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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. This is how my oil cooler has been mounted and no issues 337 hours so far.
  2. Nice fly to the beach for a cuppa then on to Proserpine airport for a BBQ lunch put on by the aero club. 2 hours all up. Good roll up both places.
  3. Looks like a bit of lightwing shape there.
  4. Try Coastal Aviation Sunshine Coast Qld.
  5. Good to hone up skills; my local 0.7 hour flight on Tuesday included side slips and a tight short strip landing approach and saw many birds low and flying in the 'v' formation.
  6. I disagree with you, winter low temps take forever for temp to come up and oil thermostats are a worthwhile option. How long since you have flown during winter and how many start ups? Where you are winter would be cold at times and warm up times will be much longer than summer. I certainly notice the difference up here.
  7. Agree with Scott, I also only use the Rotax (Floods) oil hose, its made for purpose and I don't want to muck with oil hose leaks / failure. Cost may be high but don't need much length.
  8. Best to be a greaser not a high flare stall / bang on as should be less to repair.
  9. That's is the very best way to do it. Don't listen to any advice to return to a gascolator or surge / collector tank. if your collector tank has 2 inlets just use one as vent to tank. (Access to tank can be via the upper contents tube connection; using a 'T' if a dedicated access is not available; this is what I did.)
  10. Most members are the sacrificial ego for the public to see; it's the boards behind that pull their puppet strings for the party line. Agree most respect their opposition behind the fronts.
  11. Usual locations are oil cooler under gearbox / propeller flange and radiator lower. Where is your oil cooler located? Some place oil cooler low on fire wall with a portion into the breeze just outside lower cowl profile; such may allow lowering your radiator location. Otherwise, if you need the radiator where you are trying to have it then make brackets to hold in there and cat and shape / profile the lower cowl to suit with required movement clearances so the radiator shell is not abraded with contact movement of the cowl; such will be worth the extra effort. Cheers and enjoy the build, you're getting closer with every bit of work.
  12. Agree, I know Jab owners who can land them on as short a strip as safe. They are very experienced and competent pilots. MY email about 8 years ago was asking about any planned additional wing profile becoming available. Thier aero engineer Dan replied no. I asked as I was deciding what to build. I have meet Dan and his Dad as Dan used to fly a factory Jab back to Mackay regularly as his family was south of Mackay and he landed at Palmyra. I recon availability of a wing with more lift would sell.
  13. How many hours and on what type of Jabs? local flights or xc? My flight in a Jab was good a 160, just not STOL enough before you are very competent with them. I did email the factory to ask if they had a more draggy wing in the pipeline (performance like a Foxbat A22 I asked; shorter T/off and landing and slower cruise of course) Answer was "No".
  14. Visited the beach strip this morning, nice autumn conditions and great flying friends. IMG_7015.mov IMG_7013.mov
  15. How would the coiled soft alloy tube go that I believe is used in cars at times?
  16. On rare occasions when thermaling in gliders I would feel a lift in the tail when going through a thermal slowly. The tail being light would be lifted in the rising air mass. May be what caused the bump he refers to.
  17. That’s acceleration, meters per second is velocity. In my head has stayed 26 meters per second is 50 knots and I work from that. Cheers
  18. Yes; got a phone call today from RAAus Tech, Jarrod, great answer that cleared things up. Owner built, owner may do rebuild and follow-up with annual checks as per manufacture instructions etc. Also W&B should be sorted / online training back and available in about 8 weeks.
  19. Not sure if this answers you question; my return line is 3/16". Two reason can't mix up with the 1/4" from engine pump or to carbs, and cheaper to buy (only low volume returning to tank). Cheers.
  20. What's the Lame hourly rate there. Up here $190/hr.
  21. Absolutely agree. Purchase and use only approved plastic containers.
  22. How did it handle? Have you flown Jab powered 160's and if so how do they compare. Cheers.
  23. May be at Caboolture, a rego check with RAAus may say.
  24. I would expect to work off the colours. However check it out fully.
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