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  • Aircraft
    ATEC Zephyr, Sonex Legacy (A)
  • Location
    The Oaks
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  1. Okay - its news to me. Just let my GA medical/BFR lapse late last year- didnt have an ASIC when it was all up to speed. Does this mean I go to jail?😈
  2. FYI - My Dynon SkyView ADAHRS module failed without warning, before Christmas just gone. Long story short - just picked up my brand new (not repaired/refurbished) modul. Although it had only done 132 hrs, the purchase date put it out of warranty - so full price on the new. No explanation as to why the original module failed. Does not inspire confidence.😈
  3. Well done IBob - lots of initiative. I would suggest that the: two bathroom extractor fans ae insufficient - the principal is correct, just need to move more air. heater you used could easily be an ignition source - its use close to a potentially explosive atmosphere is very risky My paint booth was a wooden frame completely wrapped (including floor) in builders plastic sheet, (edge sealed with packing tape). Top/walls had an extra layer of bubble wrap for insulation. One end wall skin was about 1/4 air-conditioning filter (bubble wrap drop down sheet to keep warm air in when not spraying) The opposite end, double doors (to facilitate large component entry) with a ducted cheap industrial pedestal fan extracting air, in the left door, the other my entry/exit. About midway I had an old reverse cycle air conditioner mounted at ground level (warm air rises) with the thermostat set to deliver a constant 25C about half way up the structure (used cheap digital thermometers with Max/Min temp recording). The filter end of the structure had my paint preparation bench. I wet down the floor before spraying as an additional dust suppressant. An old rotatable engine stand was modified to hold the wing root end, of each wing , the tip supported by tie down point, either from roof or floor stand - this allowed the wing to be rotated about its long axis. I had no mains electricity so used a 7 kva generator for power and my compressor was/is a Honda powered unit. Will try & find some photos.😈
  4. Dont know you aircraft or situaton however you might like to consider restricting exit air flow, rather than individually blanking off heat exchangers. With my last aircraft I had a winter & summer fixed cowl flap ( aluminium sheet, shaped to fit, held in place by 10 small nuts/bolts) - worked a treat.😈
  5. The Stewart System is Specifically for aircraft (obviously can be used elsewhere but why?) Being waterborne, is fare less dangerous than traditional two pack. Recommends HVLP gun, much reduced aerosol generation and paint wastage. Follow the instructions , to the letter, you will be surprised at how good the result is😈
  6. So an ASIC is going to neutralize this 60 Minutes hysteria. Maaate get real; 60 Minutes is a TV trash mag - I would doubt the veracity of any story from this source. Even if it was a real threat - ASIC wont change a darn thing, might as well hold up the card, in the hope it will stop a bullet.. As I have said, so many times - with cheap readily available modern technology, you don't even have to be inside the ineffectual security fence, to be a threat to an aircraft, small or large.😈
  7. Yeah! BUT is it Facial Recognition or just general surveillance (as I suspect)😈
  8. Moneybox - Your video is likly State/Local Gov. propaganda - CCTV cameras, in Australia, are not (usually) linked to facial recognition. Circumstance - Perth, the largest English city outside the UK?😈
  9. "I’ll guarantee your backup ASI uses a common pitot / static source, so will only display same invalid reading. True, if this was the only fault scenario - see below; Most errors are the caused by a fault in the pitot / static system. " That is until your EFB displays a large red cross - ADAHRS modul no longer working. 😈
  10. When I did the full refurbishment of my ATEC Zephyr, I used the Stewart Paint System https://stewartsystems.aero/. A certified paint system Not Cheap Comes with a very comprehensive set of instructions - follow to the letter & you can't go wrong. When the time came to paint my Sonex, using high pigment auto paint, I was persuaded that I should use the services of a professional automotive paint shop. Big mistake. I think my plaine was the first they had ever done. Should have used a lot more elasticizer in the mix, to allow for metal skin movement. Rivet lines & edges (especially leading) should have been painted first, before applying final coat. I honestly think I could have done as good a job and saved myself a few $K I have a couple of questions for those of you who have actually done it. What spray equipment did you use (make and model please)? Iwata, High Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) gravity feed gun. Needs steady supply of high volume air pressure, choose your compressor carefully (most only tell you pressure, which is not enough to know if it will maintain supply volume). Use a water catch/regulator on the compressor and back that up with a secondary, disposable, water catch & mini , regulator at the gun. Quality face mask/filters, gloves and disposable overalls ( ALL paint is damaging to your health). What paint (primer and top) did you use (again brand and type please. If I google β€˜two pack’, I’m likely to end up with lots of references to dead rappers πŸ˜›). This will depend on your aircarft build material - ask kit supplier/others who have same plane/etc What environment did you do it in (backyard? Shed? Shed with extractor fan? etc) For a good finish, your and the environments safety, you will need at least a well vented, basic spray booth/clean room (I used air conditioner filter material on the air IN side to reduce the chance of insect/dust entry & a big pedestal fan pulling air OUT. If spraying in winter some way of heating to ensure a good cure is advisable (I used an old reverse cycle window rattler). Need very good lighting - as many fluros/LED lights as you can beg/borrow/steal What would you do differently if you did it again? Would you ever do it again, or did it turn out to be just too painful? If there is an next time, I will definitely do my own. Dont try & be fancy - go with a single colour (any shade of white is the most forgiving & functional). Practice on any vertical sheet /wall you can sacrifice - cardboard that has been sprayed with undercoat is good. Always do a short test spray, on above, to check gun settings BEFORE commiting to the aircraft. Do not try for full coverage n one coat - several "mist" coats (tack off between each) will result in a better finish Know what the gun controls do - spray pattern, volume of paint, etc Good preparation is the key to successful. Surface to be sprayed and having all you need handy to the job. I use 100% isopropanol to wipe down the surface before spraying (purchase from cleaning material wholesale supplier.) Read the paint specification sheet & understand your mix ratios, tack of time, temperature range, etc 😈 ,
  11. At least it has hydraulics - not like the old D4 we had on the farm about 40 years ago😈
  12. I missed nothing of your comment - I merely point out that humans have very poor/nil ability to judge air speed, when at altitude (probably above 100 ft from the surface). The " ..appropriate configuration and the appropriate attitude and power setting.." is all very well, until you start down Base/Final (changing all three of the settings you have quoted) to an unfamiliar runway in gusting conditions, with no ASI. Not suggesting it can't be done (as you have pointed out and I have done on at least two occasions) however it's a long way outside my comfort zone and I expect the same for most recreational level pilots. You can't escape the species limitations which can, to some extent, be mitigated by remaining cool, applying much of what you suggest - Give me an ASI to be sure (I have a backup unit in my aircraft).😈
  13. "........facial recognition tracking you walking through the city" In Australia??? The larger retail outlets (Bunnings/Woolworths, etc) have been in the media recently for having this technology in some of their stores BUT walking through a city - I think not. There is no doubt that some countries (mainly totalitarian regimes) are using this technology on their general population. Its use in western democracies is (I hope) very limited (ports ?). The Poms are reputed to have very wide spread CCT cameras all over their cities, but unless linked to facial recognition is at least a "half step away" from such draconian technology.😈
  14. I agree that the instruments you have nominated are not critical for safe flight, especially within the training (familiar) area. The ones you have not nominated are, especially for the student. Attitude, power & height are relativly easy for a human to judge. Not so airspeed (unless in an open cockpit), when in the circuit/on approach to land. It can be done of course but an ASI is a great help😈
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