How will it "wear thin" if no abrasives are used/contained within the polish.
This is what I was getting at earlier - abrasives, either deliberatly applied or accidentally within the (renovating?) polish WILL steadily remove the paint/gel coat eventually requiring a respray/application at considerable expense, to replace what you did not need to remove - for what? A temporary ashetetic "buzz".
If you must use an abrasive - do it to sell the aircraft - it will still have its gel/paint coating and will come up a treat.
I use automotive detergent (in the hope it will do no harm to paint or airframe) rinse off with copious quantities of rain water, dry with synthetic chamois (better, cheaper than natural and kinder on the goats).
When the mood takes me, about 2x/year, I polish with non abrasive polishes.
After "buffing", I reapply the polish to leading edges - do not buff/remove. I hope this will form a sort of sacrificial coating for bugs ie non stick. Far from perfect, seems to work, particularly on prop leading edges and back (worst place for bug contamination). I do my prop more often, to get rid of any persistent bug splatter (comes off with a light spray of water & my chamois) fairly frequently - estimate once per month depending on season π