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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. Agree; has hit hard. Glad they are ok.
  2. This maybe why;- Trig specs - 5.6.9 GPS Position Input 22 September 2017 AQ The GPS position input is required to support ADS-B functionality. The GPS position input is an RS232 input to the transponder. The ADS-B features are optional – no GPS is required for normal Mode S Elementary Surveillance. Must be why they sell an external and connected GPS. If RAA get CTA access with RAAus endorsement I'll fit out with the external GPS and have it signed off every two years.
  3. Does your set up have an external GPS connected; Trig produce such a certified unit (less than $900AUD). It's required to like guarantee the location of your aircraft. The professional person who signed off setting your HEX code should be able to answer your questions.
  4. There is a Blue Gazelle for sale on face look market place with 3,901 hours and buyer must do their home work as wing spar tubes (Leading and aft) have a 4,000 hour life so check their hours in service if looking at that one.
  5. Thats right Ross; I saw and spoke to them at Oshkosh. Trig are nice kit.
  6. Update is that I have added a thread extension to my rudder bungee adjuster so I now have 28 mm adjustment travel set at 14mm each way. Will add adjustment of at least more than double the movement from my neutral setting. Hopefully fly this weekend.
  7. Slime seems to mainly work on tyres in constant revolution like cars, aircraft tyres only rotate on takeoff and landing and the slime will have them out of balance a bit I'm told.
  8. Agree only had good discussion with the staff and tech; they are on track to have things correct. If I was running the show I'd ask for a copy of log book entry for the most recent annual entry at rego renewal and condition report for change of ownership as that would allow one method of reviewing the aircrafts condition to some positive extent.
  9. Depending on how RAAus goes I might go the SAAA way; there is a Nynja with them already and have had lengthy positive discussions with one of their top maintenance people about what they can offer now and what's on the horizon maintenance qual wise and its sounds well organised. It's on my list to decide soon about becoming a member and doing some of their courses. I'll retain my RAAus membership either way.
  10. I don't know the answer but can the SAAA owner built aircraft fly CTA on class 5 medicals; I guess they are allowed. RAAus should get there sometime with RAA instructor signed off endorsements.
  11. The product I mentioned earlier in the thread works a friend has used it twice on his Nynja and he gets those big thorns on the grass strip at his club is SA. So it does work for tubed tyres and I'd expect tubeless as well. I also carry spare tubes and a repair kit but if have hubs apart will always fit a new tube. Mine are split half rims.
  12. Just don't want any 003 1/2 people (licensed to irritate)[007 licensed to kill]🤠😇🤪🎯
  13. Maybe worth the effort to become a member, depending on cost. Where I am we have 10 hangars and when for sale the new owner needs a 70% vote in favour by the other owners. It always been the rule and worked to date. Keeps out persons who are annoyance or disrespect-able to others. Sounds like the person who shared the info would be one reference.
  14. Cork for years on the Rotax cark bowls is too agricultural (rough and ready) for me, they were prone to breaking and falling apart. Best to change to the new black ones. I also carry two spares (in case myself or a flying mate needs one urgently; like on a flying tour.
  15. Perhaps the topic could be headed "RAAus access to class C & D airspace, without RPL ; How / when?" Then maybe an instructor could give an update on where RAAus is at the moment; or say they cannot yet provide details of any such progress. I recon the later would be the reply, if any.
  16. RAA is trying to get the radio endorsement for CTA so we don't have to attain an RPL. And set some additional requirements for the RAA aircraft.
  17. Like it, I would like an AV30 or similar in the Nynja. I didn't ask questions at Oshkosh as too many similar companies displaying and as not ready to purchase would have been a waste on time. I will eventually fit something in a year or so.
  18. PM your email and I'll send over a Nynja w&b with the 90 litre fitted and its cg calcs for your info. My Nynja has always had wing tanks as fitted when I built it.
  19. A w&b will give that information. You should be able to do sum of alloy tank and fittings, minus the plastic tanks and fittings and considering the cargo hammock mass allowable should allow more than 60 litres in the tank. Therefore zero in hammock. If flying solo can place cargo on vacant seat? When I get time I'll adjust a V Max w&b I have a copy of and that will give a indication. Swifts over here have the 90 litre tank fitted as original build.
  20. An easy increase is the 90 litre alloy fuel tank behind the seats to replace the 2 by 30 litre plastic tank setup. A guy in Brisbane makes them. Easy to fit as just disconnect the two flap vertical pushrods and the tank slides in from the cabin side.
  21. Thanks for the info Gary. I reckon it will be a highly desirable ATC tower to work from and area to live in.
  22. 10USD
  23. We had a great time at the Flyin and the museum is well worth a visit to see the aircraft and history. A selection in images is attached.
  24. Saw it at Oshkosh, $10US to enter; so did not bother.
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