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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. In countries like China and India there is deep behind-the-scenes government corruption. Here in Australia it is up front, in the open legalized government theft. And more expensive.
  2. "The U.S. Air Force has decided to indefinitely postpone the retirement of the legendary A-10 Thunderbolt II ground attack plane. The venerable Warthog's increased role in the air campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria was the Pentagon's main reason for the postponement." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBEU_Op60fU
  3. Once carbon fibre is burnt safety / rescue people tend to avoid it due to health risk from the tiny free fibres. Not on the same level as asbestos but apparently potentially quite dangerous to the respiratory system none the less. It's been discussed here before.
  4. It's a principle. You could, of course, offer to pay it for him.
  5. This will become the problem with carbon fibre aircraft also.
  6. You missed just a few items, funny about that. But it's nice to be again reminded that of all faiths it is only Christianity that bothers you.
  7. Because what could be more Australian than halal lamb? No thanks.
  8. Hey Alan don't get a card, just do it. Here is the info you need to make it work, post #2. Congratulations on your purchase, don't rush and have a nice trip!
  9. Long focal length = short depth of field, always enhances the drama. Like the cross-wind landing videos shot down the runway where the aircraft barely appears to move forwards, much more dramatic.
  10. Well if you are two tonne I guess it would seem that way no!
  11. SR-71 speed check, a good read... and what a magnificent machine. "Ripping across the barren deserts 80,000 feet below us, I could already see the coast of California from the Arizona border."
  12. We get it pearo lefties are real smart and love to kill themselves a few babies! Mmmm, fresh baby! I wonder why you need to launch into your little simmering issues, if you disagree with my post why not just say you think government is modern, works fine and we should have more of it?
  13. As Marco Rubio recently said (which also applies here): "we are a country that has a retirement system designed in the 30’s, higher education designed in the 50’s, poverty programs designed in the 60’s, energy policies from the 70’s, and nothing looks like it did five years ago. We have an outmoded, outdated government…and a big-government Left that is more interested in protecting the status quo than in modernizing our policies to address the challenges of the 21st Century.”
  14. Oh Kevin!
  15. Welcome Erik! Is that close to little Baghdad?
  16. Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere. Good outcome (except for the bird): " [/url]A pilot who was forced to make a dangerous emergency landing after an eagle smashed through the windscreen of his plane said his only concern amidst the chaos was getting his 'canine co-pilot' back to the ground safety. Michael Greenwood was flying a light aircraft out of Mudgee with his ten-year-old dog Billy strapped into the back seat when an eagle shattered his windscreen, leaving him and his cockpit splattered with blood"
  17. Classic 1936 engine cooling video from Chevrolet (prior to pressurised systems): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoA-2TlZY5I
  18. Not at all. Atheists have no moral basis to claim that any form of ethics - or no ethics at all - is right or wrong. You might not like to hear this but you certainly can't disprove the statement.
  19. As an atheist you have no basis for your claim. Ethics can be whatever the individual chooses them to be, or none.
  20. From the video description: Soar was created as Alyce Tzue's thesis project in school. What began as a toil of love by first-time filmmakers ended up catching the eyes of festivals all over the world. Soar is the proud 2015 Gold Winner of the 42nd Student Oscars, Best Student Animation Winner at Palm Springs, Finalist at the Student BAFTAs, and has screened in the Hamptons, St. Louis, Seoul, Austin, and more. The Soar team is beyond grateful for your support. We believe the film's surprise success is proof of its message: when you put in everything you've got, sometimes you achieve more than you ever expected. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_GdDOnT_jc
  21. Creation is amazing, speaks of the design skills of the creator of course. Thanks for the photos HIC, nice.
  22. There is a few of these lines about, although to be fair credit should be given to Hindus for inventing the female suicide bomber. Taliban guys in a Kabul strip club: "show us your face!"
  23. Read this in a news article comments section (the good part of any news article): A guy goes in an adult store and asks for an inflatable doll. The guy behind the counter says, “Male or female?” The customer says, “Female” The counter guy asks, “Black or white?” The customer says, “White” The counter guy asks, “Christian or Muslim?” The customer says, “What on earth does religion have to do with it?” The counter guy says, “The Muslim one blows itself up!”
  24. Welcome Mike, great to have a variety of locations represented here!
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