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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. I'd phone Wal again and ask a quote to look at your engine and assess it ( compression check, differential pressure check cold and hot) also a quote to replace rings etc.
  2. Maybe have a look with a borescope to see bore and valve condition; will give peace of mind.
  3. Have you received your back? A mate also has one down there for same upgrade and told being sent yesterday.
  4. OK, your Zephur should be flying soon; RAA are currently processing it.
  5. What occurred? Rusted through or lost the original. May pay to get 2 or 3 depending on the condition of the spring on the other carby.
  6. Looks too thick, Don't think its suitable. who ever does the 5 yearly's at the airfield should have a number of used springs. I put a smear of oil on the choke springs at oil changes. I also carry a spare of the choke and the throttle spring in my onboard parts kit. (I gave a spare choke and throttle spring to my neighbouring mate for his vixxen that is going on a trip soon.
  7. My flight from Mackay to SW of Rockhampton Brisbane Center was issuing strong turbulence advice to the high flyers. There was crap low level turbulence considering the temp and wind direction and strength so must have been getting downdrafts deflected off the hills that I was feeling at times on both Saturday afternoon and Monday morning.
  8. Look out for them at OzRunway and CASA presentations.
  9. I have 3 scrib sticks handy in cockpit; have not had to use on screen yet. There the scrib stick / biro combo Oz Runways give away at presentations. Got another 2 at the CASA fuel management presentation last night.
  10. Which ones Nomex or what I bought?
  11. Bought a pair of touch screen gloves from Aldi ($10-) They are polyester fabric so not good that way but will add comfort in the cold.
  12. That’s Gold 👍👍👍
  13. Nice flight from Palmyra (YPYA) down to the Central Queensland Gliding Club (YMMD) for the weekend. Winter is on the way as 6 degrees in mornings. Good clear skies. Davo put on great feeds for all. Details 2.6 hours into a 20 knot head wind and a nice 2 hour flight home. I was under prepared on the trip down wearing a T shirt and shorts as the first of winter has arrived and felt cold after an hour and a bit as was 11 degrees and no cabin heat and a bit drafty (will replace some of the sealing foam of the split door window) dropped some height and got temp up to 15 degrees and much warmer for the remainder of the trip.
  14. Nice flight from Palmyra (YPYA) down to the Central Queensland Gliding Club (YMMD) for the weekend. Winter is on the way as 6 degrees in mornings. Good clear skies. Davo put on great feeds for all.
  15. Also in turbulent / thermal condition should not be above manoeuvring airspeed in POH.
  16. I see where you’re asking from; maybe it should be viewed as an extra endorsement on what he has. All mechanical things are better operated with an induction or training.
  17. All good, understand. Kiev are the preferred with Skyranger kits and UK builds historically. I had a DUC first and very happy with it (my only dislike was the gold coloured anodised alloy boss that gets corrosion and needs attention otherwise the corrosion will get away) and now the E-prop which is the best by far. Have experience with the heavy Fiti props would not buy one now, Bolly also on a Skyfox good prop and good service, similar to Kiev but in my description both are old style build materials. DUC are good and a progression towards the lighter designs with better resins etc. E-Prop are now the bench mark with their design and materials and now have many years in service and props in use plus 4,000 hours so one set should see out 2 Rotax engine lifes.
  18. Some real life in service E-Prop experience just for info. The prop I fitted to a Vixxen A32 912ULS yesterday is achieving 5,400rpm S&L (This will be adjusted to get the 5,500 rpm in the near future) The owner is happy and advises that at WOT at 5,400 = 127kts. At 5,200 rpm his preferred cruise he now gets 122 kts (Was 108 kts with the Keiv propeller) a 14 knot improvement and is totally happy with prop.
  19. Not really a sales pitch, more just stating what to expect speed wise compared to the original propeller sold on the aircraft. They are sold with a guaranteed refund and like had been posted will loan a prop for a trial so you after fitting you either send prop back if unhappy or send payment; how many aviation or other products do that. Best if any doubt track down an owner with one and seek answers about how they find them. Thier a bit like when radial tyres overtook conventional tyres years back.
  20. Best to read their webb site and Mark Kyles posts; from my experience like the company say set RPM for 5,500 at 2,500 ft straight and level and they are at their best, don't waste your time with any other setting. I tried 5,800 after being at 5,480 rpm thinking that would be good, I instantly learnt that it's a no, no; could not even get to 100 kts. Reset to 5,500 rpm and now 108 kts plus. I've fitted and adjusted 4 E-props now and many others and would not hesitate to recommend them over other brands around.
  21. Fitted a 175 size 3 blade E-Props to a mates Vixxen A32. The agent for foxbat is happy with them and said at least a 10 knot speed increase should be seen. The static is set at 5,410 rpm presently so will see what WOT S&L 2,500 feet gives and adjust accordingly. The owner of the Bristelle at our airfield is totally happy with the E-Props he bought from Mark on the forum.
  22. Yep, listened as I drove to airfield last Sunday.
  23. What about Macca on Sunday mornings, plus you can phone in and tell all about your flight 🙃😎🤠🤪
  24. Might be best to retain the on / off switch method; as that will allow turning on before you turn on master so it can calibrate.
  25. three kidneys and an arm and leg🙃
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