Turbs me old mate;
"If people just bought their ASIC cards and got on with it there would be no need for discussions, but they don't, and we get this endless moaning about them."
It's a very good thing for you and the rest of our, supposedly free, society, that at least some of us do not conforme, without question, to all of the Gov/bureaucracies rules & regulations.
A healthy democracy requires active dissent, without it we have Russia/China/ Syria/Turkey/ sundry African and Asian countries, may be even a future Trump USA.
Democracy is imperfect and fragile - constant vigilance (questioning) is required to keep it from dying - look how close we came with dictator Scumo! I speculate that Australia is one of the most regulated, so called, democracies in the World - we have far too many illogical, poorly conceived, ineffective, redundant....... .....laws that remain "on the books" because of political/bureaucratic indifference.
ASIC, as it's applied to private pilots, wishing to access small regional airfields, may seem to be but a small inconvenience (..got on with it there would be no need for discussions) however its continued existence, against common sense, is a foot in the door (small to be sure) of totalitarianism and should be condemned at every opportunity.