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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. I can't answer; however convention is two solenoids in the circuit (master and start). In my build I only fitted a start solenoid, isolation switch on batter supply positive and most of my toggle switches are switch / circuit breakers and have 5 additional fuses in the circuit. It's also like fuel systems and weather to fit a gascolator or not; I did and always would. Cheers PS how far off is the taxi runs and then flight?
  2. I'll allow you to decide that. I was just trying to assist you with your fuel contents measuring. I'll stand by my earlier comment; and after viewing the belite demo it reinforces my refusal to ever use their system in an aircraft wing tank (could work ok in a tall narrow collector / surge tank). I'll bet they never show a demo of the sensor performance fitted to the side of a typical aircraft wing tank and then simulate pitching and rolling movement; will not be a good demo regarding accurate quantity readings. I find UMA good instruments; perhaps retro fit their sensor setup. If your tank is well baffled it will see better more accurate readings. Hope this assists you somewhat.
  3. Donnington is good; may even get an open hangar to park at, fee is $10-; great value. They have events last weekend of each month. Details on Facelook Donnington Airpark. Cleveland bay is the training company based at Townsville airport. I have not visited Blue water. Cheers
  4. I recommend mechanical battery isolator on positive from battery. Isolates aircraft after use and you can isolate any time during a flight if required. Not much weight; heaps of benefit; I believe.
  5. its all about in tank pressure - this is the issue you will not solve.
  6. seems totally unsuitable for shallow un baffled fuel tanks that are subjected to continuous movement.
  7. Marty if your ones don't fit or something let me know.
  8. Agree; can't beat sight tubes and mark one eyeball; plus the savannah collector tank and its low fuel sensor.
  9. Instructors would be doing less lookout at this time as also now watching students behaviour, control etc. Not saying Instructors are less safe in the circumstance; just they are extra busy than when normally flying the circuit. Hope this sounds right.
  10. He did source some. I was actually sorting stuff at the hangar today and unwrapped some bubble wrap and it contained a set of oil cooler connections (items in image except the 1 & 5 parts). Were from an oil cooler we needed 8 months ago.
  11. Also Ford produced the smaller 6 inline 2700 series engines; were popular and rebuilt some years ago. Cheers and thanks for history info.
  12. Flight is optional, and if not flown just include a reason. The condition report describes the aircraft condition at the time.
  13. Usually protected by a 10 amp fuse; go figure.
  14. Thanks KG. I hate my Iphone 13, was a Samsung user before retirement last July. Only got Iphone for Ozrwy and my wife and daughter have Iphones. I should have bought the Samsung 22. It is a shame all feature upgrades don't occur quickly on androids.
  15. When asked at a forum in Whitsundays they explained to me that the big issue is that Apple is a system and that Android is many systems with different codes. They first write systems for Apple and then convert as best possible for Android devices and as many androids are slightly different the issues occur. Sounds right to me. I have purchased ipad mini for this reason to have the best version and features possible.
  16. Best to ask their IT support, send question; I'm sure they will get back to you. Also ask question on Facelook and Bas or others will answer you. Found them helpful in past. One thing I would like to see is when tracking or traffic is not being received and it's activated the info box to highlighted red.
  17. Also consider mounting a second oil cooler in front of the coolant radiator. Some installation run a R912ULS with such a setup with success.
  18. 17mm I believe is the size.
  19. Can you use a size from the ones that Atec or Bushcat use. The brand they use seem to hold up in use. Just buy the size you need. We need in use R&D feedback from you and others. Agree wondered why cannot buy through his ATEC dealership connections.
  20. The video is great to show what occurred; however, we always need to consider previous landing effects as the nose leg may have had an accumulation of fatigue / stress from similar landing hits to the nose leg at speed or from rough surfaces. Thanks for the post video Gary. Cheers.
  21. Agree wondered why cannot buy through his ATEC dealership connections.
  22. Let us know in advance so we can get the fire trucks to form a water cannon arch over the taxi way:)
  23. Flylight may have a duplicate copy of the docket, if you may need it for requesting a refund drop them an email. Always very helpful over there. Cheers and good luck.
  24. Hi Guy I received a small order yesterday makes aircraft parts no duty. Did your delivery have this type of note description?
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