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Everything posted by skippydiesel

  1. Just redead your this. Seems to me that you are on the verge of stating that humans do not belong or a bound by the limitations of their species. Of course this is true, but only when assisted by technology. Without technology we are no better, probably less capable, than most of the rest of the animal world. With your many thousands of hours of experince, you will have the advantage over the majority of (low time) private/recreational pilots. With your advantage, I have no doubt you are capable of landing an aircraft, you are familiar with, in benign wind conditions, without recourse to technological assistance. The low time pilot is at much higher risk. Throw in a blustery cross wind, unfamiliar landing ground, new to the aircraft and the very human pilot will be struggling.😈
  2. Thanks Moneybox - Thought provoking observations/information - I wonder if the summer temperature within my parked, closed, cockpit (60C) may have been the factor which killed my Dynon ADAHRS module. My guess, with time, all of this technology will become far more robust, able to tolerate extremes of temperature.😈
  3. Simple - If you are not learning/enjoying/have constructive comments - don't participate. The choice is entirely yours😈
  4. Hi Jerry, Thank you for your considere input. The incident at Avalon is but an extreme example of failure in what should be a highly regulated/secure civil aviation environment. The crux of the debate is the hundreds of RPT/Security Controlled Airports around rural Australia. I have no recollection of anyone advocating to remove ASIC from being used at major domestic/international airports in Australia. In my view this conversation is about the merits ASIC, as applied to low volume rural airports, designated Security Controlled Airports - does it confer an improved security benefit? I would say not for all the reasons previously articulated. Flowing from the decision to impose ASIC, on these minor ports, is the impact on touring private pilots - Cost benefit analysis, where cost is not just financial, more importantly, includes loss of pilots automatic right of access to public airfields, there being no evidence for an enhanced security benefit to individual/population. As for an "industry around it employing many people" - there are several service providers delivering ASIC to applicants. No idea what the number of employees would be - unlikly to be significant numbers. As for the small rural airfields - at best a handful, as it would seem the existing ground/maintenance person (or similar) is most often tasked with the additional responsibility of security, that is if even this small step has been taken. Unfortunatly your gun analogy does not apply - if here is a "black market" in unlicensed small aircraft, aircraft being stolen for criminal purpose, in Australia, I haven't heard of it. Nor can you secrete a manned aircarft on your person, baggage. May be possible with a drone (see my earlier comments)😈
  5. Thus harped the complaisant, while their rights & privileges are eroded. Apathy rules! Good on ya mate, take another prozac & have a little nap! You probably didnt notice the title of this thread "ASIC AGAIN" - I am sticking to the "One Note"/topic. Not intersted - don't participate Got nothing constructive to say - don't participate😈
  6. Your a classic wriggler - in the door, in the aircraft cabin - a matter of CM's. The inescapable point is, he should never have got where he did. It doesn't matter if the gun was loaded or not, the bombs real or fake - they could have been and at tragedy the result. Would you have been arguing CM's then??? - I think not. SECURITY FAILED !!! - ASIC is supposed to be a key part of security - ASIC FAILED!! If ASIC can so easily be circumnavigated AT A RELATIVELY MAJOR AIRPORT WHERE SECURITY RELAY MATTERS what hope for a small, twice a day RPT airport, with virtually no security funding, casual staff, who are only around shortly before/after the twice daily arrival/departure ???? - The rest of the day anyone can walk in to any part of the airport - I know I have seen for myself. I do not care about your flying interest/aspirations - there are other pilots, who like to tour across our wonderful country, why should they be required to obtain an ASIC, that achieves no practical purpose, just to land at a small airport, where there may be an RPT aircraft standing or not, for fear of the once in a blue moon chance of receiving a $3000 (?) fine for not displaying the said useless card??😈
  7. It is one thing to support the indefensible, quite another to call for censorship of those concerned with democracy, freedom and rights. If you find what I am trying to say/defend uncomfortable/distasteful, there are quite a few totalitarian states to choose from, why not try one on for size?😈
  8. Check out the photos in this https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-03-06/avalon-airport-man-firearm-incident/105019482 Unless he has been helped into the aircraft, after being apprehended by a passenger & crew member- he got into it himself, with a loaded gun and, what fortunately turned out to be, a fake bomb(s). You are at liberty to deny the obvious. I defend your right to do so but please, for the good of your reputation, try not to do so publicly & in writing😈
  9. Repco Australia only stock those Gates products deemed to have automotive applications - they do not stock 8GHT hydraulic oil hose. 8GHT hydraulic oil hose, can be had from a hydraulic service company called Hydrolink (there may be others)😈
  10. Hi Area-51,


    I see that you are a Europa pilot. Perchance it is powered by a Rotax  and utilises a constant speed propeller?


    Is so, I would like to compare performance and engine/prop management,  between your aircraft & my Sonex/Rotax 912ULS😈

    1. Area-51


      An 80hp europa equiped with a 3 blade 63" Airmaster csu setup will cruise at 135kt on 12L/hr at 5200rpm and around 26MAP, and climb at around 800fpm two up at 5500rpm and 29MAP at 80kt... A 914 equiped Airmaster setup will see 155kt cruise at 5500rpm and 18L/hr... With a 68" 3 blade Bolly pitched at 20deg an 80hp europa will see 125kt at 5200 rpm on about  15L/hr and 110kt at 5000 rpm on 12L/hr, and a 1600fpm departure at 5200rpm and 80kt one up, or 1000fpm climb at 100kt.

    2. skippydiesel


      Wow! - I wish I had purchased one of the two Europas I bid on.


      My Sonex Legacy/Rotax 912ULS/Airmaster, Whirlwind 3 blade, AP332, Still tweaking, however can make 150 + knots true at 5500 rpm (forget the MAP at don't often go there) using about 19L/hr.

      I usually cruise at 130 knots true @ 5000 rpm 25.6 MAP for 14 L/hr

      Climb out is 80 -90 -100 knots @ WOT for a max weight climb of 1500 ft/min (initial)


      My Sonex is only just a two place aircraft being both squeezy and weight limited.


      What engine /prop are you using?


    3. Area-51


      Like the europa, the Sonex will eat most comparative aircraft in the sky. It has fantastic visibility from the cockpit, a strong +6/-4 spar and is nimble and responsive. It does not have the same level of stability as the europa, so it is great for aero's due to its inherent slight instability. I am told the Sonex can be tiring to hand fly long distances without an AP due to this; its an aircraft that requires to be piloted constantly while airborne... Both aircraft have their pluses and minuses... straight line they are about the same when using a 912/914. That being said the europa has a +12 ultimate rating on the spar, is highly nimble in experienced hands, and will do aero's quite comfortably if requested; but was purpose designed specifically for distance touring with short field capabilities.


      Wing root flares would give the Sonex slightly better low speed and bank turn performance and capitalise on the low vortex wing tip design advantages. Fowler flaps would enhance stall speed performance. The factory canopy frame requires beefing up as well to prevent distortion and inflight departure.

  11. "ICP SS oil and coolant lines" Is this the corrugated stainless hose? "Does anyone have a recommendation for the coolant, which requires similar short straight bits of 25mm hose?" Any Gates 25mm ID radiator hose can be used - just price the cheapest & cut to length. If you want "rubber" hose the whole way, Gates make 25mm ID radiator hose, with 90 degree bend, in two diffrent lengths. All of the required info. can be found in this thread.😈
  12. "While we keep pretending that all you need is an expensive id card and occassional council rangers this will continue to happen." Quite possibly but highly unlikly at rural RPT airports. Terrorist/nut jobs, seek infamy/attention of the media (make a statement) want crowds, "shock & awe"- some drunken youth, wondering onto the airfield at, say Moree, NSW, with or without a weapon may or may not be challenged/arrested and even if, local media might have a few lines in the weekly paper, hardly infamy. Given the few passengers, the local knowledge of ground staff, the chances of such an occurrence succeeding is negligible, as it always has been, long befor ASIC. For me it's not the expense of obtaining an ASIC, its combination of serving no useful purpose and the erosion of my right , as a pilot, to access airports that may be closer to my destination or on route, again for no demonstrable security gain and despite their being no evidence to support its continuance, its persistence 😈.
  13. "No airline employee is going to let anyone on as a passenger with a very obvious tool belt full of sharp pointy things. Tradie is never getting that stuff in the cabin." He got into the cabine - nuff said!😈
  14. So private pilots have to have an ASIC to use a Security Controlled Airfield and a tradie (of unknown political /fundamental persuasion) doesn't and this is considered to be a logical security policy - it's a sick joke! How is it you did not notice, in the video footage, he actually got inside the aircraft, with a firearm. Then claiming to have bombs on his person. By sheer chance the bombs turned out to be fake . By further chance, a brave passenger tackled the disturbed young man, supported by a crew member (PIC?). ASIC was nowhere to be seen. FAILED on every account. The aim of security to to PREVENT access, not ask questions after access has been achieved. FAILED! IF, as could so easily have happened, the gun had been fired, the bombs not fake, people killed/injured/aircraft destroyed, what would you have to say about your precious ASIC? The very fact that: This happened at a large/ busy airport, That should have had many layers of active security The offender is a rank amature, not a trained terrorist. Was so easily achieved. Is testament to the wrong thinking by our security expert/providers. Private pilots, as a group, are possibly the most unlikly perpetrators of a terrorist act - they have far too much invested in training cost and aircraft purchase/operating to be involved in a terrorist act. That a terrorist would go to the expense, time & effort, to train as a private pilot, for the purpose of committing a suicide attack, on a small RPT airfield, somewhere in the Australian bush, is just not credible. He can go down to a hobby store/internet and purchase a drone, that even without explosives, could conceivably bring down an airliner, all from the safety/anonymity of somewhere outside the Security fence - not even a fake ASIC required. The failure of the US security services to apprehend the "trainee pilot/terrorists" before Sept 11, has no logical relationship to Australian private pilots, even more so after the fact - no self respecting terrorist would attempt the same successful scenario twice, knowing the level of suspicion that foreign applicants for flight training would attract.😈
  15. It is beyond belief that any rational person can defend ASIC, as it has been applied to small regional RPT airports. ESPECIALLY after this excellent demonstration, in a busy main hub (assume security to be more vigilant) as to its complete waste of time. Those who think that any erosion of our civil liberties, however small, is acceptable, when there is clearly no benefit , to individuals or the greater public, are demonstrating a level of apathy bordering on the comatose. It is with such small erosions, receiving no protest, that embolden authorities to greater loss of liberty. I have first hand experince of what terrorism can deliver and what ineffectual measures the authorities can come up with, often to the detriment of the law abiding population. With absolute certainty, I can tell you that the tokenim that is ASIC, will never be effective in preventing a determined attack on Civil Aviation period. That it gives the traveling public, at large airports, the illusion of effective security, may be a good thing. In imposition, on private pilots, achieves no posative practical outcome. WAKE UP!!!! 😈
  16. The PRACTICAL TAKEAWAY message here is - Avalon is a busy domestic airfield and ASIC did nothing to prevent the boarding of an aircraft, by a disturbed rank amater (not a trained "terrorist" with organisational backing). If it is so easy to circumvent ASIC regulations/implementation, in this example, its application in (often extremely) low activity domestic airports, is a conclusive demonstration that it is complete without justification. Further; The fact that passengers & crew (where were the ground staff?) appropriately tackled the issue, is the best defence now, and has been ever since RPT services were introduced - no need for ASIC. ASIC is, always has been "window dressing" - gives some ,a false sense of security and is an insult to Australian private pilots, wishing to access low frequency RPT airports across the country. "I'd be looking at beefing up the security fence". Are you out of your mind ? No fence has stopped a determined entrant EVER! At best, a fence slows the entry of a bad person - may if alarmed alert authorities a bit quicker. As pointed out numerous times - An act of bastardry can be initiated and delivered from outside the airport boundary - no fence, no guards (if they even exist), no flight training (your living in the past with this one), no invulnerable ASIC , can stop such an attack, good intelligence may.😈
  17. Did ASIC work??????????🤣😈
  18. "I was not sure that there was information on Mackay rubber hoses " I have never used Mackay hose but am very impressed with their range (see catalogue) I use Gates hoses - fuel & coolant from Repco & oil from Hydrolink Go to (this Forum) Aircraft General Discussion - Started A Spare Parts List A lot of tangential chit chat but the information is all there
  19. Not so happy now ! Low fuel pressure went off on decent (500 ft/min) from 3500 down to 3000 ft. Forced myself not to put boost pump on - flew for another 30 minutes or so with low pressure alarm going of intermittently. Pressure indication slow fluctuations from 1 psi up to 4 psi - No change in engine performance. Boost pump on before landing - pressure indication normalised - 4.5 psi. On landing removed seal from sensor plug. Wet weather forecast so won't be able to fly for a few days.
  20. I would advise not going down the path of a formal airstrip/field/landing ground, unless there is some other intent/plan that needs this sort of asset. A nicely mown, well drained paddock, of a suitable length, orientation and clear arrival / departure routes, will meet most aircraft needs. For sizeable rural properties, a farm track can be improved, to serve as runway. In most cases, neither of the above will require planning / zoning approval. Why prod the beast (Council/Planning Authority) if you don't need to?😈
  21. Dont really know what you are getting at. Flying small aircraft is a dynamic activity ie the PIC must be able /willing to respond appropriately to whatever the conditions are (including aircraft performance/indications). If you see that your climb attitude (at WOT) is such that the engine is delivering below 5200 rpm, you should be lowering the nose of the aircraft (subject to terrain/obstacle clearance) so that it can increase air speed and the rpm can climb to above 5200 - Simple! There are also other factors at play with a high nose attitude; It is often indicative of reduced air flow through the heat exchange systems and with the high engine load extra heat is being generated - lower the nose for better airflow/cooling. A sudden engine failure, at high angle of attack, low air speed/residual energy, will place additional demands on the PIC for recovery - lower the nose for increased airspeed/safety. Forward vision may be reduced/ flying blind - for improved forward scan lower the nose. If this is not meeting your fixation needs ("not climbing at best angle or best rate airspeed") sorry. If you persist in loading your engine, such that it is operating below max torque, you will, without any doubt, shorten its service life - your choice.😈
  22. The choice of aircraft is a very personal one. I too love the look of RV's 3,4 & 8 - do you think there might be a trend? It seems to me that the main advantage in an RV type aircraft, is that it is comparatively easy to build, to a known standard, from a multi part kit, simply because its metal. Metal has the advantage of being able to be pre shaped & drilled ready for assembly & delivered in a "flat pack". Composite aircraft can not easily be supplied as a small component kit. Homebuilt composite aircraft are usually delivered in an advanced stage of completion ( large modules) - this adds greatly to purchase cost BUT significantly reduces completion time and often results in a more aerodynamic / efficient airframe. You gets what you pay for; Metal likly to be lower purchase cost and higher operating Composite higher purchase cost and lower operating Many pilots favour high engine power - I would suggest that with the possible exception of aerobatics (don't know much about this activity), noise and bragging rights there is little if any experiential advantage in such a choice. Time & time again it has been demonstrated that a suitable airframe can be powered by a Rotax 100 hp and deliver close to RV speed & payload, at a fraction of the operating cost of the larger aircraft - what's not to like?😈
  23. Wow! One very twisted piece of logic. In my view you no more own or control the air above your property than the ground below, sea, sea bed, rivers & lakes. It is all the preserve of the Crown/State (in Au). The State may lease or otherwise give permission for a high rise, basement or mine with limits/conditions. The State may also take away/resume with or without compensation. The private Joe/Jane actually only occupies/has use of, by the grace of the State, never truly owns - this may be diffrent for Native Title.😈
  24. And with a wonderfully low stall - makes for safety and the ability to loiter at low speed for whatever? 😈
  25. It would be great to have one in Australia - one day !😈 That looks to be a miss type - I will enquire.😈
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