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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. I have seen this hose used for Rotax 912 oil lines. Owners said no issues and replaced with same again. An experienced Rotax and aircraft service person used it.
  2. What's the update, next build task?
  3. PM sent.
  4. The plastic sheet insert takes the looseness out in that first forward panel of the skin. Got the 0.8mm sheet from office works.
  5. Yep, they do a good job, it was gone next day, somewhere else in the hangar. Was not a killer if bitten so a hangar pet. Got one wing finished today. Just need a suitable time next few days to put back on and get the other wing off. Added an update of plastic sheet to fill out the inner section where we get a wrinkle effect, worked well. Fitted new fuel contents tube while had things apart.
  6. You know the drill, or should. Any concerns about forum users report to admin.
  7. Please ignore Skippy's recent post as he often attacks peoples posts. The forum users I am sure in the majority will assist with answers to your question and it is a valid concern. I hope the matter is resolved to yours and your neighbours satisfactions.
  8. I guarantee that in the Mackay Regional Council area from a private strip you will if complaints are made. One of the strips I mentioned is 100% private and has conditions applied due to complaints. Its location is nowhere near the closeness described in this post. Being 211 meters from end of runway and path directly over a house in not a good situation. I hope the matter can be sorted in the interests of both property owners. I know that at 211 meters from my home airfield I am about 30 meter above ground level. My comments are meant to be helpful. Would be good if willing to see an image of the location in question to see if a slight safe deviation in late final can sort the matter. Image of my home strip for example.
  9. All good. Where I fly from we adopt fly neighbourly and don't fly over close by houses, we achieve this by a slight turn. and two other strips do similar in my area. All strips have undergone council approvals.
  10. Council outcome may place restrictions on aircraft movements at his property eg hours of operation and maybe restrict to only his aircraft. That is what has occurred in the past with the local council. As touched on above to fly neighbourly a pilot flying off their own property should engage with the close by affected properties before the first use of the airstrip.
  11. Flylight in UK will sell a full 17mm Silicone hose kit with clamps for about $170. Do you still need 200mm of 17mm hose. I could spare that in 4ply 17mm id silicone as I bought an extra meter of the 17mm hose.
  12. A useful reference to maintenance is on page 91 of the Sport Pilot issue 103. I keep a copy in my maintenance folder saves a lot of time-wasting arguments with knowitalls.
  13. Skip; I think you go overboard picking peoples posts apart, specifically my resent one. In my post I generalised that he would be purging the new install of engine, oil cooler and hoses between including the oil can. Therefore 100% relevant to his post considering his build.
  14. You'll likely do first change at 25 hours and the purge will use a little oil (I'd don't reuse what is collected during purge. Therefore you will need at least 9 litres first fill, 25 hours change and stock on hand for next 50 hourly. Over to you.
  15. ELAAA tried some years back but did not get over the line / approved by CASA.
  16. It is the right place; maybe ask moderator to alter the title with "by Lyndon" or something similar.
  17. Wing off this morning.
  18. Ready for wings off tomorrow, all bolts backed off or nuts removed. first one at least. Had a visitor in the hangar today. Zoom in and see it looking at me; maybe smiling for the photo. I don’t like snakes.
  19. All good; my comments meant to be a help, not criticise you or load you up with stuff. Just ideas for your consideration. I know how busy you are and you have done well. Cheers.
  20. BurnieM's document is great for your information. You could compare the speed and other info and pencil any differences into your printed POH and consider the information in conjunction with your instructor and verify the stall speed etc during your flights. You'll have a nice POH then for sure. Good news rego is close. Cheers.
  21. For info I have recently purchased this adaptor tool for torquing the prop hub to flange nuts used for Eprops and some other propeller brands that are not attached using the usual drive lugs on the Rotax flanges. Will be handy. Just need to do calculation for reduced Nm setting.
  22. Agree, I have crows foot for certain deep narrow access needs. Used sockets and allen key drives as best grip on fastenings for prop torque. Bought the dog bone (E-Props prop hub nuts are torqued at rear of flange) and yet to use it. It will be good for the tight area between the rear of the gear box prop mount flange and the front bearing body area of the Rotax 912 gear box. Anyone with props mounted to the Rotax drive lugs inserted into the flange will be tightening props from the from and won't need this tool (examples Bolly, DUC, etc)
  23. Finally happening; started work to fit 600kg upgrade brackets and brace wire into wings today. Drained fuel, disconnected aileron cable and removed ailerons. More planned for tomorrow afternoon. Should have wings ready to come off for Saturday afternoon then the fun / work begins. Doing mate Ben’s was a good experience and a couple of comments from Paul at Flylight about some update refinements they do all helps.
  24. Agree and have a full set, for e-props and warp drive the ring end 13mm adaptor will be great. For the other question they are torque adaptors or 'Dog Bone' in some circles.
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