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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. Same here as well and these printed ones will have no slipage. My mate made me 3 and gave 2 to two mates on Sunday.
  2. I posted a few times that Flylight in Uk sell 17mm I.D. Silicone 4 ply hose full set including clamps for 912 and 2 meters hose and a 90 degree about 80£
  3. I have 25mm silicone hose; only use 4 ply. No issue with it last 2 years.
  4. Back in the late 70's early 80's you could buy a cheap hang glider there as well. Sad but true.
  5. This is a wrench suitable for using when removing Rotax 912 oil filters. I found this on Thingiverse and a mate made a couple for me. Image of the black one is the one made last night. Worth getting made. Cheers Mike
  6. Yes, although brief info. Do a google search for an RAAus rego.
  7. My understanding is bfr in VH aircraft is recognised by RAAus and bfr in RAAus aircraft is not recognised for VH for their bfr requirements. This for last more than 12 years so maybe you have been slipping through the systems cracks in past years.
  8. I'm not an RAAus instructor, just a pilot. My take is approach keeping best height until within glide approach; you can scrub height at lateish final with side slip. Long shallow approaches are not allowing for an engine issue. If circumstances are that your low and have an engine issue or failure, have alternate sites (best options) to land picked all the way in and don't ever think you can extend the glide. Not meant to be instruction just my methods. It's a bit like fighting a fire what you see; is what you have to deal with using your training, equipment and experience, their all different to some extent.
  9. I agree; seems the day may not have been suitable for circuits or local flying within 25 N/mls due to weather in the area. It seems he was a converting pilot (from class 'D') and had gone solo in the new class. The Coroner will take all that and other evidence on board and make findings and recommendations. The recommendations are not mandatory but best to seriously backup any decision not to implement them. I would not blame the instructor for any pilots decision to fly a plan of the pilots choice when they are not supervising (say XC endorsement etc) or if they are asked advice on the day about the flight plan. I expect they would have interviewed a number of soloed student pilots about post early solo flight progression of shills and endorsements and reinforcement of their current certificate limits (eg Pax, XC etc).
  10. Hi Marty Just for info, these are the fuel tank vent covers I use and the Pitot tube cover. (You can see the start of a wasp mud nest on the Pitot cover, the idea of the paper element is a carryover from my gliding days.) Wasps and bugs can't get in.
  11. It is just one of the fillers of pages from previously published sources. Lucky it’s kinder free. Part of membership.
  12. Don’t see that; looks historical with Aerovee first, then Jab being similar and air cooled also, then the Rotax as some want to fit those and lastly the newer UL range that will fit the Jab mount. The aircraft first designed for air cooled engines and the Jab 3300 is undoubtably the best performer being 25% better climb rate as one example.
  13. All the data shows is that the Jab is the engine for performance and a Rotax 912 will never catch the Jab 3300. That's all the manufactures statement is saying. As such the nice Jab 3300 is the better engine for performance. Therefore Robins record could be bettered with a Jab 3300 in his aircraft or similar tweaked similar airframe. .
  14. Performance of Rotax 912 in Sonex is inferior to Jab 3300 engine after comparison testing by the manufacturer. Therefore Jabiru 3300 is King in both climb rate and cruise.
  15. Yep, the towers are the visual waypoints for spray deployment application.
  16. Exact same thought, absolutely agree.
  17. Try some share flying with a neighbour at the airfield with a similar performance aircraft; you may not do the take-off or landing but can refresh some upper air stuff and slow manoeuvres etc. When you solo in yours wait for ideal conditions the first few flights as you want to get the feel of it that will be hampered in wind gust or thermal conditions
  18. Maybe 'Slippy Avgas' for one. Prepping for incoming now🎯
  19. They are saying he was doing the first flight of a new build that was brought to where he is for the flight. They say he would not have been able to see the bolt mis-assembly. Not said whether he assisted in the assembly before the flight. I'd expect he would have done a through preflight / initial flight inspection. Very sad when anyone dies flying and more so when such an identity.
  20. Also an expensive item to have serviced, freight included. Have a friend that has a chute due in November; he is going through the exercise of its service. The agent is compiling an instruction to allow L2's to dis arm the rocket motor to make safe, so chute can be sent away for repack and rocket due later on. Sounding very involved for him. I see some are left un-serviced and placarded not for use. As the aircraft with them get older more will be due for service.
  21. He has an email to Lock Haven in USA have a good name. He is not on Forum and busy so I have asked here for him. His son works with a Lame this year; just trying to source.
  22. Electric as he has had new wires fitted; advised one coil in gauge is stuffed.
  23. A friend is searching for an oil temp gauge for a 1974 PA 28 Cherokee. He thinks the piper part number is 79367-00. Any leads appreciated
  24. I'd wait till needed someone will make them I'm sure; maybe even out of Xlam material. New should last well being hangared. Could get covers made that will keep them in better condition; by Punkim Head Air Sports.
  25. Nice paint.
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