the pilot, who has not been named, may have crashed into vineyards near the airport, located almost 4km east of Waikerie." [Later in the article it says he was in his 60's].
  18. Is it a virus?
  19. "You don't often get tour agents who will arrange a trip to a country just to fly in its planes, [/url]but in North Korea this is possible. London-based Juche Travel Services offers an aviation-themed tour. Air Koryo recently acquired two Russian-built Tupolev Tu-204s for international routes, with an economy ticket costing about 900 yuan ($137) for the two-hour journey from Beijing. Once in Pyongyang, you can hop into Soviet-era aircraft such as a Mil Mi-17 transport helicopter for a buzz over the capital, or a view of the mountains. "It’s a very different experience, traveling back 20, 30 years,'' says Sam Chui, an aviation enthusiast who's flown Air Koryo about 20 times." Enthusiastically waving at their favourite customer, Bex.
  20. ...according to Flying magazine. Here is one of them: "Have you seen the TV ads for the new "Mission: Impossible" movie, the ones showing Tom Cruise improbably hanging on for dear life on the outside of a military transport plane as it blasts into the sky? Hollywood CGI is getting pretty good, I recall thinking. Well, that was no CGI. Cruise actually strapped onto the outside of the fuselage of an Airbus A400M and went for the ride of a lifetime to get the shot."
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  21. Folks I took the video as being rather tongue in cheek.
  22. Another batch of colourised WW1 photos here. ^ front seat vision not so great.
  23. Bonus question from the audience: what is this bundedburg of which you speak?
  24. This cracks me up. Oh no, we are not the manufacturer, heck we can't even create a rational reason for most of our actions. However we've only just started on this in the past year or two, still getting around to looking into the data. No idea of causes, besides that isn't our department. Could take decades to figure that stuff out. But Mister-Doctor will now explain why we had to shut them down because of shut downs....
  25. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqcXstB7UJ0 No biggie.... apparently.
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