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Everything posted by skippydiesel

  1. If any of them use an Airmaster CS, I would very much like to make contact to discuss pilot (me) operating shortcomings/observations. Initial contact through this Forums person to person service.
  2. As most (in Au) Rotax 912 UL & S powered aircraft are using ground/fixed pitch props, the question of 95 or 98 RON is bordering on academic😈
  3. Been wracking my brain (had to find it first) to come up with atopic that might just light a bit of a fire under this veeeeery slooooow Forum. Please put on your best thinking/speciating hat. Here goes: (Note: Not my EFB) The Story The above warning came out of the blue. System shut down in full operating order one day - Two days later turned on system, as part of prestart/fight checks, to check fuel levels (no other system on ) Screen warning as shown.. Air temps in high 30's, possibly even reached 40C. Next day; Removed ADAHRS from location aft of cockpit. Plugged in short connecting lead SYTEM FIRED UP as its supposed to. Painstakingly checked each wire (x9) installed (long) lead for continuity - all good. Plugged in installed lead - system works. FIXED???? Following morning Intended to go fly - above warning came on even before engine start Diagnosis (so far) Contacted Dynon Au (Horsham Aviation Vic); Receptionist guessed system failed due to hot weather. Technician sounded doubtful and advised a System Diagnostic Down Load to be sent to Dynon USA. Contacted Dynon USA, Technical - Problem common. When Units checked, no problems foundπŸ’¨. Down Load sent. USA (yet to analyse data) suggested RF (noise) interference from antenna (x2) COAX cables, running in parallel with ADAHRS connecting cable. USA requested ADAHRS be sent for examination - done! Horsham sending loan unit . What do the Brains Trust think - all speculation welcome😈
  4. Hi All, Looking for a operational 2-2.25" back up ASI . Airspeed range aproximately 20-160 knots. Something similar to this:
  5. Just joking Area-51😈
  6. Its amazing how Gov bodies regularly go through a costly time consuming change of name/terminology. Presumably to give the illusion of progress. The public (us) continue to use the old, that is until a new generation comes along , "edjimikated" in the new way. The new way will be supplanted in due course.😈
  7. I can't be that special - surely every GA man & his dog has a CS endorsement 😈
  8. I "clicked" on the address - Interesting, but no mention of engine mounts. How did you know they could supply? The discerning buyer will compare supplied cost, not just advertised/ in shop cost. If you got the parts what, when for the price, you found acceptable, good-on- yah! I have seen both overseas/ Au supplied cost, blow out to make that component/material uncompetitive. I am convinced that some suppliers "pad" the low advertised price with outrageous delivery charges (a rort ?) 😈
  9. Do Zongshen supply a factory air box for the 100 hp range? If so, what price in Au?
  10. Woweeeeee!!!!!!! Other than Aera-51 (who has yet to fly/experience his) there is not an Airmaster user, anywhere in the Forum. Here was me thinking they were a popular (if expensive) brand.😈
  11. Hutchinson Controls have a number of "sister" companies (forget their names) that supply similar products but if you contact; Shock & Vibration Technologies Pty Ltd (SVT) 14/9 Ladbroke Street, Milperra NSW 2214 Phone (02) 97710444 Email [email protected] https://www.svt.net.au/ they may be able to advise/help you (they are a two man operation, supplying Au military/Mining/etc)
  12. https://hutchinsonai.com/tube-mounts/ https://hutchinsonai.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Barry-Controls-2011-compressed.pdf
  13. Some of this has already been covered earlier in the thread. Shock & Vibration Technologies Pty Ltd (SVT) 14/9 Ladbroke Street, Milperra NSW 2214 Phone (02) 97710444 Email [email protected] https://www.svt.net.au/ Mark & David - Great blokes, with a wealth of knowledge & experince, seem genuinely intersted in solving aircraft problems. They had the "Hutchinson/ Barry Controls" mounts I wanted and at at the best price.
  14. The quality of any advice, can only be proportional to the quality of the information supplied. I am shore the respondents meant well but best to ask for as full an information picture as possible, before charging off down rabbit holes. Now that more information has been provided, it is fairly clear that the engine needs a thorough inspection (by a suitably Rotax experienced person), major service and possibly action on Rotax AD's etc, not implemented.😈
  15. Naa! - medication ? taking it by the handful - ineffective!😎 We knew almost nothing of this engine & its service history. Without this background how can anyone give a hint of informed advice/opinion. Starting to get a better picture. High time engine. Incomplete service history and or action on scheduled service. Pilot/service provider, lacking in Rotax experince/knowledge - needs a mentor. 😈
  16. To be human is to jump to the most expensive/complex conclusion's/solutions to any situaton - I am staggered by the demonstration of this very human failing. What of the BASICS???? We know very little about this engine, other than a few replacement parts have been fitted.
  17. RFguy - try getting answers to the basics BEFOR escalating the suggestions/cost/time. "With alot of vibration, this might flood the float bowl, or otherwise have it 'not to spec'" - Agreed however may be addressed by the 5 year rubber (engine mounting) replacement question. "also, check floats actually float the correct height while you are there. " - weight of float (not usually height although strongly related) supposed to be checked at (memory?) 200 hr service interval. Nev is right with the Dashpot question. have these carbs had an overhaul kit through them ? - 5 year rubber replacement - could be called an overhaul kit but usually has connotations of seats/needles etc and should only be required (if at all) with a very high hours engine, hence my questions above. Rotax 912, Maintenance Manual Line, Service Schedule, Chapter 05-20-00, Page 9, onwards
  18. How many hours? Has the engine/aircraft had its 5 year rubber replacement? Fuel type (RON) and age in tank? "-carbs are balanced." - Mechanical?/Pneumatic/Both? Technique? "- no change between choke on or off "This doesn't seem right - In my 15-18 years of Rotax 912 operation, I have never applied "choke" (an enriching device) to a running engine so don't know what happens however I would expect a very over rich condition and engine rpm to drop significantly. Recomend joining the Rotax Owners Forum for specific technical assistance - https://www.rotax-owner.com/en/rotax-forum
  19. "..........aquaplaning can get rid of a tread in 1 landing" Please expand?😈
  20. It's a long time since I flew by public transport - my recollection of touchdowns were little effect, until spoiler/reverse thrust & wheel breaking, which all occurred in quick succession immediately after landing. The number of wheels, will be proportional to the Max TO/landing weight. The inertia (retarding effect of a stationary wheel being accelerated) will be similar to any aircraft ie little (not none) "You can notice the retarding effect in your passenger seat when you hit the runway." I imagine that it must be quite terrifying 😁 FYI: a wheel is made up of a rim/hub & tyre combined.😈
  21. I doubt that the inertia of a stationary aircraft wheel, touching down & accelerating to landing speed, contributes very much to landing role. A little yes but as a percentage to the total not much.😈
  22. I may have this very wrong - Once airborne, unless subject to turbulence/wind shear/ gust, the aircraft does not "know" or care from which direction the wind is coming from. The aircraft will perform just the same with a 20 knot tailwind, as a 20 knot headwind. The ground speed will differ but the air speed remains the same.
  23. "20KTS of wind is a high wind component, compared to the published stall speed" Please explain this comment😈
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