The funny thing to me is, Take off is the really dangerous bit, because if it goes wrong, you are doing the opposite of what you need to do, and your area to do it with is getting shorter, or has gone!
I was always ( and if truth be known, I still am a bit. It's hard to shake!) freaking out about my landings, and never fazed about my take offs, and my instructor set about changing that!!
We went up, in the Tomahawk, on a hot, gusty, semi-stormy afternoon in Mildura and did circiuts for over an hour, and while take off was hairy, landing was something akin to bull riding!!
What it taught me was, the plane will always come down.
It can be out of shape, slipping, skidding, bouncing, bucking, floating and all of the above, but when you finally chop power, guess what......it lands.
Take off is always full of danger because there is always a point where you are too far in to abort, and not far enough to get back. And it's all well and good to say "Set up the glide, look 30deg either side and and bring it back in," but in my limited experience, the kilometer or two out the end of the runway is never a good spot to put a plane down!
Landing, it is all in front of you, and it doesn't have to be pretty. That comes later.
All you do is set the plane up, and it lands itself.
It's the knowlege of the minor corrections that makes it pretty or not, but like I said, that comes later and is not manditory to getting on the ground.