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Everything posted by Blueadventures

  1. Took about 9 days to receive rebate. Received $545 for $1090.
  2. Took the Nynja for a nice sortie this morning as have the upgraded undercarriage fitted. Weather is still holding in nicely. Has a softer ride with the one piece leg system. IMG_6485.MOV IMG_6479.MOV IMG_6471.MOV IMG_6478.MOV
  3. Agree, a top guy and what a trip. Lucky to have some chats with him at Shute harbour at the Sea plane association presentation. He also gave his presentation and had his new larger aircraft there.
  4. It looks pretty and has better heat tolerance. Some installs don't have at least a 16mm air gap between exhaust components and the hose.
  5. Will be cheaper dollar wise and time wise. Such is in use in the aviation Rotax world and meeting requirements. This change was made at the 5 year replacement time applying current era data and recommendations. Coolant replaced at time interval (Castrol Radicool). Are you saying you have on variance to your 19 reg aircraft regarding engine or airframe etc??
  6. Good move. I.D. and O.D. Should match. I would not except 27mm i.d. onto 25mm o.d.
  7. Personal preference of coolant hose in service. Will not be replacing at 5 year intervals.
  8. That's what I do re oil hose; purchase from floods. Never want a leak or failure of oil hose. Can be assured of quality. Coolant is 4 ply silicone hose. Cheers.
  9. I recon about $80 would be a fair hourly rate; plus travel if applicable. I'll put my kevlar vest on now, just in case needed.
  10. The recent engineers work is dreadful, needs actioning. Has let everyone down.
  11. In the sun. 3 strip runs, 2 landings. Rechecked for movement etc. Ready for a fly later in week now.
  12. Maybe take the oil can connection, it can be removed. 1/2”.
  13. Go into auto shop and compare with what they have and not part number of similar hose.
  14. Let me know if a Ca21 TW 80hp 912Ritax is any help. Cheers.
  15. The Nynja is back on her wheels now and detached from being lifted. Tapped the threads for the bobbins that prevent sideways movement of the undercarriage. Yesterday had the wheels back on but needed some long sockets to allow torque up of the nylocks for the 10mm undercarriage bolts. Stopped for the day and had a beer with my mate who was helping. No more work is ever done once a beer is opened. Did them today, looked at elongating the brake band holes and decided to fabricate up new ones as a perfect fit. Put some fuel in the tanks and plan to double check things in morning, vacuum the inside, fit the seats, and doors then try it out.
  16. I hear (3rd hand) claim that he was not flying. Just up in the sky.
  17. Video description of the 1999 built Spectrum Aviation wire braced Drifter 19-3227 that is for sale, asking $15,500 hangared at Palmyra YPYA Mackay Queensland. Airframe hours presently 1011 hours and the 582 engine has 2 hours since being rebuilt with full rebuild kit including crankshaft etc from Bert Floods (done by an experienced rebuilder and only being sold for health reasons). A current annual is completed. Fuel and oil is pre mixed. Registered until 4 December 2023. Fitted with radio and two headsets included. Purchase includes engine cover, canopy cover and full wing and tail area covers. For serious intent persons, no tyre kickers please. Always hangared and has a full bubble front canopy. I am representing the owner with this sale so feel free to ask any questions and I have flown the Drifter from both the front and rear seats, phone 0427560876 (Mike) and I will arrange contact with the owner (Erik). A flying test after current annual was completed on 5 January 2023 by the local CFI and the Drifter 19-3227 passed with flying colours. There are other images on this Facebook (Drifter Aircraft Appreciation Society) site. This price is good value with the rebuilt engine of less that 4 hours at time of this post. The aircraft log book, maintenance manual, maintenance release and POH are with the aircraft. The current annual expires 15 December 2023. Drifter 3227 group.mp4
  18. Charge it up and take to battery shop and have properly load tested. Not good to finally finish kit and be doing early flights and find battery us. Then have to change it out which sounds an involved process. I recon better than 50/50 chance still good. Look forward to hearing you have flown your bird. Cheers.
  19. Hangar tea, coffee and cake. I’ve been fitting an undercarriage upgrade to my aircraft using a factory retro fit to go from 540 to 600kg. Thought it would only take two days and be finished on Saturday. Put a message out with 3 days notice that on Sunday would have pot on and biscuits and cake from 8 to 11. Had a great turn out of flying friends no biscuits opened and the cakes (apple, chocolate and pulleys that my better half made) were eaten. Even got a bit of the u/c fit up done as well. Everyone agreed should done another one. Cheers.
  20. How do you measure elevator up 2 to 3 mm above Flap a neg 1*?
  21. RAA has a list of L2 and L4 in State groups.
  22. I have the aviation grade c/b switches for my circuits and a main c/b as per engine wiring (Rotax in mine). The lower the amp rate of switch the dearer they were. The amp load is stamped in the end of toggle. (Saves labling) Available from aircraft spruce and other outlets. Good piece of kit all round.
  23. Fabed up the lift/support lugs; will check fit tomorrow.used 25 x 3mm flat bar.
  24. Unpacked the upgrade kit today. Weighed the items so I have a record of the new structural bits. I’ll weigh the respective bits removed. A new w&b will be carried out on completion. Doing the upgrade in two stages, undercarriage first then later the wing upgrade then I’ll be the 600kg variant. Caving up two lift attachment plates to allow suspending the aircraft without removing the wings. Cardboard template and being made in 25 x 3mm flat bar, made and just need dressing the edges.
  25. The ply wood aileron hangars are good; just need to assess them and maintain them. They don’t tolerate standing in water as the plywood rots (storing out side in rain, drain holes in underside of fabric blocked etc.).
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