Absolutely agree, No real difference in annual membership costs etc; so why change will be their consideration. Some may change and if CASA alter their medical requirement to similar to the UK / USA etc then they may change back.
Ian Thanks for the great forum and look forward to the new version.
Like Ibob and I'm sure most others will the forum posts still be viewable, if not is there a way of saving the topics especially the aircraft topics so people can retain a copy?
Best regards
On Bush Flyers Downunder (Facelokk) (Book) they are saying performed touch and go just before incident and also have some flight aware data images posted and seems maybe an engine failure type contributing factor. Not conformed of course and posted to be somewhat helpful.
Look at the features on the E2A-1000 at Aircraft spruce, I have that one and made a 1/2” by about 300 mm pipe rather than the flexible hose connection into the spark plug thread in head. Works a treat. I recommend the need for the valve after the gauge for available pressure so you can turn on to get slight flow of air to confirm at TDC on compression stroke. Then open for full pressure adjusted for 80 psi or maybe 87 your choice. Such worth the extra bit of money.
I came across these images tonight. The alloy and red one is the Teenie Two Bob built and its first flight at McMaster Field west of Rockhampton (my glider back then is in the background); it was the second he built the first he made in Canada. The other if its a Teenie was at Ingham, Qld.
RAA search shows Bob 19-7319 is still in current rego so must be flying somewhere.
Thanks for info. I had been leaning to maybe a tightening of the turn; however was not there and should never guess. Appreciate the info. Best Regards and condolences to families and all involved.
Which post reads correct, this is yesterdays; being happy with the landings? "i did 3 good landings before he called me in. i wanted to keep going". All good, just a little confused. Cheers and enjoy next solo.
Skip this link will answer your question and any others you may have. Diesel Fuel Centrifuge | Sludge & Water Separator (dolphincentrifuge.com) One I used was to clean the diesel in our onboard fuel tanks so the day tank (engine [two main at 3,000kw and two Gen sets] feed tank) fuel was suitable.