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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. That’s a hard hit. Doesn’t look good.
  2. All good , also meant to add that the strip is not the drag strip it is the sealed roadway between the drag strip and the hangars. It is used as the return road by the drag race cars from the drag strip back to the pits. And two wind socks at each end area on the east side. My hangar is the second one from the Northern end.
  3. Send me a pm and I'll give you mine and two other phone contacts. PPR is necessary as its a private strip and is closed a few times a year when the drag strip is in use (an example is this Friday and Saturday coming its closed to aircraft and we cannot be at the hangars during the closure times - insurance reasons) Orientation is 18/36 at 700 meters and sealed, ELV 60 FT, Freq 132.05. AvGas available, toilets and shower. All circuits are Downwind on West side; 18 right hand circuit, 36 left hand circuit (CTA very close to East). Parking is best on hangar side and at northern side of hangars. Cheers
  4. Agree, he knows his stuff and an L4.
  5. Welcome to Queensland; you will enjoy an extra hours sleep in in the morning (no stupid daylight saving up here). What part are you moving to?
  6. This is the presentation wings received when going solo. A great reminder and momento.
  7. Just terrible decision making. Locals up here know the clouds build up in the Pioneer Valley area so many times a year this occurs. They are missed up here. The reason for the trips was to help with babysitting their grandchildren pretty much very fortnight so a big loss to families. The usual 'why didn't', 'if only' thoughts have been worked over. I expect he would have been looking for a hole in the cloud to get down to the clear air and came unstuck. Please no replies just sharing my knowledge and thoughts a little.
  8. Log into RAA and look up the list under maintenance banner.
  9. Nice, just be patient as the weather has got to suit the lesson plan task and experience. You will need to do the same when solo. Never give in to the get there itis pressures when you solo, it can be a killer.
  10. I voted No. What I do on 2 to 4.5 hour x/c flights is plan during the flight have some muesli / trail bars and sip water. An example is on a 4.5 hour flight at one hour into flight I have a small muesli bar, at two hours have another small bar at 3 hours have a larger / thicker size oat muesli bar at 4 hours have another small muesli bar and sip some water with each (an apple is at times used to replace a muesli bar at times if in season). The added benefit I believe is the eating / chewing is a beneficial distraction and fatigue / boredom management to the flying I'm doing. I don't have auto pilot and started the method as a glider pilot on 5 hours plus flights. The hour interval is good as coincides with some of my fuel checks etc. Normally fly non stop.
  11. Abrupt take off attitude can occur in some aircraft if elevator trim not set for take off speeds and is inadvertently still back for slower landing flare speed / trim setting; after the last landing setting. (Not meant to be instruction just my experience.)
  12. The employee I spoke to at Oshkosh mentioned a couple of shipping containers sent to kick things off and mentioned they were aware of service issues in past from the Qld rep as I mentioned briefly my experiences of purchases, delayed despatch and inquiries over the past 10 years and until as recent as 6 months ago and he indicated many similar. knowledge. Expect the new agent will do well and grow there stocks with peoples support.
  13. 3 up this way (Mackay, Whitsunday and Ayr)
  14. For the tight ones I find I need to be on the numbers on base and keep there through turn onto final etc; comment not to be taken as any form of instruction.
  15. Money box the inlet to the fuel pump on engine is 8mm (5/16) outlet to carbs 6.3mm ( 1/4 ).
  16. Just asking if the green wire from the RecReg going to the battery negative; also has a connection to the airframe? Like in the schematic. On my build I has three negative ground posts that all grounds connect to so I'm not relying on the airframe connection to the battery negative for grounding circuit. Cheers.
  17. And the negative green connects to airframe. As well as battery negative? Agree heat sink / mount does not need to be grounded.
  18. Very nice; yep its a shame RAA not got their w&b back yet. Looking good and 99% done 45% to go. Cheers and thanks for update. PS my Nynja was an October first flight and was flying the first 25 hours off in some unpleasant air turbulence at the end of the test hours when I knew the aircraft.
  19. Hi Danny how is your build going? Would like to see a current image. The colour Yellow, White and Black looks nice. Cheers.
  20. 1st option is like for like. Is it a Facet pump? If so buy from a good seller; could be poor knock copies out there. What is in it now?
  21. Maybe someone gets a commission for using Vero?
  22. Yep; that's what I did years ago. Could get it from Melbourne back then. Maybe Ian could get some into the shop at a fair price.
  23. From Life flight helicopter crew that attended "The Bundaberg-based LifeFlight aeromedical crew airlifted a man to hospital this afternoon, after the plane he was in crashed in the Gympie region. It’s believed the pilot was on a training flight exercise when the aircraft careered off the runway and landed in trees upside down at the end of the strip. The patient, aged in their 20s, was transported to Sunshine Coast University Hospital for further treatment." From my experience flying Gliders at Gympie the terrain is extremely undulating and very wind and low rolling ground rotor effecting landings.
  24. I have been involved in a discussion about syndicates owning an aircraft (for example a limit of 4 persons involved) How is ownership determined? Like; does a principal person become the primary owner and are the other syndicate persons an owner? I read in CASA documents that a registration holder needs to be nominated and identified. I see AOPA has information on aircraft syndicates. Any comments or pointing in the right direction is appreciated as I would like to get the inquiries started in the right direction. Thanks Mike Registration for partnerships Partnerships are not legal entities and do not meet the definition of an eligible person under CASR 47.010. Therefore, they cannot be registration holders or registered operators. The parties involved in a partnership must nominate one of their group to be the registration holder. The registration holder must then nominate the registered operator.
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