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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. It sounded like you were retapping so perhaps a tapered die and cut or grind the top (wider tapper section) away to allow having the narrow taper made closer to the top end of your fitting. Grind with care to retain the securing indent for locking into the die handle tool. Just a thought.
  2. Why not use a die on the male fittings so they can be shortened and go further into the female; spending some more of your son's inheritance and build his tool collection at the same time:) Will allow keeping the taps orininal.
  3. This was the week before Sat 8 July and smoke at coast area below horizon. Cheers.
  4. I believe it was a large missile of some sort, earlier on was very distant smoke trail down low and vapour higher, seemed so close I was looking for a warship off the coast. Was a while before I thought to take image and it was dissipating a lot. I even turned to port to put the smoke trail viewing through my side window. I have tried to edit the image for better contrast. Can see it was much closer than the horizon, There is a full military aviation base at Bowen Airport and a notice was out that effect. Very interesting.
  5. How did you find the thruster?
  6. I was flying up to Ayr the other weekend and noticed a vapour trail appear quickly and it had a black colour smoke trail with it, I looked more and saw the soke trail was below the horizon and as I kept looking at it thought it was something launched from the seaborne exercise area. Then as it was dissipating I thought of taking a photo and took two with my phone. Wish I took the images earlier when very distinct. What could it have been?? Any ideas?
  7. Maybe so all pressure pulses from either fuel pump if and when occur will reach carbs at same time. Just a thought.
  8. Can't recall origins re same lengths; told / learnt many years ago or maybe a rotax owner info thing. Cheers.
  9. It's Mike not Bob; yes all brass and yes pressed into, thread out and its 3/16 not 1/4 for reasons above.
  10. Hi Marty This is my set up a 4 way and 3 way 1/4" fittings to supply feed from fuel pump, to each carby (same length hose; important) feed to fuel pressure sensor and return (with restrictor) to starboard wing tank. Note restrictor is in a 3/16" tail so I never mix the hook up and allows using a smaller diameter hose return (lighter and cheaper:) Image shows restrictor pressed into end. Early fit-up image before sealed ends of fire sleeve. I recon the rotax item is over kill on design and good example of needing a mouse and finished up with an elephant, IMHO. Cheers.
  11. RF what would the Fuel suction tension in 2m of 5/16" tube at 5 gph, as usual for Rotax installs, be?
  12. Booked a flight in the one at Ingham air show years ago. All in a seated but pilots unable to start her. A mate on board tried to help them as he did some time years prior on them. Was a no go so got off. Heard later about a flight it did from Caboolture and only just got back to air strip. Have since deceived to give the experience a miss.
  13. The one you referrence in your comment yesterday. Also called "Aviation Soft Seal No3". Meaning non-hardening compared to No 2.
  14. Just saying it seems for some reason he did not complete / continue training to gain license (maybe for the above reasons or other reasons, as they mentioned his medical was ok). Even if he achieved a license still may have made the same decisions that day.
  15. Agree; poor man pays twice. No3 above will not work.
  16. I recall reading he had done 5 hours solo; so would have been competent enough. Too slack, busy, arrogant or a mixture to get back and be signed off.
  17. It's all good when you fly next; just keep the next flight dream alive. You will enjoy the personal satisfaction of building and then after the first and subsequent flights. There is no dead line. Also its a common hearing about hitting the wall during the build process.
  18. I have silicone on now; ensure 4 ply not 2 ply. A mix of straight, alloy tube with ferrule end beads and 90 degree silicone. Image in 'New Nynja to area' thread. The manufacturer (Flylight Airsport) now supplies silicone hose in the 25 and 17 mm id sizing. Cheers
  19. Happy with my Trig; they are head unit and remote box though.
  20. Correct, Brian is at the propellor and I get my information from Bill (middle in picture). I took my photos as digital copies of his photo collection during a recent visit to Bills place at Childers.
  21. The story for this aircraft is that Brian Foxley Connerly designed his Fox 40 as a single seater then widened the mould for the above aircraft. He sold the moulds and developed the Terrier and later sold out his share to the current owner of the company.Fox 40 images.
  22. blotting out the name
  23. Yes, the prototype. Had the wings from a mates 'Tracker' on it for the first flights.
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