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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. I have recently purchased this adaptor tool for torquing the flange nuts used for Eprops and some other propeller brands that are not attached using the usual drive lugs on the Rotax flanges. Will be handy. Just need to do calculation for reduced Nm setting.
  2. Would reinforce Line maintenance skills and knowledge and enhance such I guess; I haven't seen the schedule but over three days should cover the Line Maintenance Manual tasks easily. I'm not doing it as their last day is the day I'm traveling (Fly or Drive weather dependant) to Bundaberg for their two day course. I would like to do a Rotax course sometime, reckon I would learn something; but I'm more interested in some heavy tasks. I have no interest at moment with the iS range or turbo variants just a simple carby man.
  3. As the two replies above say; at least get an inspection report that include for example engine model (with Rotax 912 its better to get a later than 2006 engine due to the better crankcase, some model numbers around 2011 require frequent crankshaft checks via an inserted feeler gauge as examples) If Jabiru and engine not conditioned for storage it would likely need extensive work and good refurbishment is available. One of the cylinder pressure tests is a good guide and best done. Both engines would likely require maintenance and parts. Then the airframe and surface covering condition and electrics. As an example I have done inspections that list 20 plus matters for attention; 6 maybe needed before next flight and the others done when suits; my comments are supported by images and if the interested purchaser is not present at the inspection time I would say to them to speak with a local to them maintainer about the listed items and get a cost guide (I will give them a best guess parts cost and time to do guide to assist their considering purchase price if they go ahead. I've seen some rip-off buys where too much was paid for the aircraft and heaps of costly work required. Sometimes (almost always) better to pay more for an aircraft in flying condition; unless you want a project. Hope this limited reply helps.
  4. They need Rotax authorisation. That's a Buggar. The drifter a mate needed sold had a 582 fully rebuilt by an excellent highly experienced guy with a great history of rebuilding two stroke rotax and many other engines, did not have the rotax authorisation so the interested buyer did not go ahead. Had receipts to $5k and all parts listed and emails to Wal about the parts and a fully completed runin sheet record completed. 100% perfect but no Rotax authorisation. It was 19 reg and the guy that bought it is having good fun and no issues. Also got advice the Floods Line maintenance course is 3 days and $1500 ($500 per day) for those that want to attend. Early April.
  5. Enjoy your fly. Cheers.
  6. They will need to verify observing engine run, I have had two knocked back and the owners had to get the engine running for me. One was a restoration project and the other change of ownership and undergoing maintenance. Otherwise its treated as unairworthy transfer of ownership and a further condition report (ACR) is needed before flight.
  7. Probably bit late; but I'm not a fan of canopy covers when towing as can scratch dust and dirt into screen. Realise your on dirt and gravel roads a bit. Prefer to wrap in gladwrap plastic a few wraps then maybe some thin foam and more gladwrap / plastic wrap.
  8. Yep, exactly what I used, filed width down to 1.4mm. as above one in my electrical connector crimp box and one in tools etc on board. I carry two pins and gromets (no weight to them) as have assisted with mags not stopping Rotax's due to broken or poor crimp in the connect tor that allows for an open circuit. Just handy.
  9. Maybe my poor wording; If he was to buy a fuel pump would need to be installed whenever and replaced at 5 years from the purchase date. If it was installed many months after purchase and then found it was faulty; for warranty would need to be less that 12 months since purchase. As pressure reading is in green with electric pump on then good chance the gauge is good. So good chance fuel pump needs replacing. (Skippy could try and borrow a fuel pump off someone; even a recently replaced 5 yearly one that was working fine; if you do that stay within glide of airfield.)
  10. May be worth opening up the mechanical fuel pump and inspect the condition of the diaphragm and the two valves. Not a serviceable unit but may show a failed area. (Not sure how old it is I purchase a replacement item every 5 years.) Might also pay to buy a new one and keep on the shelf until required, they have a year warranty not used.)
  11. Agree, bought a similar set a few days ago; just made the two so I have one in my electrical repair tools kit and one in my small spares kit on board. Easy enough to make up and the shape works a treat.
  12. I have a UMA fuel pressure sensor, works good. They don't like heat so mounted away from engine in the compartment in an air flow area to keep it as cool as possible.
  13. PM your contact; I'll get his contact from another mate and I'm sure he will be able to give his experience with it over the phone.
  14. There is a 230 with a Rotax that gets around in Queensland and the owner is very happy with it.
  15. I made up two pin removal tools for the Rotax 912 ignition module connectors. I had used round pins and small Jewlery flat blade screw drivers in the past but after doing a 912 install this week I used a ford type removal tool for removing the old engines soft start and mag pins, very easy with the chisel shaped end to the flat tool. Being a rain again day, over the rain and heaps more on its way this week, I made two tools using the left over off cut of the s/s from car windshield wiper blades as very strong and flied the sides down to the 1.4mm width as in Mnewbery's attachment (thanks for the info was very helpful) above and placed some epoxy metal to form a handle.
  16. Send video to Jabiru at Bundaberg and ask them. I'm sure they will reply. Cheers.
  17. When did you do it recently or before the covid shut down in Vic?
  18. RC model. Some should like it.
  19. The white rod gives great support to the wing to relieve stress on the rear tube pivot bolt and framing. Worth making and other forum member got my support set.
  20. Trailering should be kept to a minimum and when folded better to have additional supports attached to the leading edge wing tube to the fuse near the main leg attachment. I had such a set for mine. Keeps the wing more rigid.
  21. PM your email and I'll send copy of the schedule they may not like it posted public. or better still ask them for a copy as your interested in a next one. Cheers.
  22. I could understand the office missing a point or two; but the instructor has heaps of contact time with the student so no excuse IMO. And any coverup is unacceptable and seems will be dealt with.
  23. She does good Fish and Chips; got to like some of her ideas though.
  24. Don't forget you guys are lucky enough to have Aircraft Spruce there as well. However Brisbane / Queensland has the Premiership Cup. 🦁🏆; with Fitzroy so I'm incorrect here;
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