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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. Maybe phone airport management they would know.
  2. Any pilot who has a radio and does not call joining circuit needs an ear full and also a clip under the ear, full stop. It’s unsafe airmanship.
  3. Agree 8 -12 secs is my time. No way I could send an understandable message in 2-3 secs.
  4. A bit of a tip - consider wearing a mask during travels as my cousion and his wife caught covid travelling back from ireland, Sandy and myself also have had covid. Believe Sandy got hers on flight from Australia and I caught it off her. Sandy is clear now and I recon I'll test clear in about a days time. Both strains are fast moving through our body about 3 - 4 days total. Hope no one get it but thought i'd share the info. Our trip is great even with this and it did prevent the cousin catchups on Sat and Sun for the obivious safe reasons. But we did a zoom catchup yestderday. Cheers and safe travels and look forward to catching up in a week.
  5. Have you emailed the Australian supplier and the parent company tech support?
  6. Pm this site or What's app my number you call on. Cheers.
  7. Who is attending Oshkosh 2024. PM details if you want to catchup somewhere sometime. Safe travels. Mike
  8. This was a borrowed trailer from Brian who originally built the Foxcon Terrier aircraft up here and the trailer was made for them as a nose wheel and the weight distribution was setup for that. I used it to transport back after purchase as it was not in flying condition.
  9. This is how my Skyfox (Ca21) fitted on a trailer, note there is a white support tube from the front end of the leading edge to the strut attachment point to support the wing as if not used it's only supported with the aft hinge pin bolt. (a must have I believe) Also have a lightly sprung trailer so it is not too firm / stiff on the road bumps as only carrying about 300kg or so.
  10. Date on paper is date of flight for World Ultralight day. Need to have day in image my phone does not date stamp. So like many other just hold up a date. Image data is same date. My post is the same day 14th. They do it every October. Our time zone is 10 hours earlier so that can put our date being before. New Zealand are usually first to fly as sunrise before Australia.
  11. Started an upgrade to a Nynja (Scott’s Spirit of Kittyhawk) to add to its 600kg undercarriage fitted a while back and wide tyres and the wide nose leg. Now removed the Starboard wing to fit the wing upgrade kit and install a set of the Aussie wing tanks. Ben will be rapt in the fit up. This is being completed under the owner builder category. We’re grateful to the developments that Flylight in the UK do and the wing fuel tank (52 liters each) kits have been working great since 2012. I’ll do mine later in the year.
  12. I'd start with a carby clean / service and new o rings and adjustments as per Jab manuals. Then see how it performs.
  13. Anything with suction caps needs to have a securing method for when it lets go. I had Skyecho and its suction mount let go and fall then become lodged between rudder pedal and frame; occurred before take off roll so no issue but if occurred during take-off roll or flight things could have been different (like Chinook helicopter that got ipad caught in rudder pedals). I know fit a rigid mount and will never have suction cap mount in cabin area.
  14. Laziness sadly and paid the ultimate price; terrible. My method is DI / walk round, drain tanks (fuel into mower) then in, checks and start etc.
  15. Not paper fuel filter element so will handle water if any there. I use them and filter of choice by the Skyranger and Nynja manufacturer in UK.
  16. Saw this information on a Skyranger pilot forum about the Zipper car size if you need to replace any. zipper failure on Skyranger wing skins.docx
      • 1
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  17. Skippy you are making at least two unnecessary calls once you have joined the circuit, which clutters the air waves and therefore you could miss and hinder another call or priority call that you may need to hear.
  18. He said all fastenings and parts were marked for where they went so I assume that was how it was. The labelling would have been great for him. (I was brought up and still label parts and fastenings for future reference) He corrected the matter immediately before its first flight so nuts comply with rules for thread protrusion. They are not bolts through the engine frame as I checked there and longer bolts would have been good to fit; but the thread is part of the frame so cannot be changed without welding new thread pieces. All good now.
  19. Hi Red; I personally don't like the hatch as I take top cowl off every D.I. before first flight of day. How is your top cowl piece held on Camlocs or other type?
  20. Some over fly airfields on a route, (bit like playing baseball where you touch each base). No need to over fly; just fly say 5 miles off that way your not congesting the air space in the close vicinity to the airfield.
  21. The way I understand things is Inbound call at 10 N/mls or earlier; next immediately before joining circuit (so either Downwind or Base join) (If joining downwind I give no further calls, I'm in the circuit so no need to the base and final. Only exception I make is if an aircraft is lined up and I extend downwind I will call turning base, final to update the aircraft lined up.) Straight in is 10 N/mls or before including straight in intention and the call by 3 N/mls of threshold.
  22. This is the SavXL that regularly lands on beach that I mentioned in pm. Cheers
  23. There will be some who just can’t cope with radio comms to ATC. They get the equivalent of stage fright (all in their head).
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