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Gnarly Gnu

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Everything posted by Gnarly Gnu

  1. Now if you like sweet engineering but must have the real thing here is the dyno run-up of a quad turbo 12.3 litre 5000 horsepower V16: C'mon Jabiru, sign these guys as consultants.
  2. Maybe not so suitable for A-C but an amazing work of art to behold: "This project by YouTuber Aliaksei Zholner is on the smaller side, but no less impressive. This tiny V8 engine is small enough to fit in your hand, with a piston stroke of just 6mm and cylinders with a 5.5mm diameter. And it works! Obviously it doesn't actually run on gas considering that it is made out of paper, but it hums right along when hooked up to a supply of compressed air. It even sounds wonderful when it's doing it."
  3. Yes, it is entirely reasonable to halt Moslem immigration until they permanently halt jihad against the west. A very popular measure amongst people that like the west (not so much with the anti's). The first and primary role of government is national security and the protection of citizens. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxgkvfV-3qE “(New York, NY) December 7th, 2015, — Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. Most recently, a poll from the Center for Security Policy released data showing “25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as a part of the global jihad” and 51% of those polled, “agreed that Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah.” Shariah authorizes such atrocities as murder against non-believers who won’t convert, beheadings and more unthinkable acts that pose great harm to Americans, especially women. Mr. Trump stated, “Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension. Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life..”
  4. You really are that gullible aren't you Dutch.
  5. Be patient, you will before long.
  6. OK what defines a drone from a radio controlled aircraft (which it seems is what this is)? Should a drone have at least some degree of self-flying autonomy?
  7. This is utterly false Nev. That's why it doesn't get mentioned much because there is nothing remotely equivalent.
  8. Sold them to Libya you mean; that's not a crime. In 2003 during the Bush era & after seeing what happened in Iraq Libya surrendered it's WMD and was significantly improving its game. Obama and Hillary are to blame for the mess in Libya, now ISIS have started to blossom there on Europe's doorstep. The take away lesson all similar countries like NK and Iran have picked up from this is never surrender your WMD's or nukes. Why are you so anti-western? Does it equally offend you that ISIS uses a lot of Toyota utes for example?
  9. "Islamic State militants in Libya are [/url]learning how to fly commercial jets in large simulators imported from abroad , according to reports from Arabic media. ISIS is reportedly training pilots in the Libyan city Sirte using large and comprehensive flight simulators, Libyan officials told an Arabic daily Wednesday according to Ynetnews. ISIS has an estimated 3,000 fighters in Libya and has controlled Sirte for several months. “The simulator is about as large as a small car, and simulates every facet of flight including air-to-ground communications,” the sources said. A group of ISIS commanders reportedly obtained the simulator in October and have at least one other simulator, which they are using to train fighter pilots." They have no interest in productive, industrious activities or education unless it is somehow associated with advancing their evil and destructive cause.
  10. OK this is getting OT and it doesn't apply to Ross of course but just to correct ^ the promised virgins are indeed women and claimed to be good looking, Mohammad described them with various attributes such as 'doe eyed' and 'full breasted' (varies with English translations) along with the unlimited alcohol. For those that successfully resisted their homosexual urges whilst alive there is also the option of having young boys instead - and no, I'm not making this up. It's Islamic doctrine, all in their sacred texts. I can post the relevant verses but getting quite OT so I'll leave it there.
  11. (Just posted for a chuckle, I only follow Celsius temps).
  12. Informative classic video, worth a watch if you are interested in mechanics. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDXXkpGiLU0
  13. Oh no this is so sad, he contributed so much to Recreational aviation and to this site. My sympathies to Ross' family in their sudden and tragic loss, I will pray for you. John 11v25 Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life: he that believes on me, though he have died, shall live.
  14. Yep, most of my family and close to half of my friends would fall into that sort of colour category. And what is your point? Seems like a fail and makes no sense, besides most Mos are not coloured anyway and coloured people are despised within Islam. Don't supposed you know Mohammad referred to them 'raisins'? Sahih Bukhari 9:89:256. More here if you wish to learn. As other have pointed out the concern at this point is more what is taking place outside the public security controlled zone. That's why ASIC is a dud system.
  15. Yep, Egyptian terrorists attacking Russia - has to be George Bush, Blair or Howard. Or global warming. Think I'm starting to understand this sort of thinking - like a goldfish swimming around a little square aquarium, there are only four possible views. Unless you are belly-up, that would be a fifth.
  16. Indeed they are horsefeather - the problem at Sharm el-Sheikh had nothing to do with some bomb detector, nothing to do with the USA (or even George Bush / Tony Abbott poo be upon them as you might say) but was instead jihadi sympathetic ground crew or cleaner that planted the bomb. So rather relevant to this thread about how the ASIC is a dud and an expensive joke.
  17. Well not new arrivals, 2nd generation (have to speak good English) and not so well paid, it's just security but I agree indeed good to see them having work. The obvious concern is with the situation that happened at Sharm el-Sheikh of course, some allegiances always come first.
  18. It has animals screaming in pain, sounds like abattoirs rap.
  19. In Sydney I noticed they appear to be mostly Moslem (funny I know). Pretty sure they are forbidden from touching males, might go straight to taser.
  20. Welcome Joe, and Kamloops (a beautiful area I'm sure with delicious food). Is this school in Dubbo? it is GA only?
  21. Thanks for sharing this fascinating glimpse Poteroo and congratulations on 50+ years of professional flying! Hope to read more. That's great, can't comment as I wasn't.
  22. Not sure about their motives - it may well be the case - but it simply may just be a better deal. I get my dental and medical done O/S in a '3rd world country' as it is better than anything I can get here in SA, a quarter to a third of the price and no waiting at all. Can't speak highly enough of the quality, nothing 3rd world about it & wouldn't consider local except for routine check-ups and acute issues. Case in point had an eye problem earlier this week while I was away, rang the hospital at 10am, they gave me appointment at 2.30pm that afternoon where the specialist advised after examination that I needed minor surgery, it was done 30 minutes later and by 4.30pm I was out the door with instructions and necessary medications.
  23. Some of you guys must have too much time on your hands reading troll comments. Why bother, just skip ahead.
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