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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. Maybe phone floods for info, have heard of mixing decalin (very small ratio) so the lead does not build up for Rotax 582 engines. Best check it further. The 4 strokes are ok according to Rotax under 30% usage. A mate who does oil analysis tells me it takes 2 oil changes to get the lead reading zero in the samples.
  2. Plus; the permission to be air side and then the bunkering and refuelling area requirements and then if carrying portable fuel between aircraft etc, etc considering the airports classification.
  3. Yes agree, the Led head lights are like high beam at times and hear they are looking to definitely regulate their use on vehicles and that will be a good thing. Led on spot and flood lights would be ok.
  4. I have had 4 glass frame repairs by laser over the past 5 years and very nice work; there are videos on how it's done. Very precise and strong.
  5. Avgas is available 24/7 so if flying a Rotax no issue unless overly fussy.
  6. Just put Avgas in the Rotax, That's what I do when no MoGas available. If I was the organiser I would not allow fuel to be carried in a courtesy bus.
  7. Be good to do those 4 hours asap; then you can build more hours in the XAir until you sell it. A good selling point is a plane being currently flown. You may change your mind and keep the Xair a bit longer. They are great to fly; I have fond memories of my Xair flights.
  8. How much is the Gazelle? As that may be the best for BrendAn as he will be flying the XAir to build hours.
  9. How many in Oz and worldwide?
  10. As of 2022 there have been 1350 Skyranger series aircraft produced, and 350 Nynja’s bring total production to over 1800 which is a testimony to their build and performance plus very robust, easily repaired if ever required and terrific support by factory for everything you may need. How many Atec's are there in Australia and world wide; they are nice looking however not my choice of aircraft.
  11. Agree and mix fuel as specified by engine manufacturer and warm up as they say as well. Great power to weight.
  12. Do you fly out of where the gliding club is?
  13. post here in classifieds to give members at look at what you have for sale. I have sold through this site.
  14. Agree; similar o my 8:37 yesterday comment as I have seen such before; however a poor image for assessing though.
  15. I like the carby engines and keep the maintenance and adjustments to them in order; don't particularly like the later say Rotax 9 series is or turbo engines. They need more equipment to test and service plus two yearly servicing refreshers and i'd expect will have more troublesome tuning / maintenance needs as they get more hours on. I also like good product support and many aircraft flying over many years. Composite are usually costly if heavy landed and the airframe is cracked or delaminated (sometimes this is not apparent at the time and develops worse over time in service) and require specialised workshop environments for any work. Jabiru are great in this respect or the resins used.
  16. The straight lateral material edge is interesting as could be a developed accumulated fatigue stress that let go during the landing and opened up on take-off, just a guess from a poor image view.
  17. Rock, paper, scissors to determine who's aircraft; maybe??
  18. Jack Russell's are the smartest; 'Chaser' after uni.🙃
  19. Beaut autumn conditions this morning for a fly around the valley in the Nynja at 60% power. A sign of the nice flying weather to come. I fitted a manifold pressure guage last year and when on long trips I'll set engine to the 75% power pressure and see how that goes speed / flue usage wise. IMG_0317.mov
  20. This morning's news; an aircraft could not lower gear and fly around until rpt departures completed and burn off fuel then a wheels up landing.
  21. Be interesting if any stone damage to vehicle paint work.
  22. There is a US carrier 5 miles off the Gold Coast seaway and they are allowing light aircraft to land on its deck for free up until 1159 hours today only. If you want a video of your landing it is $50 USD payable to the Biden / Trump fund.
  23. Yep, a mate has one; its their glider heritage. Jab 230's would be great with the spoiler update, in my opinion.
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