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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. That adds to the persons experience with flight in addition to the recent training he did. para glider flight time would have instilled an appreciation of weather; hope the Coroner heard such.
  2. Thanks , that would help explain his fast learnings to solo; hope the Coroner heard this sort of info; they can only decide on what they hear in the court and what they read up about.
  3. Rob at Coastal Aviation on Sunshine Coast is worth a call he has many parts available and can make.
  4. Would be good to know how many touch and goes he did under instruction and the weather as that would have displayed his ability to the instructor pre first solo. Also; his flying experience in other types and xc experience in them. I haven't read that detail anywhere.
  5. We had similar up this way where a GA aircraft hit the hills in poor weather, pilot didn't complete his training to solo level but chose to fly, Both he and his wife were killed unfortunately. In this one an instructor signed him off and the pilot involved decided to fly the route. My very limited information on this is along the lines that he achieved solo and was granted x/c at some time and the instructor is not with us to explain his reasoning. Seems x/c at least was not supported with his RAA flight times. When I gained my certificate same person at RAA advised my gliding XC was not able to be transferred or recognised so had to jump all the hoops. Thier are a small number of poor performance decisions identified by RAAus, one example is bfr done with instructor being separated by 400 or so kms at the time, over phone deal and there would be a few more I'd guess. My belief is don't blame RAAus 100% and there is learnings from this.
  6. Agree, going on top and being only VFR trained and VFR equipped is playing 'Russian Roulette' with more than one in the chamber, IMHO.
  7. From Floods, I had inquired about courses in the past so they may have a list of those who have inquired in the past or a general email to customers. Floods email.pdf
  8. You may be closer than me to Floods, I'm attending the Jab course and only 7 hours down the road by car; Floods is 27 (+20 hours).
  9. Received an email survey to seek interest in maintenance courses for Rotax by Floods in early April which is similar to the RAAus / Jabiru course set for 3 & 4 April. Great to see as Rotax were unavailable through the Covid times and were looking at online; but I'm all for hands on and Jabiru have had more frequent training courses available. Maybe they were both asked to ensure this sort of training is available.
  10. These are the silicone hose and alloy pipes on my 912ULS coolant setup. (Note the image of port side of engine is an old one and shows the black rubber hose, its changed to blue silicone years back and I'll get an up to date image.) The alloy coolant pipes are great and from Flylight Airsports in UK ; they are great and reduce the long lengths of hose that some people use. (The exhaust wrap is a mix of white and gold colour tape.)
  11. Found using a forklift with wing on a mattress was perfect for removal and refitting wings. The springiness of the mattress allows for small movements to allow removal and refit into attachments. Then when inboard is connected use a jack to support to fit struts. Doing the 2,000 hourly wing bolts and some other things. New motor to go in next on this A32. First wing removed with 3 people, owner thought up using forklift and it's a winner. I’ll be using same when I do my Nynja wing upgrade in a few weeks.
  12. This guy had tube for sale on 2nd January.
  13. This is the Rotax reference for info as well. Rotax 912 ULS performance data.pdf
  14. Best to contact the manufacturer or agent for upgrade info. For example early Foxbat 22's where high 400 kgs and with upgrades went to low 500's but unable to upgrade to 600kgs. The lower / earlier ones had metric fasteners and the 600 kg variants now have AN hardware and beefed up in other areas. Alos the 600kg Nynja have AN hardware in upgrade kits and thicker brackets, upgraded strut build and brace wire size. Seems LSA requires AN hardware now. Yours may be a similar situation, I don't know about them.
  15. Looks like there was an option for a larger factory tank and the document was a general print version. Maybe worth contacting an agent or factory in Europe and they may have details of your aircraft build.
  16. This aircraft build similar to the Saphire was available a year ago, have you looked at it before?
  17. Make a nut from 3mm flat and tap thread. Will work.
  18. Also does the log and other paper work contain its original or a recent w&b; if not try RAA maybe to get a copy if they can provide it. Some paperwork is only available to the first owner sometimes.
  19. Needs to be installed and signed off and includes rego marks etc.
  20. Absolutely agree, don't really like the valve but there should I need to stop fuel to engine etc. So have it in checklist twice, for before engine start and pre take-off roll with Mag and all other checks. Always work off list not memory. Been involved in too many crew incidents and other external investigations where compliancy and failure to perform checks was the factor. The cable tie is there to prevent inadvertent contact closing the valve and to keep fully opened.
  21. What panel is usual in the aircraft? For info I used the Dymo Lable printer with the white print on black for my panel and it looks ok.
  22. Maybe not, the switch was held on because, maybe the door switch needs to held on so the electrical circuit closed to allow entry as when let go it goes open circuit (perhaps so cannot be inadvertently left in the unlocked mode. I not a commercial pilot so just a guess.
  23. Just realised I was to post an image. Fitted a fuel tap on engine side of pump. It has a cable tie to ensure on, slide back to turn off and I check it is on twice before take-off in my checks.
  24. Got a new reinforced flap handle on Monday as required as part of the 600kg upgrade and fitted it today. Plan in about 4 weeks to remove wings to fit the upgraded brackets and the brace wires of the 600kg kit. Then get a w&b done and test fly to verify the 600kg POH prepared by the factory to update for my aircraft.
  25. This is the bracing (Fly and cross) for our Northern Queensland ratings.
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